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Aug 3, 2021
Dec 24, 2011
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Home Page:
Voice Actress


Traverse Town Homebody, Female, from USA

Hello! I go by Mocha now. I haven't been here in years but I still do fandubs. Check out my recent ones on my fandub channel Mochabites. Apr 13, 2021

chibiwings was last seen:
Aug 3, 2021
    1. greater_bloo
      lol I think Mike can admit I've missed a couple of deadlines for his fan dubs. Though there was one time where he offered me the role of Sora with a day's notice (in which I wasn't on the computer that whole day) and he ended up giving the role to someone else, but I don't hold it against him it was a very short part.

      Lol why does things happen on the days I don't check in? I checked that TWEWY thread everyday for awhile waiting for the next episode and now that I haven't been there it suddenly shows up. Or those times I visited the Megaman Legends 3 Devroom website everyday looking for news and the one day I don't show up IT GETS CANCELLED! T_T After over a decade of waiting for a sequel of the 1st game I liked when I was little Capcom announces it then cancels it after 6 months! Sorry that whole thing probably doesn't relate to you but I'm still kinda upset over that. They had a demo and everything ready to be released and they didn't release it! Okay I promise rant over.

      Anyways I'll be sure to check out that episode and tell you what I think! :D
    2. greater_bloo
      Congrats on the part! Give me a link to it when it is finished I wanna SEE! :D
      Yeah he told me directly, but I've been turning in lines steadily nowadays so I think he has given me another chance. You're right about him being pushy though, but I think that's more of my fault since I haven't been working at all on it until just a few days ago.
    3. greater_bloo
      Lol it's the end of KH2 where Riku and Sora were talking before Kairi came running with Mickey's message in a bottle, but yeah close enough.
      I'm actually in danger of getting recasted for that fan dub lol. I have to get the lines in by the end of the month. I recorded and sent the part with Willis in New York already, took me less than 30 minutes and he seemed to like it so should be no problem recording the rest. I've been good, I've actually been singing for the KHV Chorus here. Check it out!


      Also it's open to anyone so you should try it out yourself!
      Just go here for details:!
      And here's the latest song we're singing:
      The deadline is March 25th so be quick to join up!

      I feel like a promoter. @_@
    4. greater_bloo
      Hello to you too! And welcome back!~
      "Nothing's changed huh?"
      "Nope, nothing will."
      "What a small fan community."
      "But part of one that's much bigger."
      Bonus points if you can name where that quote (with a small change) came from!~ :D
    5. greater_bloo
      OMG I was like wait...I auditioned for something? Then I was like OH YEAH! And I rushed over to VAA and confirmed lol. Thanks for letting me know! ^_^ And yeah my name is pretty rare if you see the words "Bloo, Great, or Cerix" together it's probably me, I mix it up from time to time. It's kinda hard when logging on to a website I haven't been to for awhile though. XD And no I haven't heard anything about the Type-0 fandub...I hope some people audition for that, otherwise it'll be forgotten.
    6. Shikou
      I liked it, I strongly recommend the movie. That is what got me into NANA in the first place. ^^
    7. Shikou
      Hello, thanks for accepting my request. ^-^
      I really like your NANA avi :D
    8. greater_bloo
      Lol thanks, if you want you could send me your audition lines via email and I can critique them if you want! My email is
      As for your last message, lol thanks for taking a look at it ^_^ and yeah I had tons of practice doing those two voices. Well I look forward to seeing your auditions! As for the character reel I'm sure it'll be no problem to land some parts I seriously can hear the potential in your voice, it just takes some practice to getting use to talking to a microphone.
      Oh so you did message her. Well now we play the waiting game *waits* heheh but yeah. Argh, I keep procrastinating auditioning for that fan dub I told him (or her) that I'd get it in the next's officially been several days. But yeah I'll eventually get to it.
    9. greater_bloo
      Lol I was thinking about maybe messaging the person leading the Type-0 fan dub into posting an audition call on VAA as well since it doesn't seem to be moving along just being here, and I'm pretty sure there are tons of people there who would be interested in doing that fan dub.
      You mean as a demo reel or as separate auditions? Lol link me to it when you do make it so I can comment on it! :D I actually put up my Sora and Vanitas auditions for the KH3D fan dub up on Youtube too. You could check it out if you want:

      There is also this fan dub right here on kh-vids that I'm gonna audition for soon and there is a female part open!:
    10. greater_bloo
      Yeah I noticed that too! Congrats and nice to meet you too! I don't know much about Type-0 but your audition was pretty flawless! Hope to hear more from you (in the forums or in a fan dub)!
    11. pipedownandlisten
      Yeah, but we don't want to distract the judges. Like, lets say I have blue hair. (As an example) I would stand out, right? So because I stood out, the judges attention would keep coming back to me, and considering how I'm not exactly the best dancer in the group, I could easily mess up, and it would be more likely for the judges to see me mess up, and therefore they would lower our score and everyone would hate me. This is pretty much the reasoning behind it, I think.
    12. pipedownandlisten
      Well, they want all the girls to essentially have the same hair style, so it would be okay if I got it cut, but I can't cut it above my shoulders
    13. pipedownandlisten
      Its show choir rules. I can't cut it short, I can't dye it crazy colors, or any color at all, really. I love show choir, but I might not try out again next year just because I want to have fun with my hair.
    14. pipedownandlisten
      You're hair you mean? I have to color mine again too. But I'm not allowed to cut it until show choir season ends. :(
    15. pipedownandlisten
      You're welcome! And you're profile pic is too cute!
    16. pipedownandlisten
      Cute username! I like it!
    17. cloud's buddy
      cloud's buddy
      Welcome to Kh-v
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  • About

    Home Page:
    Voice Actress
    Hi. I'm Mocha. I've been voice acting since December 2011. I love cute stuff! I also love singing and making videos.
    I used to be known as xrarelightx or chibiwings in the fandubbing community.


    :: I love voice acting! ::
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