Jun 6, 2008
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Oct 7, 1995 (Age: 29)


The Future, Enby, 29


Do what you can, the best you can Aug 27, 2022

    1. Pinekaboo
      I was part of it. As vergil, I believe. It's a shame it fell like it did really; I should have tried harder to post.
      And yes, that was a suggestion I gave to him before we began, while I helped him plan a little.

      My RP also died. My fault; I bumped it while particularly tired, meaning I only posted as one guy and said everyone could godmod for their post if they wanted to, just to keep the current situation going for a little longer. Only Master of Keyblades even tried.
      If you do reboot your RP, I'll take Venom and Vergil. Thinking of bringing in Vergil for CC later too, just because it'd actually give Wesker a challenge if they fought. Plus his theme is cool.

      What other characters are you considering so far? Just curious.
    2. Pinekaboo
      Well I think that the next arc will be my turn to act as RP boss, but don't quote me on that. If that's the case though, I won't be bothering with character limits at all.
      It'll be bumped before that though, I think.

      Yes, definitely. If only I could keep myself working on it. It's so difficult to write out first posts that work well, y'know?
    3. Pinekaboo
      Actually, I'd be more likely to stop adding characters if that were the case. If there's a limit, I might as well hit it. If there isn't, I don't feel that need.
      That said, I've still got several characters I want in this. I still haven't included anyone from Phantasy Star Universe yet.

      Magical Boy is a term, yes. Mahou Shonen. It's not a genre, but it's a term. Chrono is a Mahou Shonen, as is Yuuno.
    4. Pinekaboo
      I do hope so. It'd be very lonely otherwise, xD.
      Will probably mostly be OCs in that RP, but I wouldn't say no to people taking an official character. Definitely not putting in character limits though, I never stick to them.

      Yeah, exactly that. All of my characters portrayals are ever so slightly off, but you'd never guess that looking at them.
    5. Pinekaboo
      Yesh. We may start whenever.
      Also; I'm definitely working on that proper Nanoha RP.

      Heh, well something Bushy said sums it up best; he manages to make it look like he's being in-character by being out-of-character. It's the kind of thing you can imagine Scar doing, somehow.
    6. Pinekaboo
      He's in. He's not sure how often he'll post, but he says he'll try.

      And lol; but I do most of mine on purpose for hilarity. Look at Droid and his portrayal of Scar and you know what I'm talking about. xD
    7. Pinekaboo
      I'mma ask Bushy if he wants Levi. If not, I'll probably take her myself.
      Meh, mistakes are fine. Hell, look at how I play her; bipolar, breaking the fourth wall occasionally, and even being occassionally nice.
      Although truth be told she can be nice sometimes, so maybe that's a little exageration.
    8. Pinekaboo
      Lol, yes, of course! Go for it!

      Also; group made. It's here.
    9. Beucefilous
      I would not

      And no, it isn't. I think that's ventus108
    10. NemesisPrime
    11. NemesisPrime
      That's fine, not everyone can do it. It's fun though, I'm trying to get to my 1st convention in years in Atlanta.
    12. Pinekaboo
      Really? Woo, then we just need a true U-D/Yuri fanboy.
      I mean, yeah, U-D is connected to all three of them. They were originally all just U-D, but it split into four pieces; the main body, the Lordship, the wisdom, and the power.
      Hmkay, working on it. I'mma call it the T.S.A.B., since then I don't have to come up with a bland name.

      Most things have sugar in it.
      It's less "stay healthy" and more "stay alive". I have way too much I need to live for, like Mid and Bushy. I should really see a doctor and find out if I am diabetic or not...
    13. NemesisPrime
      Just the norm. Being lazy and crazy.

      I also completed my Sora cosplay so I'm very happy about that!
    14. NemesisPrime
      No, I wasn't but we're friends now so it's okay!
    15. Pinekaboo
      Dude, if they did that I would die from the awesome of seeing Stern. She is just so HNNNG.
      Also Bushy would never stop watching for the Levi.
      We just need an absolute Dearche fanboy and a U-D fanboy, and we have a full crew. ...and now I'm thinking I should make a Nanoha fangroup in the Forum Families section...

      Yeah, I bet it has so much sugar in it too. ;_;
      I can't eat much sugar right now. I'm terrified that I might have diabetes.
    16. Pinekaboo
      Yeah, they're game-exclussive. The game goes by an alternate timeline, after all.

      Never had Wendy's actually. And it only took you 14 minutes? You must eat fairly fast, like me.
    17. Pinekaboo
      The Materials are so interesting, especially since there's nobody else like them except Reinforce, who is only subtley similar.
      And yes, finish that first season damn you. >:3

      Whaaaat? Okay, yeah, I guess food does take a bit of priority.
    18. Pinekaboo
      Oh yes, she definitely is.

      Load Dearche is the proper way to type it out. De Arche is one way it could be transliterated, but that doesn't make sense as a name. Plus in-game it's pronounced Dearche. Technically speaking both would be correct, but I always use Dearche.
      Been doing some research on her, have you?
    19. Pinekaboo
      ...I need to find a post of yours to rep for that. That's hilarious.
      Oh yes, and Dearche has invaded my sig too. Did you see it? :D
    20. Pinekaboo
      *darkens the pink subtley*
      You have an Anti-Loli suit too? I thought I was the only one! :'D
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    Oct 7, 1995 (Age: 29)
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