Charonus Rex
Last Activity:
Feb 1, 2025
Dec 17, 2008
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6:18 PM
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Dec 5, 1982 (Age: 42)
Deep inside an active volcano
A dragon god

Charonus Rex

Merlin's Housekeeper, 42, from Deep inside an active volcano

Charonus Rex was last seen:
Feb 1, 2025
    1. nasirrich
      Rosey- Ok good...*Does a flip and blasts off to Bella and Lucy.*
    2. nasirrich
      Rosey- Alright and don't even worry if we don't have it flawless like they do its just like something natural man kay ^-^
    3. nasirrich
      Rosey- NICE!!!! But wait wouldn't that then become a safety hazard for us all? If they go at it then we all may die. I was thinking along the lines of us doing what they do, but our way to prove they aren't the only one who can do that.
    4. nasirrich
      Rosey- I'm all ears for anything ok shoot.

      Bella-*Has been charging an attack this whole time.*
      Lucy-*Gaining her rest and switching the same attack they are charging up.*
    5. nasirrich
      Rosey- For rivals they really can put a hurting on their enemies...*Thinks about what she said.*
    6. nasirrich
      Rosey- CR this really is going to be very difficult to do you do understand this right?
    7. nasirrich
      Lucy-*Makes contact with you, but Rosey blocks it or so she thought. And watches as you both get sent flying.*
      Bella-*By you both and backwards bicycle kicks you both down hard.*
      Lucy-*Elbows you both to the right hard adding a pulse to it.*
      Bella-*Kicks you both up sky high and stays there cause the combo is over.*
      Lucy- The Double TTC I love that combo.

      Rosey-*Is hurt form those attacks alone and stops herself by doing an aerial recovery.* D-Damnit they really aren't holding back. I'm impressed we may actual be holding our own.*Feels her sides hurting a lot, and heard a bone crack.* N-No... Not go-good...*Coughing up massive amounts of blood.*
    8. nasirrich
      Lucy-*Keeps chasing you with the beam firing different attacks at you with her other hand, and sometimes pulsing the Katana at you charging another blast when it comes back to her, and she surfs back on top of it firing the blasts.*
      Rosey-*Pulses the counter by Bella, but is sent flying to you, and teleport spins around you in slow-mo to dodge Bella and block her from hitting you.*
      Bella-*Counters Rosey and teleports through you, being blocked, and sent flying from even doing that.*
      Lucy-*Flips over Bella, placing her on her Katana attacking you, and Rosey.*
      Rosey-*Is in awe she she even did that going on the offensive to get to Lucy, but not making any contact no matter how hard she tries.*
      Lucy-*Doing charged slow attack that can cause major damage.*
    9. NightofNights
      Ya. we should. *holds out her hand and two shadows come out of hers and place aa few necklaces on her hand*
    10. nasirrich
      Kim- I wonder if they are all ok...*Looks around and sees all the guys and even some girls gawking at her.* -,- Wow...

      Lucy-*Has her Katana shoot at you like a rocket and teleports on top of it. The beam then comes to her, encasing her body which she then uses to shoot out at you as she surfs on her Katana.*

      Bella-*Its seems like she's gliding on Rosey's attacks.*
      Rosey-*Going even faster taking the battle to the sky.*

      (Yea I thought so cause as I go back on a lot of stuff a lot of people were doing what I do with the kissing outside of gods. Its so cool how we did that.)
    11. nasirrich
      Lucy-* Makes the blood freeze as this beam travels up to he sky.*

      Rosey-*Makes them complex to the point where only countering is the option to evade.*
      Bella-*Is having to counter every attack.*

      (Sorry about that CR I was just looking back on the gods like the very first post and how we developed as underground rp-ers... Well rp-ers and quick question was I the 1st one to do that thing with the kiss... Like kisses tenderly and slowly like that? Or do you know of someone else just wondering cause ever since I did that mad heads started doing that.)
    12. NightofNights
      Yes. let's hope for the best.
    13. nasirrich
      Lucy-*Takes control of the blood and has it spin around her as she keeps charging this attack.*
      Rosey-*Begins her onslaught of attacks on Bella.*
      Bella-*Is just dodging her attacks with ease, and elegance.*
    14. nasirrich
      Lucy-*Getting hit by it all, but is charging an attack as this happens.*
      Bella-*Stops her blood so it flys to Lucy's aid.*
      Lucy-*Spins around to block the reaming attacks, and goes to Over Hyper Clock. The blood seems to be going nowhere and frizzing up, but its just going way to fast for the eye itself to keep.* up.*
      Rosey-*Blasts off to Bella.*
    15. KeybladeMasterJoe
      Tara: *takes his hand and gets up the follows him*
    16. nasirrich
      Lucy-*Still going flying and unable to move cause of the pain.*
      Bella-*Slashes down and kicks up to block Rosey, and side chops her in the gut when she teleports.*
      Rosey-*Surprised the same thing happened to her as well coughing up some blood, but pulses Bella sending her flying.*
      Bella- WHAT!!!!*the force form the pulse makes her cough up blood.*
    17. KeybladeMasterJoe
    18. nasirrich
      Rosey- DRAGON BLAZE!!!!!!!!!!!!*A huge vortex is forming around her and she fires it at you healing you fully and slams you into Lucy.*
      Lucy- W-WHAT!!!!*Gets hit and explodes going flying sky high again.*
      Rosey-*Teleports and side chops Bella in her neck hard and does a back flip and counters her teleportation counter slash before she even does it.*
      Bella- W-What h-how did she even know?
    19. nasirrich
      Lucy-*The Lucy charging for you vanishes, and the Katana turns into Lucy and she slashes your chest open a lot, and kicks off of you spiraling towards the ground heading for Rosey.*
      Bella-*Getting closer to Rosey with her Katana dragging on the floor still charging.*
      Rosey-*Keeps holding her breath almost there.*
    20. nasirrich
      Lucy-*Sly grin on her face as she slows down coming to you, but her Katana speeds up to you.*
      Bella-*Charges up even more easily getting through to Rosey.*
      Rosey-*Holds in her breath and charges up internally.*
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  • About

    Dec 5, 1982 (Age: 42)
    Deep inside an active volcano
    A dragon god
    A fiery hot charizard with an Axel mentality.



    "I am the Charizard King, and I will also be Your ferryman to the Underworld"​
    Dark Side of the Moon 40th​
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