Last Activity:
Feb 25, 2019
Mar 6, 2011
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5:36 AM
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Feb 7, 1989 (Age: 36)
I live in Austin, TX
Majoring in Videogame Design


Twilight Town Denizen, Male, 36, from I live in Austin, TX

Cloudrunner62 was last seen:
Feb 25, 2019
    1. shidonic
      Not when Elric and Alphonse where trying to revive they're mother, only to realize that it wasn't there mother but instead Alphonse in the body, looking at Elric, but then the body had instantly rejected his soul, but before its lost permanently, Elric manages to put his soul in armour and bound it, but then the soul will eventual reject that to, image all that except with pony's
    2. shidonic
      rue, but wouldn't you find it awkward if you raplace characters of the darker story with ponys from Mlp?

      (Had a dream about it...did not go well >.>)
    3. shidonic
      True, but i mean jeez, even my sig reflects it...

      ;~; (<- sad face XD)
    4. shidonic
      Really good!

      Recently got into "Fullmetal Alchemist: Dark Brotherhood" Because of the darker i leaning toward a more evil personality?
    5. starseeker3
      ok cant wait!!!!!!
    6. starseeker3
      refusing to play with my neice and her friend and instead hopped on the comp and she got mad and told me that among other things i use the comp too much
    7. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      -bows to nerd comment- thank you very much. My master will be proud that i have desplayed my talent.
      I am a MAster of Starwars Knowledge but am still learner of the force & the saber
      also, im cosplaying as Sora & Axel at this years Comic-Con
      i also may go as a Starwars character but i dont know who
    8. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      My friends ganged up on me with ForceEffest Lightsaber
    9. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      LOL same here man.
      But then when i woke up i was barraged by a band of jedi (my friends with FX lightsabers)
      So i had to try my best to get to my saber and then take them on.
      3 down, one ran away LOL
    10. Sora's Apprentice
    11. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      -See's Cloudrunner62-
      -walks to him while putting saber on belt-
      hello my friend
    12. adamboy7
      It seems that she thinks he spends too much time online. It sounds like a forceful effort to push him into the real world from what he told me lol.
      And no, usually not, but sometimes they do XD
    13. adamboy7
      Starseeker has some bad news. His mother is limiting his internet usage with parental controlls. So he has asked me to inform you that he will probably be on alot less, and he will be back when his mom drops the whole thing, or he finds a way around it. For the time being, his cell phone and little bit of laptop time is his only way online.
    14. Beucefilous
      Not usually but i've been meaning to start.
    15. Beucefilous
      Ah. Role-play actually.
    16. Beucefilous
      lol Riku is my nickname with my gf too. and no. i haven't.
    17. Beucefilous
      lol me too. And it's ok. you can call me Rienzel, Rein, Ren, just about anything really.
    18. Beucefilous
      lol yeah i'm usually on.
    19. starseeker3
      well...never mind...anyway...pancake batter+uncooked chicken tenderlons+ a old kettle+hot oil=awesome chicken
    20. starseeker3
      y u talking in 3rd person?
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  • About

    Feb 7, 1989 (Age: 36)
    I live in Austin, TX
    Majoring in Videogame Design
    I am a 6' 5" Deep Dive Riku Cosplayer along with my 4'10" Xion cosplayer Girlfriend

    My hobbys include playin WoW, Making KH music vids, playin kh games, dot hack, dynasty warrior Gundam games, Skies of Arcadia, and many many others. I enjoy reading various series including some of the classic Star Wars novels like the Thrawn Trilogy and Corellian trilogy. Babylon 5 books are also awesome as are Starcraft and Warcraft books and manga. I also enjoy watching many different animes such as Gundam (various series), Fairy Tail, Mai HiME, Gurren Lagann, and many many others. And I of course must include hanging out here between everything else.



    I am a Riku Cosplayer. I dual-wield. Don't mess with that.