Last Activity:
Feb 25, 2019
Mar 6, 2011
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Feb 7, 1989 (Age: 36)
I live in Austin, TX
Majoring in Videogame Design


Twilight Town Denizen, Male, 36, from I live in Austin, TX

Cloudrunner62 was last seen:
Feb 25, 2019
    1. Midnight Star
      Midnight Star
      Btw, if I'm not mistaken there is one more act to go in circus monsters, you might want to wait a little bit before leaving.
    2. Cloudrunner62
      Meh, my mom is good at that. I can use her.
    3. Marluxia912
      lol I know. Trust me. I've been there. Nothing is ever good the first time around, but I know you'll pull off something amazing.
      Also, if you're looking for a beta, you can always count on me. However, my english is semi-perfect. I always got B's or C's in my english classes :)
    4. Marluxia912
      Well, when you start to type/write it, I wanna see it. I'm always up to reading anything new
    5. Cloudrunner62
      With my Iphone, if its online, I can show it to anyone, anytime.
    6. Marluxia912
      xD If it makes you feel better, I think all guys have terrible handwriting. I cannot read a man's handwriting (sorry if it doesn't make you feel better, but it's true)
      Well, I was just a kid. I was 14 when I was a freshmen, but like I said, as I started getting more into the story writing, I started writing stuff like an actual story. I actually posted a chapter of a story I've been working on for the longest time on DeviantArt. But I think you should at least have a notebook around. There are those stories that you want to keep in a notebook and those stories that you want to keep on a computer. At least, that's how I am. To me, Computer means only I can read it. Notebook means I want to share it with my friends
    7. Marluxia912
      Yeah, when I first started writing stories, I wrote everything as if it were a Play and it was on paper. What else was there to write on?
      I didn't have a computer or laptop/notebook back then. So I wasted a lot of paper writing stories like that
    8. Marluxia912
      Well, when I used to write stories, I wrote it like how someone would write a play. Example:
      Night: *says something*
      Cloudrunner: *says something back*
      Kinda like that. I actually still have some of my old stories. Now that I look back on stories used to be kind of stupid xD But I was young
    9. Marluxia912
      I know when I first started I was a freshmen in high school, it was all fanfiction with my OC in it (wasn't really creative with the names then. My first OC's name was Sora :P) and they were all written to be like a Play of some kind. After that, in the 11th grade I started writing more serious stuff and my OC Night was born ^^ and I started to write stories in, well...paragraph format instead of Play. But yeah, you need to start somewhere~
    10. Marluxia912
      I don't think you mentioned anything about a story. I know I did. It's what inspired me to make the RP...well, the song did, but I just wanted to see how it would turn out as a roleplay
      But a story?? Do tell ^^
    11. Cloudrunner62
      Roliana, what's that?
    12. Marluxia912
      awesome~ I can add you to the list of weird friends that I tend to meet over the internet. So far it's only four.
      But I find that a good thing. I met some one on Roliana that's from Texas, but I don't know what part she's from. She's one of my weird, yet creative, friends
    13. Marluxia912
      Yeah, I have a strange group of friends
      But I'm strange too so I guess that's why we get along so well. Some more than others *shrug*
      Ughz, I still have that headache from laughing so hard >_<
    14. Marluxia912
      xD I figured that. It's a joke that me and my friends use all the time. Instead of calling each other best friends we would say 'Those are the type of friends that would work together to take over the world'
      Some of us are just weird like that :/
    15. Marluxia912
      :D Yeah, I think you and my bf would be perfect friends.
      Like, you two would probably plot to take over the world with darkness or something *random thought*
    16. Marluxia912
      xD you and my bf would make the best of friends. Example: Eli and I were watching that movie called Quarintine. He found it funny, but this was one scary movie that was just freaking me out. And when the movie was over he screamed and that made me jump and made him laugh. I'm still mad at him for that day. He likes it when I'm freaked out -__-
    17. Marluxia912
      haha, you just love to mess with her, don't you? :D
    18. Marluxia912
      I love his sonic shorts series. And yet, sometimes I watch it to find the Tails Doll easter egg (I love the Tails Doll -w-)
      I'll check it out right now
    19. Marluxia912
      The 'Kissed a girl' part with Namine and Marluxia made me laugh too hard XD
      thewax70? Is he the one that makes those videos called Sonic Shorts?
    20. Marluxia912
      Don't worry. I tend to laugh hard at almost anything
      But that...that was hilarious. that video made my day. I'm still laughing and I finished watching it at least five minutes ago. It was just that funny xD
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  • About

    Feb 7, 1989 (Age: 36)
    I live in Austin, TX
    Majoring in Videogame Design
    I am a 6' 5" Deep Dive Riku Cosplayer along with my 4'10" Xion cosplayer Girlfriend

    My hobbys include playin WoW, Making KH music vids, playin kh games, dot hack, dynasty warrior Gundam games, Skies of Arcadia, and many many others. I enjoy reading various series including some of the classic Star Wars novels like the Thrawn Trilogy and Corellian trilogy. Babylon 5 books are also awesome as are Starcraft and Warcraft books and manga. I also enjoy watching many different animes such as Gundam (various series), Fairy Tail, Mai HiME, Gurren Lagann, and many many others. And I of course must include hanging out here between everything else.



    I am a Riku Cosplayer. I dual-wield. Don't mess with that.