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Jul 9, 2023
Sep 7, 2007
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twilight town mansion


Chaser, from twilight town mansion


Yep, here I am... Apr 12, 2013

Ansem59 was last seen:
Jul 9, 2023
    1. riku1186
      I am well aware of the shark population, we Australians get used to the sharks (Unless they are taking your arm off, then you have to adjust) I just have a bad paranoia.
    2. riku1186
      the Irukandji Jellyfish is native to Australia.
    3. riku1186
      Knowing my luck, very.
    4. riku1186
      Yes, and its the reason I am afraid to go swiming inb the ocean.
    5. riku1186
      Not deadly, just painful. But the few people who have died had other medical things if memory serves me right, and it wasn't the actual sting. The pain was so bad the body just gave out from the strain.
    6. riku1186
      It has the most painful sting in the world, the pain is so bad you can have the largest safest amount of Morphine and still be screaming in pure agony and writhering in pain, and its no bigger then an adult fingernail.
    7. riku1186
      Its a Jellyfish I have been looking up. And if it is a two person RP we can't do it on a thread, but I want one of the others to post
    8. riku1186
      Have you ever heard of the Irukandji Jellyfish
    9. riku1186
      I think its time you posted buddy.
    10. riku1186
      What sounds good, you posting if someone dosen't soon or what I sent you?
    11. riku1186
      Also, if someone dosen't post soon just have your character wake up.
    12. riku1186
      Just working on projects, its been raining so going outside isn't an option (not that I go outside alot anyway), I can send you the first chapter that I'm working on if you want.
    13. riku1186
      So what have you been up to latly (Apart from protesting against SOPA)
    14. riku1186
      I'm not worried, sure my life is getting a massive inconvienent dent put in it that will cut me off from my friends and just generally suck, but worrying will do nothing but make it worse, I prefer to stay calm and watch how this all goes.
    15. riku1186
      No set characters, talk to you later and if you see any of them and they are old men with walking sticks, remember a stick is a stick and hurts just as much when bashed with it.
    16. riku1186
      Actually its meant to focus on all three, I set it up so it can made up of small short stories that focus on different people furing all this. But the first one takes place from a space salvager who is sent down to Earth for the first time in his life to help salvage something from a factory that has been flooded by the tsunami. If you wanted you could easily write something into it, also Space rebelling against Earth is quiet common in anime Sci Fi (Mostly Gundam)
    17. riku1186
      Its a post World war 3 story.

      In the back story the world is divided between two major groups, The Western Nations Federation and Eastern Nations Federation, with the New Earth Alliance replacing the UN. America runs the Western Nations Federation and China Eastern Nations Federation, both sides are focused on colonizing space but at the same time want to detour the others power. America wants to recreate the alliance between Australia and itself and incoporate Australia into the WNF and to set up military bases in Australia so they would have a larger foothold in the east (They already have bases in Japan and South Korea) with the current goverment agreeing, but Australian citzens didn't want to get involved because the trade between China and many other eastern nations would be crippled due to the political strains. At the same time the situation in the middle east is deteriating and the chaos is spreading into Europe. When the American President goes to Australia to offical declare the new military alliance when a terroist group (Funded by the ENF) and the two sides quickly go to war with each other. Six months into the war six space colonies are dropped into the pacific, though they break up in re entry there are chucks of debries ranging in size from 1m to 1km. The resulting drop creates massive tsunamis in the pacific and stops the war as Space Colonies rebel, and thus starts our story.
    18. riku1186
      Well I started a short story last night while half asleep (Meaning there are probably alot of spelling errors). The Raxtions story would be good.

      Also the irony of the SOPA bill blocking foregin sites is that America wants to be close allies with Australia (Alot of political things but mostly so they can set up more of a power base in the East) and yet if this bill goes threw the citzens of ours countries won't be able to speak with each other over the net.
    19. riku1186
      See it coming? I though it was one of the more obvious things. Also have you been working on any projects?
    20. riku1186
      Mixt's character noticed, but he was talking to the BP. Those letters are more then a dead gice away who he was talking to
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    twilight town mansion


    we are the 4 stooges (ansem the wise 59, DjC, ishotansem, and Jaden Yuki) and let's not forget our keyblade wielding buddy Ultima-Sora