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January 3
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why orange Feb 13, 2017

    1. Cloudrunner62
      So have you decided on what song we're gonna do next? I'm looking forward to actually being able to add my voice to the crowd.
    2. Pinekaboo
      Heya Jayn, I appear to have a slight problem. My RP's ooc thread has been locked, though I can't see why. Would you be able to unlock it for me?
      Link here.
    3. Firekeyblade
      True that, but this is pretty interesting too. Maybe with this system, it'll be more structured and organized rather than sort of chaotic and playing by ear.
    4. Marluxia912
      I'm glad this is actually coming along just fine.
      Seems everyone but Shugo Yuki has chosen someone to save, but that just leaves one person so he has to save her. Once he's online and knows that, I'll make the introduction post that hopefully anyone can reply too. I'm introducing the whole circus (Or well, kinda like how this whole thing started)
    5. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      Thanks! :'D I like it a lot. :glomp: I was doing rainbow text, but trying to space out the words with the codes were giving me a headache. lol.
      How have you been?
    6. Firekeyblade
      It made me cringe inwardly. -_- I feel sorry for the person that's aiming to "rescue" that vampire girl from Touhou that he's got. I mean, my plan was before she stated the plan, to just take as many people that want to book it and leave anyone that didn't. Sooo.....yeah. Sucks for that guy...
    7. LARiA
      Much appreciated.~ <3

      I have wanted to say, also, much appreciation for your lengthy reply. Most would have not bothered to have written out such a thorough reply; and as you can see, your silences are nothing-- in comparison to mine, that is. It has been well over a month, and I have yet to properly reply. But you should know, no reply doesn't mean no appreciation, no gratitude, I mean... I read the reply over. I like it, you. I've no excuses.

      Just curiosity, a curious question popping curiously out of nowhere: you mentioned having past lovers, I think. As we were on that topic earlier. I wondered about the girl, the seme of the relationship? Or something, trying to recall correctly. She along with other exes were mentioned as a truth, the ToD thread. You were timid, she was your polar opposite iirc. Led you right along. That was offline? And I wonder, how that went... a homosexual relationship. I wonder how gays are treated in this day and age, somehow, I don't well know. It is not common here, I think, else it is done under closed doors; it is not flaunted then, not like heterosexual 'ships. But it seems to be supported, those who down-talk gays are looked down upon. How appropriate.

      How we got to this topic of convo, I don't even know. I think up hypothetical scenarios in my head, one being how to proclaim love to someone. Not that I've any experience in said scenario, really I've none. I just thought, musingly, how painful it would be to be smitten with a good [girl] friend. In my head, the friend is of the same gender. And I thought, how it would suck if fate had you set on rejection. And this goes out to all of the homos, what is it like to love 'inappropriately', and to perhaps be judged for it. I've no experience with it, which is what makes it curious for me.

      It feels wrong to label someone as 'hetero' or 'homo', I am painfully aware of my ignorance. This goes out to all of those who've dealt/are dealing with unrequited love, then. The loveless, of whom are loving. This goes out to those of any sexuality, then.

      Dear, dear, what am I talking about? So off-topic! I would have to scroll up, to see what I originally asked you... you can ignore most of this, it is me musing. Off-topic. wtf
    8. Firekeyblade
      True that. I'm a bit wary of that cloud guy though. He's been ripping characters from series. And...well we'll just see how this goes. -_- Please be a cathartic experience. >_< I NEED this. It's almost like therapy.
    9. Cloudrunner62
      Ok. I know alot of people can get lazy when making a character, but when I choose a pre-made, I make them my own. I don't tend to use catchphrases like crazy or only use them in a narrow-minded perspective and don't have them develop outside of their canon universe. Here...read this, its another, most laid back on rules, RP I'm involved in here. http://www.kh-vids.net/group.php?discussionid=1124&do=discuss
    10. Firekeyblade
      Ahhh damn. Yeah I probably should've picked you instead. Ah but at this rate it'll be too much of a hassle to switch and whatnot. I'm sorry Jayn. I've failed you. -_- Lols you're not annoyingly dramatic. XD Or ridiculous. You're perfectly dramatic at the right times and always way creative with ideas and stuff.
    11. Firekeyblade
      Pffft...*snicker*...um I mean...yeah dude...the guy seems way reliable. Most likely a far more capable person than me. Who knows? And lols I've seen you going around the Spam Zone. XD Can't fool me, but I would still always back you up most of the time.....just not this time...I"M SORRY! TT_TT
    12. Firekeyblade
      But....but....;_; the insanity man! If you're not exactly sane, how am I supposed to feel safe?! Ah wait a minute....well since you've been in such a traumatic incident, I suppose it would be pretty normal for you to be a bit loopy....oops. TT_TT I"M SORRY JAYN. I"M SURE YOU"LL HAVE SOMEONE RELIABLE TO BAIL YOU OUT. MAYBE. Maybe Saxima will. THEN WE CAN ALL GO LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER AND HAVE THE MILITARY NUKE THAT CIRCUS TO OBLIVION AS IF IT NEVER EVEN EXISTED. HA HA. Haaaa.....
    13. Cloudrunner62
      About the Dark Woods circus...I'm not too good at original characters, but I can play a premade easily. (In games I can make an OC though. Just not one with a good history)
    14. Marluxia912
      I know about CloudRunner's characters. I made a certain exception for her. So, don't worry about it. As long as she's comfortable with playing in the RP ^^
      Yeah, I'm glad we'll be able to start soon too. I just need one last thing for those who chose to be saviors and we should be able to start by tomorrow
    15. Marluxia912
      What? I've missed so much in the time that I've been gone D:
      I hope that gets fixed soon cause that's all I do is roleplay.
      But, yayz, we only need one last person to join us before I can explain everything else that needs to be done ^^
    16. Marluxia912
      Wait, so you're saying even if I posted in the OOC thread then the post won't count?
      But once I post in the actual RP it will??
    17. Marluxia912
      I was confused at first cause I don't think that has ever happened to me before
      Then again, my first thread was made in the newbie forum.
      I just noticed that I've been posting non-stop in the OOC thread and yet my post count hasn't gone up at all :/
    18. Krowley
      Excellent. Anything you would change to make it more appealing?
      I'm going to start writing into it again tomorrow but I want to know if there is anything I should tweak before continuing.
    19. Marluxia912
      I was actually about to say something about that.
      I was wondering if it was only for new members cause the one I suggested to join said that message had came up while he was trying to post his profile. I was telling him that you might be the one to approve of his post cause you had joined in. But it was already approved by midnight. But I'll be sure to tell you next time^^
    20. Krowley
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    January 3
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    【 ♥ BASICS 】​
    Skype: LittleJayneyCakes Tumblr: teenaqe-vow.tumblr.com Twitter: Twitter.com/LittleJayney

    【 ♥ PERSONALITY 】​

    I'm painfully shy, affectionate, sarcastic, and a massive dosage of emotions and derp. I over use emoticons so people don't think I'm upset or being blunt. I get my feelings hurt easily, but don't hold things against people very often.

    【 ♥ FAVORITES 】​

    Ib (Game), Disney, Vocaloids; Kagamines, Gumi, SeeU, IA. THE INTERNET. Black Rock Shooter, InuYasha, Clannad, Miyazaki Films, S'mores, Macaroni and Cheese, Gum, Crystal Kay, BEAOTRICHEEE, Miyamoto Shuichi, Purple things, Kagerou Project, Tumblr ... etc. ASK ME.

    【 ♥ HOBBIES 】​

    Anime! THE INTERNET. Music. Composing, writing, choruses. Singing. Voice-acting...Anything creative. Role playing, drawing, graphic and video editing. All of the wonderful stuff. I sing on YT a lot. I'll most likely never be /big/ but, alas. I love doing it.





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