Feb 18, 2011
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April 6


Chaser, Female


Still here every day, just not a lot to say in response to people's posts lately. Feb 13, 2019

    1. Lauriam
      Oh, I'm sorry. I can't offer you any advice, and I can't pretend to know what you're going through, but I'm a good listener if you need to talk about it.
    2. Destiny's hand
      Destiny's hand

      Wait. We are single at the same time.
    3. Destiny's hand
      Destiny's hand

      Hehehehehe! Oh lordie, that'd be hilarious. XD
    4. Lauriam
      You're emotional right now? What happened?
    5. Lauriam
      Ooh, yeah, I like that idea better. It's totally her personality, too.
    6. Lauriam
      Yeah. Maybe after the brunt of the battle is over, one of the villians can find Pamela and "persuade" her to join their side. Then she can be a villian for most of the RP, even though she never actually does anything villianous, and then later on, she can betray them and give some really important bit of information to the good guys.
    7. Lauriam
      Yeah, they are pretty hectic. She hasn't figured out who's who yet, she's just looking right now, trying to figure it out.
    8. Lauriam
      haha, no problem. You don't have to read it at all if it's too much. I probably will post it in the writers nook once I'm finished with the first chapter.
    9. Lauriam
      lol, yeah, I should be used to it, but I'm not yet. Ah well, I'll get there someday.
      And thanks, I'm really liking this one so far. I'm planning on turning it into a fill-fledged book, though, so it'll take awhile to finish. Do you want to see what I've got so far?

      My name's Tyler, and it's all I have right now, so if you ask me anything other than my name, I wouldn't know what to say. I woke up in a dark alleyway, with a girl leaning over me, an inch away from my face. She had piercing black eyes and frizzy blonde hair, and as she stared, her head tilted as if she couldn't quite figure me out. I tried to back up, but I realized I was in a corner, between a dirty old brick wall and a filthy dumpster overflowing with garbage. "Uh..." I had no room to move and she was literallly so close I could feel her breath on my face. I guess I must be clausterphoebic, because my heart was racing a million miles per hour and I started hyperventilating. I felt trapped and if I didn't get out of there in the next second, I was going to really freak out or something. Luckily, the girl stood up straight and backed up a step. "Well, and here I thought you were going to sleep all day," she said, as I got my breath back. "You haven't moved for at least three hours." I looked up at her. She was wearing a pair of oversized denim overalls and a bright red long-sleeved tee shirt. She also had on a purple scarf wrapped around her neck and hanging down over her shoulders, and for some reason, she was wearing black elbow pads. All in all, she was a very strange looking girl. "Uh, d-did you say three h-hours?" My voice was quiet and raspy, like I'd been yelling for hours and it finally gave out. Either that, or I hadn't had any water for a couple of days. The girl smiled. "Yup! I've been standing here waiting for you to wake up the whole time." She'd been standing an inch away, breathing on my face for three hours? The thought made me shudder, but I pushed it away. I needed to figure out what was going on. "Um, what happened?" I asked the girl. She shrugged. "Beats me," she said. "I was about to ask you the same question. What, did you get in a fight and lose your spot?" I blinked. "... What?" She looked at me, frowning. "You know, did you lose your spot to one of the troupes? Or did the Defs chase you off? A dumpster isn't a very good place to take a nap, especially this time of year." I felt lost. Too many words, and I didn't know half of them. "I- I'm sorry," I croaked. "Troupes? Defs? I... I don't... uh..." She cut me off. "You know," she said again. "The troupes, they're a bunch of thugs who travel in packs like wolves, hunting down loners and using us for punching practice. That would explain the black eye." I raised a hand and felt my face. Sure enough, one of my eyes was slightly swolen. I looked at the pile of garbage next to me and saw a bit of broken glass like a mirror. I picked it up and looked at my reflecton, and the girl was right, I had a real shiner. Curious, I looked at the rest of my face. My eyes were sort of olive colored like a weak green, and my face was pale except for the bruise around my eye. My hair was light brown, possibly even dark blonde, but it was tangled and dirty, apparently I hadn't showered in a while. I looked down at myself, I was wearing faded jeans with holes in the knees and some old sneakers. I had on a really worn out coat that looked like it was tan colored leather, and under that, a black graphic tee shirt with some band logo on the front, also worn out. I looked back up at the girl, who was still talking. "Or did the Defs find you and chase you away from your spot? They don't usually like having kids spend the night out in the public places where the rich people can see them. They get pay cuts if they don't keep us confined to the slums. So what's your name, anyway?" "Tyler," I said, almost without thinking. "What are the Defs?" She folded her arms and frowned at me. "Oh come on," she said exasperated. "The Defs? The Defenders? They're the police force in this wasteland of a city, and they work for Mr. King? Don't tell me you don't know who Mr. King is?" With the way she talked, I felt pretty stupid. I could practically feel my ears turn red. "Actually, I don't." She looked at me angrily, as if I were a stupid waste of her time. "What, you're how old? Fifteen? Sixteen? How can you live here and not know who Mr. King is? Everybody and their little brother knows who Mr. King is!" That didn't help me feel any better. I bit my lip trying not to cry. Hey, you try waking up next to a dumpster in an alley with a black eye and a sore throat, with a short tempered girl standing over you telling you how stupid you are for not knowing what the heck is going on. It doesn't exactly make you feel good. But then my stomach growled and I realized I was starving, and that sort of took my mind off the whole I'm-so-stupid thing for a bit. I took a shaky breath and looked up again. "I don't know anything," I told her. "I don't know who this Mr. King is, I don't know what Defenders are, I don't even know how old I am. All I know is my name's Tyler, and that's it." And that was also it for my voice. I coughed hoarsely a couple times and knew I wouldn't be talking for a while. The girl looked at me warily, as if she thought I was trying to screw with her head or something. "...Really?" She asked. I nodded. "How can I be sure you're not trying to scam me or something?" I thought for a moment and shrugged. She sighed. "Fine then," she snapped. "My name's Christie Evans. If we're gonna be friends, then I can't let you stay next to this dumpster. It's filthy, and I won't associate with people who sleep in filth." Before I knew what was happening, she was pulling me to my feet. I tried to stand on my own, but I couldn't seem to get my legs to hold my weight. I felt dizzy and everything started to go dark, giving me a headache. I closed my eyes, trying to remember something, anything. Who was I? Tyler. That much I knew. Beyond that... nothing. Why was I sleeping next to a dumpster? What had happened to my voice? Where had I gotten the black eye? Who was Mr. King, and why was he so important that everybody knew about him? And why was I so weak? I felt like I hadn't had any food or water for days, and now to top it all off, I was being half carried, half dragged across the alleyway, by a random girl I'd never seen, to a place I'd never been, and there was nothing I could do about it. But the biggest question of all was what I was thinking as I slipped into unconciousness: What had happened to my memory?

      For a long time, I sort of slipped in and out of semi-consciousness, as if I was trying to wake up but only came halfway. I heard voices sometimes, murmuring above me, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. Sometimes I would almost wake up and only hear silence, I would just lay there, unable to move or think. It felt like this went on for hours. Then, I finally seemed to come back all the way. I opened my eyes slowly, and saw a dark ceiling above me. I still felt heavy, and my head still ached, but this time, I wasn't sleeping next to a dumpster. I was on a soft surface, and there was a thin blanket over me. I looked around, I was on a dingy old couch in an abandoned store. It was a tiny store, not a whole lot of room, but large enough. There were maybe six couches set up, including mine, a few recliner chairs, and two dining room tables. It was a little breezy, and I looked at the front of the store. A large display window was broken, letting in cold air. Blankets were stapled up in the window like curtains, but that didn't stop the cold air from blowing in. Sitting at one of the recliners was a boy, maybe about seventeen, staring at me and smiling mischeviously. "Where-" I tried to ask him where I was, but I realized my voice was still shot, I could barely speak louder than a whisper, and it still hurt to talk. The boy leaned back in his chair. "Good evening, Tyler. Welcome to the house of hospitality, where all are welcome, provided they're knocked out when they're brought here." I looked at him, confused. He stood up. He had shoulder length dark brown hair, and he was wearing a black cap put on backwards, so the bill was in the back. He also was wearing a purple football jersey with a big yellow 4 on the front, over a long-sleeved black tee shirt, and he was wearing black jeans and black hightops. "Christie says you lost your memory in a fight with one of the troupes?" He looked at me curiously, as if he wasn't sure wether or not I was telling the truth. When I didn't answer, he shrugged. "Oh well," he said. "I'm sure you're wondering how you got here, and where you are, and where Christie is, and who I am." The boy said as he walked over to me. "Well, I'll tell you in the following order: I am known as Four, and I am a friend of Christie's. If you ever forget my name, I have it on my shirt. Christie is out raiding supplies with our other two friends, Stella and Harvey. You are in our little house, an abandoned furniture store where we all live like a family, just trying to survive. You got here because Christie found you and brought you here, where you were safe. Now, any other questions?" I opened my mouth, but shut it again, not sure what to say. Of course I had questions! I had a lot of questions. How long was I out? Why did he say everybody could live here if they were knocked out first? What kind of name was Four, anyway? And what was up with Christie, why did she bring me here? I mean, not that I wasn't grateful or anything, but why had she decided to drag me who knows how far to get to this place? And even more disturbing, where was I anyway? I know, I was in an abandoned furniture store in the slums, but the slums of what city? I didn't even know what city I lived in, or what year it was, or what month. Everything was a total blank except for my name, Tyler. And that wasn't even my full name! What was my last name? I didn't even have a last name. Finally I decided to just ask all my questions one at a time, and forced myself to get the words out of my mouth. I felt like I was shouting as loud as I could, but the words came out in a sort of loud raspy whisper. "... Long was... I... out?" Four helped me sit up and propped me up with pillows while I tried to talk, and then he handed me a glass of dirty-looking water. I didn't turn it down. "Well," he said. "Christie brought you in yesterday morning, and it's three P.M. now, so you've been here about twenty-nine hours or so, and you were out like a light the whole time." I finished the water and Four took the glass. I was startled by what he said. I had been out for more than a day, and I still felt weak. What on earth had I done to myself before I got to that dumpster? I took a deep breath and asked my next question. "Why... you said... house of... knocked out...?" I was trying to talk as loud as I could, but only half of the words were actually loud enough to hear. But Four seemed to understand me perfectly. "Uh, that's kind of a long story," he said. "See, Harvey and Stella, they're twins, they found this place first and lived here for awhile. They sort of turned it into a small house, and they would take turns going raiding for supplies, so one of them could stay here and guard the place. Then one day, Harvey found me, not in much better shape than you are now. He brought me back here and I've stayed here ever since. So we all lived together for awhile, and then I found Christie." He wasn't smiling anymore, and his dark eyes were thoughtful, like he could still remember finding her. "I helped her out of a bad place and then brought her here, but she blacked out on the way. She was pretty young, only fourteen, and she'd gotten pretty scared. Well, we all sort of became a family, and we have been for about a year. So now, I guess it was Christie's turn to find somebody, so I figured this house only accepted people who were knocked out before they got here." He smiled at me, and I thought about Christie. She was pretty strange, did that have something to do with her past? "Christie said... Watching... Three hours...?" Four's smile disappeared again. "Well, she's got her quirks," he said. "Let's just say you aren't the only one who's probably been hit over the head a couple times." Wait... he thought maybe I'd been hit on the head? More than once? Well, I guess considering the fact I had no idea who I was, he probably wasn't too far off. I was quiet for a moment, thinking it over. Then I turned to Four again. "What's... name of... city?" This time, he looked surprised. "You mean you don't even know where we are?" he asked. I shook my head, feeling stupid again. Four blinked. "Do you know what year it is?" I shook my head again. My ears were getting red, I could feel it. "Do you know who Mr. King is?" There was that name again, Mr. King. "No," I rasped. "I don't... anything... all a blank." Four shook his head, like he couldn't believe it. "Well, uh, okay then. We're in
    10. Lauriam
      Oh yeah. lol, I keep forgetting about different time zones. It's only 3:30 here.
      Well, that's good. I've spent my entire day writing a story and trying to beat castle oblivion. XD
    11. Lauriam
      lol, thanks, that means a lot.

      So how's your day been so far?
    12. Lauriam
      I loves everybody equally, it's just some people are nicer than others. XD

      Yeah... Don't worry, I'll never do anything like that to you. :)
    13. Lauriam
      Aw, thanks, we all lovez you too. =D
      But yeah, that's never a fun time. Sorry to hear that. People should learn to be more forgiving, even if a friend wrongs me, I'd rather just put it behind me and move on, instead of holding a grudge and losing a friend.
    14. Lauriam
      Meh, I'll think of something. Thanks for the help, though!

      haha, what on earht are you doing here at KHV, then? How did you even find out about this place?
    15. Lauriam
      lol, nevermind. I got it.
    16. Lauriam
      Nah, it's got to be a little more modern.

      I'm doing CO right now, I'm stuck on floor nine. Did you already beat that one?
    17. Lauriam
      Oh, sorry I didn't respond for so long. I was writing a story. I need an interesting name for a city. Any ideas?
    18. Lauriam
      Well, that's not suspicious at all. XD

      Oh well. You'll never take me alive!
      *Picks up plastic lightsaber and gets into a ninja pose*
    19. Destiny's hand
      Destiny's hand
      Hehe. Then people would be like, "WTH DOES DES TINY SHAND MEAN?"
      And then feel stoopid. X3

      Noooooo. Day was writing from her iPod. BD She loves this thing~
    20. Destiny's hand
      Destiny's hand
      Oh okay! Day really thought that Darkeh wantEd it to change for a second there..... Anywho, guess where Day is writing this from! ;)
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