Jul 20, 2011
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March 20


The Forgotten XIII, Male, from Brazil

    1. Lauriam
      Oh, just waiting around, procrastinating as usual. I don't want to log off for the last time in a year. So I wait. I'll get off soon, though, because there are some things I have to do irl before I go to bed tonight.
    2. Lauriam
      Yes, time does go by quickly. You should get some sleep.
    3. Lauriam
      Oh my gosh, Excasr, I loved the video! Awesome job! I'm so happy! :)
    4. Misty
      No problem. :]
    5. Misty
      You've got it backwards haha. If it's midnight in GMT, then it would be 23:00PM in GMT -1, and 1:00AM in GMT +1.
    6. Pinekaboo
      Sure. Here.

      Marushi, my beloved sis, all words have been said. We will miss you dearly.
    7. Misty
      GMT is the standard time zone, and is what every other time zone is based off of. For instance, I am in Eastern Time, which is GMT -5. So if it is 6:00AM (GMT), then it is 1:00AM here.
    8. starlight2011studios
    9. starlight2011studios
      forsaken i would think
    10. Misty
      It depends, what is the question about?
    11. ImmaRikuOfficial
      Heyyyy Your signature is what Riku says to Sora
      after they leave the place they fight Xenmas!
    12. Fearless
      Thank ye, dear. <3
    13. Lauriam
      lol, that's alright, I figured you'd probably be already typing when I set it.

      Haha, yeah they are. It's pretty amazing sometimes.

      Yeah, I know what you mean about speaking with somebody mentally. I'm like that with Jo. lol, she can't do it to me, but I can do it to her.
      But a surprise party in July? That sounds so fun! We're going to have a surprise party for my dad in Augest. He's turning 40. XD

      Well, happy early birthday! I think my mom's birthday is March 20th too. But yeah, 14! Wow, my little bro's growing up! ;D

      Well, my day wasn't exactly busy. Also, the different time zones make it so it's much later where you are than where I am. After I logged off, I ate dinner, played board games with my fam, and then watched a movie.
    14. starlight2011studios
      i would go for the same :D
      im a little confused on the whole thing :S
    15. Lauriam
      Hey Excasr, I have to gtg, so goodnight, I'll talk to you tomorrow sometime. :)
    16. Lauriam
      Aw, that's so cute! I love kittens even more than cats!

      lol, there's always a way, even when one doesn't seem possible. I know that my family used to have a cat that was always supposed to stay in the kitchen, but it kept escaping.My mom thought that one of us kids must have been leaving the kitchen door open, but we were like, "No, we always shut it behind us!" Finally, she realized what was going on. We always had a box that we kept the cat food in, so the cat wouldn't eat too much at a time, and the cat would push the box up to the door and then bat at the doorknob until it opened. XD
    17. Lauriam
      Haha, that all sounds pretty fun. Yeah, I used to have a sort of flat spot outside my bedroom window, because My room was right next to the back porch. So whenever I opened my window, the roof of the back porch was right there. I never climbed all the way out, because I don't do too good with heights, but I would sit on my window sill sometimes and just breathe the fresh air. We had to move out of that house, though, so now I can't do that.

      Anyway, I'm glad to hear that Neko's alright. I love cats. :)
    18. Lauriam
      Yeah, the Past Participle, I think that's right.

      Well, that sounds fun. It's always nice to learn new things while making new friends. Is she fun to be with?

      My day was good. Boring for the first half, then super busy for the second half. My church does a Free Meal on Wednesdays, where people can come and get... a free meal, oddly enough. XD But yeah, I started cooking for it at 2PM, which is why I didn't respond yesterday. But then I went down to the church at 4:30, and we set up the tables and finished cooking, and then at 6, we start serving. After the meal is over, I help with kids church during the service. We had more than usual last night, and it was really busy. But, I had fun.

      lol, even though you won't get this message 'til way later, I wish you luck. Did you get it down safely?
    19. Lauriam
      Oh yeah, I like chess too, but I'm not very good at it. I can never find a challenging partner with whom to practice.

      So, how are you today?
    20. Lauriam
      Ooh, sounds fun. lol, I never was one to get into sports. Video games are my sport. Other than that, I'm terrible. XD

      That's a good idea. I think I'm gonna log off now, so this is goodnight!