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Jun 28, 2018
Apr 19, 2011
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May 23, 1994 (Age: 30)
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Hollow Bastion Committee, Female, 30, from Atlanta

Sup Feb 21, 2017

Droid was last seen:
Jun 28, 2018
    1. Daxa~
      That made me laugh,I must admit c:
      And that Scar picture. Wow. So much love right there.
      It shall be tons of fun my darling <3

      You mustttt...and make him dress up as Spiderman for all the halloweens everrrr.
      We must agree now,that when we say that,it has to be from our old rocking chairs and in a very odd Texas accent.
      While I knit and you adjust your oversized glasses(you will have oversized glasses. I guarantee it).
    2. Bushy
    3. Bushy
      I love you man. Those thumbs are great. *bows down without any gay-ness*
      You are a master of the wall breaking, good sir.
      It's like Kaiba himself is giving the rules a middle finger. XD
      I'll let you know anyway. lol
    4. Bushy
      Was gonna ask.
      Could you somehow have Scar bring in my secret project?
      A download off of KHV maybe? XD
      I'd just love for fourth wall breaking to be met by more many wall breaking. :P
    5. Bushy
      I know DT already knows. He's on MSN with me as we speak lol
      I ran the idea by him as a joke originally and he told me to go for it and ask you. XD
    6. Bushy
      You don't mind if I keep... my secret project a secret till the actual arrival in the RP thread do you? XD
    7. Bushy
      I've noticed. XD
      I loved the part with the thumbs. :P

      But yes... Fourth wall breaking we shall have! OH THE WONDERFUL PLANS!
    8. Daxa~
      Why my dear,it would be my pleasure <3
      Grell and Scar,at a tea party. Just imagine~

      Dawww,now that is very very very adorable. And Parker makes me think Peter Parker,so that boy must be spiderman!
      I did that exact thing today at school,in the libary! T'was rather awful,as the libary person thingy is evil,so she started screaming at me...even though its not y fault I have gotten no sleepppppp D:
      But naps are wonderful I must say. :3
    9. Pinekaboo
      Ready to go.
    10. Pinekaboo
      Oh god. Monty Python references everywhere. This is as bad as Bushy playing himself in the RP. xD
    11. Pinekaboo
      Oh my, you're Monty Python's God? o:
      I knew it!
    12. Krowley
      So should I just start off new?
    13. Excasr
      Hey Droid!

      So, we're doing another event, this time we're thinking in a Valentine Day's event. Though maybe we will lack members. Would your crew like to join us? :3

      Everything starts with this post.

      Thank you for your time. :3
    14. Bushy
      Was so tempted to be random and make an OC of myself...
      it would be the best fourth wall breaking character ever.
      An RPer who is in the RP itself. Imagine the fun we would have? *shot*
      But yes.
      I'm not sure how I should start really. :/
    15. Daxa~
      <3 t'was very funny,as the principal saw me not wearing uniform,was about to rage,then suddenly realised it was me and he was just like "Oh,good morning Danu,that is a lovely....coat you have on there". And then he walked off to shout at one of my friends for not wearing her school jumper. Comedy.
      True,very true...and daww Grell,such a beautiful pervert c:

      Daww,thats lovely! What did she call it?
      Rawr,I do hate sleeping on couches,or floors..and then your necks all sore and its just awful.
      Go team odd brain moments :3
    16. Bushy
      I've decided for now, so as not to overload myself with characters to just go for my first three and leave out Auron.

      Do you approve good sir?

      I'll submit my form in the OOC thread later.
      Although can it be taken into account should the unlikely event someone claims the characters I've chosen before I get to post that these guys have been reserved? lol
    17. Bushy
      I'm thinking about signing up for Crossover Cove.
      Is that cool?
      So far the characters I'd like are:

      Natsu Dragneel (from Fairy Tail)
      Subaru (From Nanoha Force)
      The protagonist from Persona 3 (I'll use the default name of Minato Arisato)
      Auron (Final Fantasy X)

      Also... if you need more villains and he isn't taken, I can always throw in Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto Shippuuden) If you want.
      Of course, this is all on the basis that you'll have me lol
      Also, I'd make my own banners etc
      Thing is... I'm really busy with uni and the like right now, so times for me posting might be tough. But recently, a lot of the RPs I was in have been locked due to the thread master having to go on hiatus, so it's given me more free time. So I should be able to post still.
      Just thought I'd VM you first anyway lol
    18. Krowley
      Again, I planned on reacting as Secondary characters (Characters from other worlds)
      Using this new info I could set something up, but perhaps it would be best to start off fresh?
      Should I just restart the threads? I know Tequilla said he was dropping out, and Noroz explained himself. No clue what happened with dabeatmaster. And you, well, we're talking now.
    19. Krowley
      Well, that was mainly to the RPers imagination.
      I mainly acted as the opposing force of Antagonists (sort of like a Dungeon Master)
      I guess I could sort of start a scene off like a cut scene and then let players take it from there.
      Since no one technically went into the world, it was hard to interact with nothing...
    20. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      Lol man.
