Last Activity:
Jun 28, 2018
Apr 19, 2011
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May 23, 1994 (Age: 30)
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Hollow Bastion Committee, Female, 30, from Atlanta

Sup Feb 21, 2017

Droid was last seen:
Jun 28, 2018
    1. Korosu
      ..Is it bad that the Goofy thing scared me? xD Like, I felt shivers go down my spine and I had to look behind me.
      oo~ pretty fireworks.
    2. ShibuyaGato
      Everything's alright. Pretty much an average day in my derpy vacation-filled life. Wazzap wit chu?
    3. StardustXtreme
      Okay I'll grant Kh-vids that sneak manuver but now it's Floor nine

      my powers flux in these empty halls,
      with the memories from she who falls.
      The more I fight it feeds my sorrow,
      for I am nothing but a shadow.
      Who am I?
    4. StardustXtreme
      so i gotta go out of the forums and onto Home huh.
    5. StardustXtreme
      There's a chamber filled with melodies within the castle. The sounds of the heart resonate from one story to the next; memories echo and create harmonies from the many kingdoms of the world.
      Find the melodies and move forward.

      Naturally I assumed it to be music but instead it says Wrong Turn.
    6. StardustXtreme
      Stuck at bloomg floor six!
    7. Daxa~
      It did,it did xD
      My evil computer that hates all life.
      Yup yup yup...still havn't started it by the way.
      And that,my dear,is a super secret.
      Suffice to say I have no ****ing clue what to make them.
    8. Korosu
      Sometimes I can be a Scourge when it comes to Christmas, all the hassle makes me stressed and whatnot, haha. I think low key Christmas's can be the best, nice and peaceful spent with people you love and care for.
      Ah New years..Oh, that sounds like fun. I hope you enjoy yourself then. c:
    9. ShibuyaGato
      Well, we all have our derps, it's just a fact of life. I'm not mad or anything though...
    10. Korosu
      I would like a white Christmas too.
      The whole family/clan is coming around, so it's going to be hectic around here, I would much rather just relax. Yourself? Any nice plans?
    11. Daxa~
      I was about to finally get started on my Secret Santa pressie.
      Computer tells me that Gimp is no longer compatible
      Gets rid of it completely.
    12. Rhiscx
      Really? It's a good movie you should watch it sometime.

      You put me on your list. I feel loved.
    13. Rhiscx
      Not bad. But I don't think the people he's sending to will know what and "Inception" is.
    14. Rhiscx
      Anytime brother.
      My dad has a 10 reasons why he should continue to make these cards card. And he has no idea what else to put missing 2

      Very stylish.
    15. Rhiscx
      Trying to finish a christmas letter for my dad, But I'm stuck.
    16. Rhiscx
      Hey Droid what's up?
    17. Korosu
      Banana? Oh my..that does not sound very nice at all. Aha, me too, the season almost kills me but I love it. Ah, do you want snow this year too? o:
    18. Korosu
      It is not a problem.
      Ahah, nope they do not. I hear they're rather tasty. Oh yes, the mumbling! Subtitles are a god sent, yay for them. I cannot embrace the cold! I turn purple and other unnatural colors when I'm freezing.

      That hot, huh? Don't get snow I'm guessing? xD
    19. Korosu
      Ah I see! Then you are, very talented with your avvy and sig making. I'm a premium member, I only really use it though to edit life photo shots and whatnot. Ah good luck, I hear GIMP can be easy to understand if you use tutorials and whatnot.

      Yes, it is almost 7pm here. I've never ever tasted a poptart! I do not think they sell them here in Britain. It is nice to hear you're doing well though, good sir. The new Sherklock movies looks far more interesting than the first, I must admit, the first barely caught my attention had to watch it a few times to learn to like/love it. I am quite well besides being a little chilly due to the weather, thank you for asking.
    20. Korosu
      Yay. :'D

      He is, he is rather grand. I thought you used Picnik, couldn't tell with the avatars but when I saw the sigs you made [both sigs and avatars were lovely btw] it became slightly more obvious to me. Are you a Premium member on Picnik or whatever the devil they call it? Get more advantages and whatnot.

      Anyway, enough of my rambling. How're you my dear Sebastian on this frosty evening?