Last Activity:
Feb 25, 2019
Mar 6, 2011
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Feb 7, 1989 (Age: 36)
I live in Austin, TX
Majoring in Videogame Design


Twilight Town Denizen, Male, 36, from I live in Austin, TX

Cloudrunner62 was last seen:
Feb 25, 2019
    1. Marluxia912
      Oh, well if you need any help making an OC you can just ask me. Although, it won't technically be an OC since I helped, but I have a very creative and wild mind xD
      But like I said, it's your profile, so you can do what you will ^^ I don't mind at all
    2. Marluxia912
      The characters can be originals, OC's or even a certain vocaloid character if you want. It's your profile so try and be creative.
      As for how the roleplay is going to, it'll work like every other circus in the world. Every performer will go on the stage one at a time according to the way that me and the other ringmaster announces them (sometimes it might be two at a time in the case that another performer can actually go on stage with another cause their acts/abilities work together)
      After the show, well...I'll explain that once we get some to play as humans. Humans play a major part in the story too
    3. Jayn
      I've been okay. My wrists feel fine. c: How're you?
    4. Marluxia912
      Wow, really? O_o
      I have WMM 2.6 cause WMM stopped working for my computer, and yet I can't nearly do all of the stuff in your videos. But, I don't know, I don't think I'm the type to use a lot of things in the video. I just use fade in/fade out or crossfade and that's it. *shrugs* I'm a classic person XP
    5. starseeker3
      Amen Brother...amen my skills at drawing stick figures... ;(
    6. starseeker3
      yes i LOVE it i think t should be a real (in game) keyblade. did you make that? oh and im back
    7. Marluxia912
      haha, it's fine. I just finished yours. It was awesome. What kind of movie maker do you use?
      Although, I didn't think it was possible to make a video to bad apple. I've been thinking about it, but never considered it. I might try it now, but Imma use the japanese version
    8. Marluxia912
      Well, then, I suggest a boy named CheezItsAreYummy. He used to go by the name of Matt9Five but he deleted his account and remade it. His songs are really good.
      Ah, I see you make KH GMV's too. This is my second recent one. Didn't want to show you my recent one cause the song is kinda depressing and childhood shattering :/
    9. Marluxia912
      Hm...I wonder if I should suggest someone to you.
      Although, he only makes music using vocaloids. No MMD's so far
    10. Marluxia912
      But that's what makes it even more hilarious.
      I have to watch the rest of her videos later though. But her videos have me hooked so far. I'm glad you suggested her channel
    11. starseeker3
      ah yes well i remember watching it then but i couldent remember the name for my life but i had a toy liger zero in the gradge and that was the only thong that i rememberd the name of and well 5 googles later i am staying up 3 weeks in a row to finsh all the english dubed stuff anyway i have class in a min so i have to go later! i will be back though
    12. Marluxia912
      I checked out her first channel after you told me since I was already on youtube XD
      The funniest one so far was when she made Kaito wish Miku a happy birthday, but it was in a completely, huge-ly, perverted way XD
    13. starseeker3
      oh well @goof' is me email so it would make since... anyway it supprises me you knew about zoids
    14. Marluxia912
    15. starseeker3
      yeah i heard your bday is comeing 24 years is awesome anyway HeroMGT has some REALLY funny vids my fav probably is "I bought a Nintendo DS." whats your fav?
    16. Marluxia912
      That's right. I started a Vocaloid based Rp called CiRCuS MoNSTeRS. It was insprised by two different vocaloid songs. One called Dark Woods Circus and the other Circus Monster ^^
    17. starseeker3
      yeah... well thats me! so how have you been
    18. starseeker3
      yeah im kinda unique... ^_^ best part of me im not anywhere norma...wait when did i get here? oh hi cloud!
    19. RikuxXion
      No but my siblings never want to play. We play all the kh games together.
    20. starseeker3
      U mean she no know!...t_t