Nice to meet you too.And yes,we do rock.No, we kick ass!Well,my time has come do jet for now.Run off for a while my friend.And I gotta go to bed,so,bye buddy!*hugs you and runs off at a superSonic speed*Man,that girl is awsome!
What character would you have? I'd have Marth xD Also I just tried the Ball hitting thing in Twilight Town, Try it with Berserk or Final Form. It's a Lol.
Sweet!*handshakes*We are a good team,I bet I can guess your name.Mine is Chris.But call me Sonic.Yours is Julia,I like that name.
Ok!!Sonic Boooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!*dashes right into Tabuu several times as Super Sonic*NOw your toast!!!!