Last Activity:
Jun 13, 2020
Sep 20, 2009
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November 23
Owl City
Absolutely nothing.


Traverse Town Homebody, Male, from Owl City

jayn can't spell diemun. Dec 13, 2012

FuzzyBlueLights was last seen:
Jun 13, 2020
    1. What?
      I assure you I am not!
    2. What?
      But you see, I am no Harem protagonist.
    3. What?
      Your signature is what I imagine you and Jayn to conduct every day.
    4. LARiA
      You aren't a dork, so, there is no reason to feel that way. No reason to feel intimidated either. I have been intimidated by others myself, and that should count for something shouldn't it? So strange to be thought of as intimidating, I have to pause a minute, stop to think. My writing standards are below the standards I set, I would like to better myself in this area. Casual writing I can do, but anything professional is out of bounds; my wording is vague and occasionally obtuse, and I doubt I would make for a delectable reading. Oh well. We, and I admit that I speak for myself here, want to master Perfection. Excel in everything. An impossibility.

      That would be really nice, really sweet if not for the fact that I too lack in social skills. I'm surprised, and a little touched (confessions). I also, highly doubt that you would like to be my friend. At least you would not want to if you got to know me. Well. I think I know what's for your better, though that is flawed... associating with me not being for your better. But thank you for taking the time to stop by anyways.

      And I guess, we do not share very many hobbies do we? Aah. It's a videogame. Neku. Never heard of, associated immediately with Plums. I really know of not many videogames outside a few. Final Fantasy is literally the one and only I am well familiar with - as far as Sony Enix goes, that is.
    5. LARiA
      Have I piqued your curiosity, and if so then why? How? I don't get, I wonder if it is not only a coincidence that you initiated contact not long after I initiated with her [Jayn]. Not long after you were mentioned into the conversation, that is. I might be mistakingly assuming, that you know what I'm speaking of, otherwise this is a tad awkward...
      Well. You were brought up.

      Tell me about Neku? Seems like some inner reference, esoteric, of which I don't know of.
    6. Jayn
      Thank you. <3 And thank you for breakfast this morning at like 5am oops
    7. ShibuyaGato
      Alright, that's actually good advice. Thanks pop.
    8. Jayn
      You are so weird.
    9. LARiA
      Hi... Why the sudden contact? Reminding me I haven't yet replied to Jayn, it will eat away at the back of my mind until I do so.
    10. ShibuyaGato
      Thanks. I really need to finish it, but I never seem to find the time or the inspiration.
    11. ShibuyaGato
      Alright then, thanks.
    12. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      Posty in Grimm! I fixed my ******ed posty
    13. ShibuyaGato
      Well then, what is it?

      I actually need to ADD you to talk to you, ya know!
      Mine's CatastropheKHV (yes, all of that exactly the way it is).
    14. ♥♦♣♠∟uxord♥♦♣♠
    15. ShibuyaGato
      Hey dad, you have Skype?

      Mom and I were talking a little while ago and I figured the three of us talking would be a nice excuse to bond and all that stuff~
    16. Llave
      Haha thanks bro! Merry belated Christmas!
    17. Plums
      Merry Christmas Pops and Mommeh!~

      from plums and persona 3
    18. ShibuyaGato
      D'awww, Merry Christmas dad!

      You really need to be a bit more active in the forums, you know that?
    19. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      xD I cant read minds silly fuzzy
    20. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      D'awww I am so happy that you liked it <3

      I had no idea that you liked them to be honest xD I just picked the cutest and my fav (Suicune)
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  • About

    November 23
    Owl City
    Absolutely nothing.
    Skyping. Funny internet videos. And other assorted things. And a passion for reading.

