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Jun 28, 2018
Apr 19, 2011
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May 23, 1994 (Age: 30)
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Hollow Bastion Committee, Female, 30, from Atlanta

Sup Feb 21, 2017

Droid was last seen:
Jun 28, 2018
    1. Pinekaboo
      Uh... okay then. Dunno if I'll ever see the movie, but I'll bear that in mind.

      He had a cape? More power to him then.
      A fourth Transformers move? [/spoiler]

      Yes, she's doing that now. Domino effect Star Destroyers are now noted.
    2. Pinekaboo
      >hasn't seen Ghost Rider 2 yet
      >Doesn't understand jokes

      Do it. You must. ALL OF THE NANOHA.
      Megatron is a certified BA. <3 his voice in the movies.

      Well they're currently banded together, so throwing a Star Destroyer at them could be fun.
      ...! Okay, new plan; Levi is literally throwing a Star Destroyer later. Because she can.
    3. Machazo
    4. Llave
      Eahh uh I'm gonna have to a think about that there.
    5. Llave
      I was on the phone with Rhiscx when I typed that lol. I'll be sure to tell him that.
    6. Llave
      *Spirit of Rhiscx manifesting Llave's typing*

      Hey, man. Just wanted to say hi and hope you're doing alright. And why u no add me on PS3?!
    7. Te Deum
      Te Deum

      Spider-Man: The movie, Spider-Man 2, and Spider-Man 3 are THE BEST PS2 GAMES IN HISTORY.

      To put it plainly, Spider-Man 2 is like GTA: Spider-Man.
    8. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      In a way... I guess.

      I was just playing Red Dead, and this little comic made me crack up XD
    9. Te Deum
    10. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      Which one would you like to speak to? I have 5.

      XD Get a job at your local Steak-and-Shake.

      I have a part time job there, and a part time job at my town's film studio. (Intern and Director-In-Training)
    11. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      XD German baby-momma is all I think.

      Holy **** man... BULLET PROOF VESTS ARE KEY
    12. Pinekaboo
      I fell asleep almost immedietely after typing that out to you. I won.

      Nanoha? You started watching Nanoha? :DDDD
      Yeah, I actually count Transformers. They're giant robots, and some mecha pilot themselves anyway. Totally counts.

      YES. Except it really only uses important people. So it'd be any of the player characters that the book knows of, cloned over and over again.
      Yes, tell me more.
    13. Pinekaboo
      I will.

      I love mecha. The only thing I love more is the Nanoha series. Which everybody must watch. EVERYBODY.

      Characters in forest: Thoma (me), Natsu (Bushy), Siegfried, Naruto (both Deadpool/HeartlessofLight), Laharl (psychonautsmaster), Tsukune (Krown), Mustang (you). That's it.
      And yeah, it'll be pretty immense. An army of cloned warriors.
    14. Pinekaboo
      It's currently 5am. I win.
      She is on vacation now. Came back to say so yesterday, remember? xD

      I've never watched it myself, I just know the plot through. It's an old school Super Robot thing. You know the type~

      Oh yes, and I love all of my characters. Especially my main girls~
      We need to get the forest group moving though. Any ideas?
      Also; the moment Scar sets himself up as against the Empire's forces... DARK PIECE SPAM. You shall have your army.
    15. Pinekaboo
      I know that feel, bro. I've been like that a few times. Sleep deprivation is my only illness right now.
      I be okay. Kinda missing my sis Marushi, but ah well, she'll be enjoying herself on vacation which is cool.

      It's just to go with my current theme, which is a pun on the staff's theme. I AM THE KING OF HEARTS: DOMON KASSHU!

      And you have no idea how much fun Crossover Cove is for me. I love Scar.
    16. Pinekaboo

      And now that I have your attention... I don't know. How's things?
    17. Lite
      Just wanted to say that I'm sorry for my lack of posting in CC, I've been having a long streak of writers block. Just pretend Deadpool acknowledged Scar wanting him to follow, and that he did just that.
    18. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Oh ok,
      That last line was a joke
    19. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      We should all take turns doing the AMVs for Crossover Cove.
    20. Llave
      Of course, he was hoping you'd be online when I called him around 8-9pm ish, so I could send you a message. But that was not the case.