Last Activity:
Jan 11, 2015
Jan 25, 2007
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In a world covered by endless water.


Gummi Ship Junkie, Male, from In a world covered by endless water.

greater_bloo was last seen:
Jan 11, 2015
    1. StrawhatSoul
      Hey man!
      Did you check out the new fandub that just came out? I actually got casted for all three of the roles I auditioned for! I'm quite happy right now and I'm pretty sure you and I will be voicing more of them in the future when the game comes out.
    2. Mike
      Thank you!
    3. chibiwings
      Hehe you're welcome! ^-^ I'll remember that about your name. lol
      Well the deadline on FF Type-0 was way back in November. She needs to change that if she wants more people to audition. I'm sure that date makes them think it's over and gone.
    4. chibiwings
      Hey we got cast in another fandub together. I'm assuming that's you at VAA with the same name. I don't think anyone else in the world has your name. lol By the way, have you heard anything from the FF Type-0 fandub? It's been a month now I think.
    5. chibiwings
      My audition is on Youtube now. ^.^ You can critique there if you want. I also posted the lines in the info under the video.

      Aww thanks! I'm glad you can sense my potential. I bought a professional microphone this past summer and I've been using it like heck. Lately, I've been using it for voice overs a lot more and I'm starting to get used to it. Like when I record I turn the input up. And I turn it back down when I talk to friends online. lol I think I'm getting better at it. ^.^ I've auditioned for like 7 other things after I sent in the KH3D audition. lol
      All that practice paid off for you definitely. I showed my friend your Sora/Vanitas audition vid and he LOVED your take on Vanitas. We both were blown away by it. XD
    6. Mike
      You have skype or msn?
    7. chibiwings
      Congrats on getting picked! ^.^
    8. StrawhatSoul
      Congrats for getting cast as Vanitas in the KH3D fandub production! I can't wait to hear your portrayal.
      I unfortunately didn't get picked, but I did make the short list for Jiminy Cricket and Joshua, which is more than enough for me considering over 70 people auditioned.
      If you'd like, I can send the audition files to you so you can critic my vocal portrayal of these characters.
    9. chibiwings
      Wow you sound so much like Sora and WHOLE lot like Vanitas. @_@ Oh my god! XD You're good! I'll get a character demo up sometime (I'm new to fandubbing and I don't have a whole lot at the moment). But I'll post all of my auditions on Youtube soon. :) As for a demo, I think what I've seen people do is they only put their chosen roles in one reel or something. So it may be a while before I get to do that. :(
      Oh! I already messaged her about that and she said she'd think about it. I really think it'll get a lot of people over there too. ^.^ And I saw that new casting notice for that fandub here. I need to look at that later. lol
    10. chibiwings
      Aww thanks! :D I don't know much about it either, but I've been looking up FF Type-0 lately. Hehe ^^ I hope to hear from you too. I've been recording VO auditions like heck the past two weeks or so now. I plan on posting them on Youtube soon. :)
    11. chibiwings
      Hi! I noticed that we got cast in the same fandub a few weeks ago (FF Type-0) and I've seen you around. So I thought I'd say hi. ^-^ Nice to meet you.
    12. StrawhatSoul
      I love your avatar! It really speaks out to the dedicated fans of Legends 3. I personally like Megaman Vollnut as well, so you couldn't imagine how happy I was when he was in Tatsunoko v.s Capcom.
      P.S: I haven't played a single Megaman Legends game yet, maybe should get that sorted.
    13. snorri
      just watchin tv show XD and you?:D
    14. snorri
      hello there :D
    15. The Mender
      The Mender
      hi your self it is nice to hear from you
    16. The Mender
      The Mender
      hi whats you
    17. Mike
      Hey, what's going on?
      I hope you like the trailer. You did great!
    18. The Mender
      The Mender
      hi want a friend
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