Sep 30, 2006
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Sorry for any buggy-ness on the site the past few minutes! Everything should be a-okay now. Aug 6, 2015

    1. Fork
      Alright so, the second fight with Chester is legitimately the hardest thing ever. He's giving me too much of a hard time. Thing is, at least you can figure out a pattern with the other bosses. This guy is just insane though. I don't even have time to look at my health bar without dying ._.
    2. Fork
      fffffff you mean there's more than one game? Well goddamn. Did you try looking for answers online? If it worked for others, there's no reason it shouldn't work for you ._.
    3. Fork
      So I got Ys.
      The game is damn hard, but so goddamn awesome. It looks a bit on the short side though, but that's alright. I'll just replay it on the harder difficulties. >_>
    4. Fork
      "Too retro for you"
      Please, nothing is too retro for me lol. I always play extremely old games haha.
      Anyway, I'll probably get it >_> It's been a while since I played a JRPG.
    5. Fork
      ...I've never heard of this game before. Is it good? I mean, I'm sure it's good since you told me to get it. But I'm just asking >_>
    6. Fork
      "Far Cry 2"
      Haha, has everyone actually ever finished the game? I have like 3 other friends who still have not finished it, just because it's so immensely long.
      Yeah, then I definitely should get a Vita since I missed out on the PSP. It'll give me a chance to replay some games, plus there's a bunch of games on the Vita that I want.
      By the way, is PS+ worth it in your opinion? I've been wondering whether or not I should get it sometime soon. Well not now since I refuse to even touch my PS3 with my current TV, but soonish.
    7. Fork
      Knowing you, you probably will lol. It's alright, at least you won't have to handle that teacher next year >_>

      Woah, seriously? You're usually the guy with the biggest backlog haha. What are the three games you haven't touched? I have like more than a dozen games right now. I'll probably end up finishing most of them during the summer since I really hate having unfinished games.
      And oh, enjoying the vita? Do you recommend it?
    8. Fork
      Not sleeping at 6am anymore I hope? Haha.
      And well that sucks. :| I know how you feel though. I have a certain professor that's exactly like that and doesn't follow the program, which is extremely annoying because none of us know exactly what the **** we need to do, but whatever. I'll just need to survive this semester with him.
      Besides that, things are alright. Nothing remotely new besides the fact that I'm buying every other game on steam that's on sale >_> I have a huge backlog of games now, it's ridiculous.
    9. Fork
      So besides that, how are you? How's college?
      We haven't talked in a while >_>
    10. Fork
      Yeah, it's on sale right now on Steam, and I'm debating whether I should get it or not. I do really like the detective part in games, so I might enjoy it.
      Although I'm not sure whether I should actually get it on my PC >_> It's apparently pretty buggy there.
    11. Fork
      So, what are your thoughts on L.A Noire?
    12. Misty
      I did consider that, lol
    13. Misty
      Haha it's cool.

      I was just wondering, I tend to pronounce things wrong all the time, and I think I mentioned in a Skype convo that you were the only one that played SoulCalibur with me, and was uncertain of how to pronounce it.
      I always think "lib-ray-gee-kay-dee," so I guess I'm close. xD
    14. Fork
      Well I'm downloading it now off of Steam. It was only 10 bucks, so I found that pretty cheap.
      Why would snatching guns off the guards/police hinder how you play the game? What's the other way to play it? >_>
    15. Fork
      Hey, you played Mirror's Edge right? Do you recommend it?

      Also, still don't remember what you were going to tell me? >_>
    16. Fork
      People like you libre, stop saying nonsense.
    17. Fork
      I like how you added "What? Does no one like me? <_<'' at the end of your first thread xD
    18. Fork
      It was added when the Spam Zone rules were made I guess, haha.
      Still though, that thread will always be one my favorites, even though you're a terrible person and all.
    19. Fork
      Very occasionally someone will post a suicide thread and we strongly discourage this being done. Suicide threads, whether joking or not, do not belong on the forums, let alone in an area where the rules clearly dictate that amusement and humor transpire. Since some people do troll and feed on reactions, which is mostly the reason these threads occur.
      Taken from the Spam Zone rules.
      Just so you know, I blame you for this.
    20. Fork
      So how's that sleeping pattern of yours?
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