Feb 18, 2011
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April 6


Chaser, Female


Still here every day, just not a lot to say in response to people's posts lately. Feb 13, 2019

    1. Lauriam
      What about when it says
      finding people are born gay "would advance the idea that sexual orientation is an innate characteristic, like race; that homosexuals, like African-Americans, should be legally protected against 'discrimination;' and that disapproval of homosexuality should be as socially stigmatized as racism. However, it is not true."
      Meh, my day's been fine, considering I'm in a debate with Makaze. I responded to the last post, but at the end, I said that I wasn't going to respond again, 'cause I spent practically all day writing a response and that's too much time. Besides, I really do hate arguing. XP
      Other than that, my day's been fine. I ate a bowl of chili for lunch... That was good.
    2. . : tale_wind
      . : tale_wind

    3. Rhiscx
      I'm really sorry that happened to you, but that's his problem not yours. Like I said, I know you will find someone that will make you happier than when your were with him.

      And couldn't you just avoid him or something?
    4. . : tale_wind
      . : tale_wind

      Gee, thanks. As if the Angels I keep seeing in my house aren't bad enough. B|
    5. Rhiscx
      Oh, I see. To love, but not be loved back in kind. That does hurt. But I'm sure there is someone out there that is just right for you.
    6. . : tale_wind
      . : tale_wind
      Whattafudg--?! *falls out of chair*
    7. Rhiscx
      Oh I know that feeling. Was this a friend, or a little closer?
    8. Rhiscx
      What pain do you have?
    9. Rhiscx
      Ok. I will.
    10. Rhiscx
      I guess I can try that. Thanks.
    11. Rhiscx
      Actually, I don't like coffee at all.
    12. Rhiscx
      I know how that feels. I tend to be the same way. But now that I have a throbbing head ache from all the crying, I can't think straight.
    13. Rhiscx
      Thank you so much for your support.
    14. Rhiscx
      I loved him so much. He wasn't just a dog, he is family. He went through so much.
    15. Rhiscx
      My dog just passed away..........
    16. Rhiscx
      Horrible. This new year is dark already.
    17. Lauriam
      Ah, okay. Yeah, that's what my sister says about hot sauce. She likes it, her stomach doesn't.
      Yeah, lol, that does seem to be how he operates.
      Hmm. Well, that was interesting. I read the whole thing, and it appears to me that it was full of contradictions and never resolved anything. It said straight out several times that genetics are the only thing determining a persons sexual preference, and it also said several times that genetics have nothing to do with sexual preference, and it said that sexual preference is determined by your upbringing, and it said that sexual preference has nothing to do with your upbringing. It said that sexual preference depends on what kind of games you played as a little kid, and it said that these studies were inconclusive. It said that birth order might have something to do with it, but the theory was disregarded because there was insufficient evidence, and then it later says that the birth order theory is connected to the early fixation theory, so if the first is disregarded, shouldn't the second also be? The whole argument contradicts itself, and it all is inconclusive. I'm not saying that wikipedia messed up, I'm saying the study itself just doesn't add up.
    18. Lauriam
      lol, I've always hated chocolate chip mint ice-cream myself. I don't know why I picked that option to give to you... It's gross.
      ikr? Like I said, I'm glad you don't do that.
      Yeah, I'm like, "what?" whenever I see or hear anything he says. I guess the writers of Star Trek got it right when they portrayed him in the holodeck with Data.

      Kind of makes you wonder, though, how messed up he was to constantly be thinking that way.

      EDIT: btw, sorry for logging off so suddenly. My internet connection stopped working for some reason, so I shut my laptop down and played KH.
    19. Lauriam
      lol, alright. If you like any ice cream flavor other than chocolate chip mint, you have no taste. You mean like that? XD
      Alright. It's nice that you feel that way, too many times, people are willing to spout whatever nonsense they hear without making sure it's true, you know? My grandma believes everything she reads on the internet. Good thing she doesn't know about KHV, right? XD
      Haha, yeah, I don't know about that...
    20. Beucefilous
      lol thanks. Nyu it is
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