Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
Jun 24, 2007
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July 7
Home Page:
The Plains

Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta

The Demon Slayer, Male, from The Plains


Everything feels fake... Jun 14, 2018

    1. Terra254
      I'll just use Cyber Dragons,I like them too,I guess.
    2. Terra254
      Finally a deck that I like thats good

      But if I'm never gonna get anywhere with them....then it doesn't matter if I like them.
    3. Terra254
      lol i thought you said They looked like hookers with vacuums lol xD

      But Yeah IKR?
    4. Terra254
      Lol Ojamas.
      Accalia was so sad because she lost to Ojamas.
      But some players can actually make Ojamas work.
      I'd never use them though xD
    5. Terra254
      I'm might try cyber dragon.

      You know which deck is the worst in my opinion?
      Fortune Ladies ; ;
    6. Terra254
      Since everyone else will never acknowledge me as anything else but someone who really sucks at dueling with cloudians then I'm gonna have to start looking else where for something to them wrong >>.

      I got it!
    7. Accalia
      Awwws. It's no good when you don't feel good. T_T
    8. Accalia
      Are you okay?
    9. Terra254
      Thought you should know I just beat some other guy using Cloudians.
      He was using "The Fabled" Monsters but when He realized My monsters were invincible and took no damage,He admitted defeat.Maye it was Cirro destroying all his monsters,Or acid wiping out his facedown Dimension prison and Mirror Force.But he realized the cloudains aren't as weak as some people maybe think.

      My new profile sats are as followed thanks to the cloudians.

    10. Terra254
      I'd duel you but I'm not ready yet....

      I just wish I was better player and didn't completely suck at this game to show you :<
    11. Terra254
      Brook was one.
      Its not the players Cloudians are strong monsters under the right circumstances.
      And I am by no means lucky either.I dead drawed for 4 turns so..
    12. Terra254
      Its not much really just two of every card that had to deal with Fairies or Cloudians xD

      I had like 4 dead draws in a row from my first turn so My field was empty for 4 turns and I still recovered and won (slowly) with one draw.
      Thats how powerful the cloudians are at field control.
      Considering how bad my deck is thats saying a lot.
    13. Terra254

      Sure Hold On a sec.
    14. Terra254
      Brook,Accalia,SonGoku,and some random guy in the morning using Verz (AKA Irapedthekeyboardwhilemakingthisarchtypes ) monsters.Haha xD

      I only lost once again after dueling you and that was when Brook rematched me.

    15. Terra254
      Hey i thought you should know I haven't lost with cloudians since I dueled you,I've dueled 4 people.

      I got Nimbus up to 8500 once,even.
      I made impossible to be destroyed and or to take damage.
      Cloudians are not bad.
    16. Rafael Yuki
      Rafael Yuki
      Well,i Think terra is not going to duel...this is really sad for me..
      Anyway,my partner will be NemesisOmega!

      You and Yusei Accept the Challenge? 'O'
    17. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      I appreciate that you're trying to help encourage me but I've tried both sports AND videogames...I suck more than you can imagine at both...

      It takes one of every kind of person to make a world. So there had to exist at least one person who had no talents or skills at all at anything. And that person is me...
      Sports and video games aren't the only things that exist in this world. You could be a great musician, or an author, or anything...you just have to try.
      Alright, If it's not bad luck then what's it called when you get a starting hand of something like 2 Wulfs, 2 Celestias, And 2 Judgment Dragons while your opponent keeps clobbering you?
      Probability, which can be objectively calculated and can be minimized by making a deck that reduces the possibility of a bad starting hand. The belief in luck is childish. What are you going to do, wear a rabbit's foot to SJCs?

      But what if I had gone first and you had gotten a starting hand of 3 Phoenix Wings and 2 Call of The Haunteds? And then I used my Royal Decree at your end phase and you drew 2 Chaos Sorcerers, DAD and BLS, on your next 4 turns? What then?
      My deck was built so that there is a very low chance of something like this happening. What-if situations don't count for anything. The fact is, I beat you, just like I would beat anyone who used a Hero deck.

      But there's no way you're ALWAYS gonna be able to recover from them...
      Which is why in real tournaments there's matches of three duels. Sometimes you get the **** end of the stick and lose to a deck you didn't deserve to. If you actually have a good deck, there's no way it'll happen twice.

      How bout I show you a deck that he made and you can judge him based on that?
      I still wouldn't really care.

      I'll say one thing, You're right that you don't know much about this game in one sense. You're right that you haven't been keeping up with the meta very well. The fact that you think E-Heroes are bad proves that.
      Call me when Heroes top an SJC.

      Oh wait you won't call me, because it's never going to happen.
    18. Accalia
      Yay! Xd How did you like my post about the arena blowing up xd
    19. Accalia
      *Glomps again for no reason*
    20. Accalia
      *Glomps for no reason* :D