Feb 18, 2011
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April 6


Chaser, Female


Still here every day, just not a lot to say in response to people's posts lately. Feb 13, 2019

    1. ShibuyaGato
      Well, I can't stand it either way.

      Oh yeah, it is.
    2. Lite
      Before Reinforce/Stern/Levi/Dearche, I'd never even heard of Nonoha. I'll keep their flight in mind from now on.
    3. ShibuyaGato
      Well, I was always a germophobe, but it doesn't really matter if they're clean or not to me. I just refuse.

      Oh god, that's hilarious. Have you ever seen this one?
    4. Lite
      I see...This opens some possibilities...Perfect! >:3

      Oooh, I almost forgot about Zasalamel. He should be an interesting addition.

      Also, I think I've got an idea for a later event in the RP if the situation presents itself. And it just so happens some dude on Machinima made a stop-motion animation for it:
    5. HeartofFire
      Axel, pretty much. And my OC, Ali. In the fanfic I'm currently and forever working on, their last names are Fireheart. Plus, the whole pyro thing. I'm a bit of a pyromaniac.
    6. Lite
      Nah, it's okay. I'm kinda glad you pointed this out, since that's one of the things I didn't know about Nightmare since I've never seen him fight without the Soul Edge in his hands.
    7. HeartofFire
      Hehe, this year at around Thanksgiving I'll have been here for two years, but only been active a few weeks of that. So, usually people have a story or something behind their username; just out of curiosity, what's yours?
    8. HeartofFire
      Hi, I don't think we've met yet. I'm HeartofFire. :) I'm kinda new here, at least, activity wise. What about you?
    9. ShibuyaGato
      Same. I refuse to use school bathrooms, so I've managed.

      Yeah, that's much better than a lousy old Skyrim reference.
    10. ShibuyaGato
      Or for the sake of your bladder.

      Ah, it must be nice to be able to spend every waking second in front of it without a stern nagging/yelling/quarrel from your parents. Both of them.
    11. ShibuyaGato
      ShibuyaGato get to enjoy it on public television and instead you watch it on Youtube?

      What is this.
      Oh god. I love Entei. I want an Entei.
    12. Droid
      Hey you, those clips you wanted in the AMV of you and Bushy's characters, any luck finding them?
    13. ShibuyaGato
      Same here, though I have to get my fill from Youtube.
    14. Lauriam
      Haha, I can't either. That would be quite a feat.

      lol, that would be pretty fun.

      Haha, yeah... anyway, I gtg. TTYL!
    15. Lauriam
      Yeah, it's the second book in the New Testament.
      Oh, I know. Still, it's the easiest to understand, and as all you're trying to do is read a good story, the others are a little hard to get through.
      Haha, that's funny. My sister entered a "Hero who saves the world" Mii contest once, and she entered a Jesus. However, he didn't even make top fifty. Every single Mii that made top fifty was a Batman. I'm serious, no Superman, no Spiderman, just Batman's as far as the eye could see.

      lol, nah, by the time it reached here, that vanilla cream probably wouldn't taste too fresh. Compliments of the Postal Service!
    16. ShibuyaGato
      Oh yeah, NMTB has become something of a "must see whenever I can watch" sort of thing.
    17. Lauriam
      Yeah, I didn't really know either of my great-grandmothers. One of them, I remember just a little bit, she died when I was really little. Then with my other great-grandmother, she just died maybe four or five years ago, but I never really knew her either. She was an artist.
      Start with the book of Mark. That's what my dad always says. If you're new to the bible, Mark is a good place to start. It explains what christian's believe in clear terms.

      Haha, that's funny.
      Ooh, yeah, that does sound good. Man, DT, you made me jealous. XD
    18. ShibuyaGato
      Actually, it's at 672 now.
      Yep, still just Doctor Who related, though I'm only taking them from the episodes or game shows/interviews that the actors have been on. I also refuse to use gifs of Tennant from Fright Night (don't ask why).
    19. Lauriam
      Aww... that makes me happy. Not that, you know, someone cried (I assume you were referring to yourself, but I'm not sure) but that it had such an impact. Sometimes it's nice to have something from someone you loved, you know? I have my grandpa's old copy of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Silmarillion. The spine broke and it's in two pieces, but it's nice.

      Ohh, that sounds sooo good. What flavor is it?
    20. ShibuyaGato
      Hahaha, very punny.

      I don't want to have to browse through 600+ links just to replace a gif, but I'll end up doing it one of these days.
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