Last Activity:
Aug 17, 2013
Jul 8, 2010
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2:42 AM
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Sep 8, 1996 (Age: 28)
Brain Ninja


Destiny Islands Resident, Female, 28, from Candyland!

MaM_1 was last seen:
Aug 17, 2013
    1. adamboy7
      Playstation 2 for the win! :D
      I will probably end up having both. If I get an early model it is mostly backwards compatable, but for ease of use I will probably just have both XD
      What systems do you have?
    2. adamboy7
      And when kingdom hearts three comes out, I will be buying a ps3 lol. I still have a ps2 XD
    3. adamboy7
      LOL Yea, for square enix I am willing to waste my money lol
      I got a psp because my dad got one and lost intrest. Me and my sister shared it till it broke. After it broke, we already had a use for the platform so we both got our own lol.
    4. #8-Axel
      Dot dot dot
    5. adamboy7
      lol Same here. This game is the only reason I want a 3ds. I have experenced a 3ds once, and the 3d was a bit of a let down XD It didnt pop up at all. It just looked like a 3d model in a 3d room.
    6. #8-Axel
      :3 Just nothing.. Aside from being super cewl
    7. #8-Axel
      So what are you up to?
    8. adamboy7
      Well, oddly enough, the first thing that comes to mind is cake XD
      However I dont have much to go from there, so are you excited about Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance? :D
    9. adamboy7
      Ah, thats alright. We all kick the bucket at some point.
      So, on a lighter note, anything you want to talk about? :)
    10. #8-Axel
      I know :3 charmander is overall best
    11. #8-Axel
      Not a cute as a squirtle
    12. #8-Axel
      Or did you mean.... Charmander?
    13. adamboy7
    14. adamboy7
      I dunno. Pre ocupied with other stuff. I have been dwelling in the relm of technology and phycoligy XD
      Since christmasd I have been working on making a computer game (for simplicity reasons that is. I could bring it to other platforms, but then not everybody could play it.), learning scripting, tinkering with stuff, got some adapters, learned the ways of the emulator, got the hang of ps2 emulator, learned the way of the DS emulator, Grandfauther passed, valentines day, talked to some people, school, games, everyday life lol
    15. adamboy7
      lol Your bored? Now who's fault is that? XD
      Life is only boring if you let it be lol.
      So, we havent spoken since Christmas if I remember correctly lol. What have you been up to? :)
    16. adamboy7
      Indeed it has been :)
      I have had my ups and downs, but thats life lol. Mostly ups. :)
      How have you been? :D
    17. #8-Axel
      lost of historical stuff... Sounds.... lost
    18. #8-Axel
      Virgina? Never been there
    19. #8-Axel
      Not to sound judgmental (probably will come out that way) When I read your last post; I recognize people by their profile picture; I saw your picture and go "Who's this guy" but no, it was you LOL Sorry
    20. #8-Axel
      Ohai ma'am lulz; I apologize for being late once again :( Either way nothing has been happening. What about you?