Last Activity:
Sep 20, 2012
Nov 23, 2010
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October 16
Iron Island


Traverse Town Homebody, from Iron Island

HeartofFire was last seen:
Sep 20, 2012
    1. Krown
      Oh yes, yes. I could not agree more. c;
    2. Krown
      Awesome stuff! :D
      Mm.... that's a good question... I am not too sure, to be honest.
      I just prefer them more, I guess.
    3. Cloud.Strife.
      I plan on changing it relatively soon.
      And yes, that's fine by me.
    4. Cloud.Strife.
      So what makes me worthy of a friend request? xD
    5. Keyblade Heroine
      Keyblade Heroine
      OMG IKR!!! XD Yayz! Somebody who thinks like me! X3
      KH Guys are so freakin hawtt. <3 If only they were real... :'( Lol
    6. Keyblade Heroine
      Keyblade Heroine
      Lolz Ikr! <3 It's lil Roxas with sea-salt ice cream shaped as a paopu fruit! X3 I just wanna eat him. Lol

      Ooooh! I know--Lea is back!!! Omg I totally screamed when I first saw him in that old trailer. XD Woke my sister up from her nap... Lmao
    7. Lite
      Well, the sig you have now looks good. Better than anything I've ever made (Which is, well...Nothing, lol).
    8. Lite
      Yeah, it takes some practice before getting it down, but later it ends up being second-nature. Making signatures, on the other hand...Not so much. At least, not for me.
    9. Lite
      Alrighty, I was just askin'.

      What a coincidence. I happen to be using GiMP too. But it's for a little project I'm working on for an RP I'm in. I'm not doing anything like you are though, I'm just making certain images have transparent backgrounds.
    10. Lite
      Hey, I don't mean to bug you or anything, but I just wanted to know if you ever got Platinum working.

      That and what's up?
    11. Keyblade Heroine
      Keyblade Heroine
      Awww! *huggle* Thanks. <3

      How've you been doing? Excited for 3D? I'm sooooo excited!!! -^.^- I've been playing Chain of Memories to brush up on that part of the Kingdom Hearts storyline. X3
    12. Keyblade Heroine
      Keyblade Heroine
      Lol I guess so. XD

      I had a friend like that. :) She was always the youngest in the class. She was my best friend, but she moved away and I never got to say good-bye... That pain still hurts me today...
      *sigh* I wonder how she's doing.
    13. Krown
      It gets hot here, but probably no where near as hot as it is, where you live.
    14. Krown
      In the winter it's really warm; in the summer it's cold. xD
    15. Krown
      -4 ºC = 24.8 ºF
      I think this is right...
    16. Krown
      Actually, it's only minus four degrees Celsius. So not too cold. Lol
    17. Krown
      We got snow here, but how it has not melted yet boggles the mind.
    18. Krown
      Haha. It's a pretty wimpy winter this year.
    19. Krown
      Okay. Have fun.
    20. Krown
      Well, I was up till four, so that could be called late or early. If you know what I mean.
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  • About

    October 16
    Iron Island
    Previously of KH13.

    A few things you should know:
    I am a Southern Baptist Christian, and I am very, very serious about that. Feel free to ask me about it though, I'm always willing to share. :) But I won't force it on you. I've made that mistake before, didn't end well. :|
    I don't support yaoi or yuri.
    I don't support gay rights. That is not to say I hate all gay people. They're just people, like everyone else, and some I'll like and some I won't. I just won't agree with them on a few of their views.

    Men, Reading, Writing, Drawing, TALKING! :D


    Just call me Heart. ^^
    Jesus died for you and me. He paid a debt we could never pay. If you believe, and is not afraid to admit it, copy and paste this in your signature.