Last Activity:
Mar 6, 2025 at 7:24 PM
May 1, 2009
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Apr 18, 1996 (Age: 28)
Film Student


Transformation, Male, 28

Premium Jun 10, 2018

ShibuyaGato was last seen:
Mar 6, 2025 at 7:24 PM
    1. Korosu
      That thread of yours better die! >:L I'm not having people compare me to nickoboyzx. ****ing sleepyness.
    2. Feenie
      The links in your post are leading me to the website, but there's a 403 Forbidden code on the page :P
    3. kitty_mckechnie
      lol, they must be really bad. xD

      Aye, I don't see the point in restarting if you worked to gain all those sweet items. I could understand if they reset your level but let you keep your items but not the other way around.

      Hey, we need to get Sabby to play too.
    4. Scruffy
      CC, I sincerely apologize, but I'm going to take a nap now.

      I'll be awake in a few hours. For now though, ciao. :3
    5. kitty_mckechnie
      lol, I was thinking I was. I completely forgot the controls. Seriously, it's amazing I didn't toss a grenade at has happened before. xD

      Are you gonna max out your level?
    6. Scruffy
      Nope. No objections here. Also, I totally know what you're talking about xD
      You're having audio issues...? I can't remember if that's one of the things I experienced. I know the game deleted some of my saves and kept crashing, so I stopped using No$gba.
      I actually haven't beat the 5th case in the original AA...and that's only because my game has crashed every single time I've tried. :/
    7. kitty_mckechnie
      lol, that's awright. It was fun! Though I constantly ran about like a headless chicken. xD

      But damn! Level 58! Do you play the multiplayer a lot?
    8. Scruffy
      You're half Cuban and half Italian? o: I am also part Italian. I guess you wouldn't have any problem with me calling you signora, then? :P

      No$gba has caused me a few issues..that's why I use DeSmuME. So long as it's working for you though, that's good.

      Gumshoe is actually pretty involved in JFA [which I'm assuming you're playing]. The last case in JFA is also fantastic, so look forward to that. ^^
    9. Scruffy
      You are welcome senorita. :3c

      I wouldn't blame you. xD

      I guess you're right. I just prefer talking via MSN since it's a lot quicker to communicate. But hey, I can't complain.
    10. Scruffy
      The official timeline would be AA > JFA > T&T > AAI > AAI2 > Apollo Justice

      You really think it's admirable? o.o

      Aww. Oh well. At least I do get to talk to CC here, at least. :3
    11. Scruffy
      It better work out for you then D:

      Yeah..ever since I started taking Economics, I've understood a lot about the gaming industry, other industries in general, and just generally how the world works in regards to money. We as gamers don't have to allow companies to milk us with DLC. If we all banded together and boycotted a game based on DLC, we could easily get companies to stop milking us and work on a full-fledged product which companies like Capcom and now Square Enix aren't doing. 'course, this is an unlikely thing to happen xD

      Meh..I don't like to be dishonest. Even if it hurts me in the end. :/

      At least our break extends out to the 9th of January. That's a positive, I guess. Though I have exams 2 weeks after the break..ah well. x_x Also, I did want to ask..did you happen to have MSN? o.o
    12. Scruffy
      Not yet, at least. :P

      The emulator I use is DeSmuME. I believe it comes in either 64bit or 32bit depending on which version of Windows 7 you have. I hope you do manage to take this route and are able to experience the games :D

      That's true, but...the thing is, they're cutting content from the disc to resell you. All of the costumes and weapons could have easily been included on the disc. Especially the boss Omega. There is simply no excuse for omitting a boss from a Final Fantasy game in order to make a profit. The 40/40 is a good indication, but..its a Japanese reviewer. We need to get an opinion from an American reviewer so that way we can get a bunch of different opinions and eliminate as much bias as possible.

      I could always just change up the number of hours I've already done to show that I did more...but that's cheating. xD

      Ohh? Are you on break already, then? And hm...I really should get back into reading novels :/ Are you enjoying it, though?
    13. Scruffy
      Er...I am not particularly interested in listening to collabs and stuff, but..I guess I'll try listening to it soon? D:

      It's not hard to find an emulator or ROMs for the games, but I know some sites are rather strict when it comes to piracy and posting links to such activities x_x

      I'm a bit skeptical on XIII-2...The music sounds good, and the environments look great as well, but I don't like the idea of a potentially new character being replaced by a bunch of random monsters that you can have fight for you. Plus they're milking us for money with DLC. Seems like it is slightly rushed. Still, Famitsu gave it a 40/40, so I have a bit of an expectation for it.

      I'd recommend you get those hours done ASAP. I only have 4 1/2 left to complete, but not sure where to complete them D:

      Wha chu up to right now, btw? o.o
    14. Scruffy

    15. Scruffy
      Aww. I know what you mean though xD I guess that means I can't ask to hear anything, then.

      $70 each? Jeez. Yeah, that's pretty overpriced. You could just take the alternate route of...piracy. You could very well be right about all of the characters, but for them to just end things like that and not explain what happened to the characters you had spent 3 games with is pretty sad in my opinion. :/

      I thought XIII was a good game. Battle system could use improvement, sure, but it was a good game nonetheless. I'm so hyped about Sly 4 though..I need to go through the Sly Collection again to recap.

      You guys have to do it there too? I thought it was just us D: I'm in Grade 12, so this should be my last year here at HS :3
    16. Scruffy
      You took chorus? o: I suppose you must be a decent singer..

      -ahem- er...uhh...I suppose it would be obvious that..I cannot really contribute much on this topic in regards to those guys.. xD
      You haven't played JFA or T&T yet? I would seriously recommend you to. They're fantastic. T&T of course is my favorite, considering that's where Godot first appears. The thing is, though..the game doesn't explain that. They're just completely absent from the series. If they plan to continue with Apollo Justice, I won't really be interested.

      I used to. Then I (stupidly) sold it, and I plan to get another one. What about XIII has made you quit? I could help you out if you needed some guidance :3 And..of course. Thieves in Time is going to be terrific. I've been waiting for Sly 4 for a long time. I'm just looking forward to what they do to move the series forward.

      Just wait until you get to the later grades. You'll have to deal with university applications, and community service as a requirement for graduation (at least here) D:
    17. Scruffy
      Music is one of my biggest passions and inspirations in life, so...yeah, its obvious why its so captivating to me. xD
      No worries. There's a Boxing Day in the UK as well.

      A fangirl of...older men...? How old are we talking here? xD Also..the AA game I liked least was Apollo Justice. They threw out Maya, Gumshoe, Edgeworth, all the old AA characters, so it was extremely disappointing to play. My advice would be to just wait until Capcom releases a better version of any new game they put out, because its pretty inevitable that it will happen.

      Actually..I bought FF13 for PS3 on launch day, beat it within a week, and logged in almost 100 hours. I was so dedicated that I bought it again for 360 and completed it in one sitting, which took me about 36 hours of nonstop playing xD For recommending me the Sly and Ico/SoTC have seriously earned my respect. You are unbelievably cool for liking those. :3

      I'll try. I can't promise anything due to being busy, but I'll see what I can do. Sorry T_T
    18. Scruffy
      I'm actually doing my annual playthrough of VII. I also play X around New Years, so that's coming up. The one thing that captivates me about FF is the music and environments above all else.
      Nope. I am from the land of Canada. :3c

      Yeah..I know what you mean. Still, it's one of the few local places that actually has some good trade-in promos such as getting discounts towards hardware, so that's a plus. Capcom truly is just milking its fans with UMvC3. I only bought it because I need something to kill time with, and its fairly fun. After that, unless its a new AA game, or a new Resident Evil game that is similar to RE1, 2, and 3, I'm not buying anything from Capcom.

      My 360 runs in HD o.o But don't worry, I'll be returning to PS3 soon xD Maybe as soon as Christmas.

      You know..I really do want to start watching Doctor Who..I've heard a lot of good things about it. I just don't have time for TV anymore :/
    19. Scruffy
      Scruffy least I'm a huge fan of Final Fantasy? :D
      I'll have to try getting into KH soon..maybe during Boxing Day I can find some deals online.

      Why do you hate it sometimes? Just because they rip you off whenever you trade things in, or something else? =[
      UMvC3 now has a ton of replay value. I hate how Capcom screwed all of us who bought the original, but this game now has Heroes and Heralds mode, a bunch of new characters, stages, and the online is pretty cool. It just depends how often you play it.

      Ohh? How's Uncharted 3? I seriously wanted to get into the series, but alas, no PS3...yet. :/
    20. Scruffy
      Not much? D:
      ...I have nevah played TWEWY. Shameful..I haven't played much of the KH series or TWEWY.. :/

      I'm just playing some UMvC3, watching some George Carlin videos, and reviewing a bit for chemistry test.
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  • About

    Apr 18, 1996 (Age: 28)
    Film Student
    Past Usernames:
    Cat<3 Sora / ЅкyCɑт / Skitty / €atastrophe / Doctor Who? / Christmas Cat / Tony Stark / iCat / Princess Yue / Chipster the Cat / lawlCat / ɪenzo / Cat~ / Terrible Ten-inch / Naoto Shirogane / Dean Winchester / Oswin Oswald / Ten / Yui / Damon Salvatore / BARRY... / Doctor / Koki Kariya / Nui Harime / NubCat / anelg / Crowley / Mega Man / Arch Hates Dean / ShibuyaGato
    Default Name:
    I share a birthday with David Tennant. This is all you need to know~

    Interests? Why yes, I have many.
    CatxKT 5ev-shot-

    "I'd want Sherlock to be canceled." ~Ienzo
    "Majestic fat flaps." ~Ienzo
    "I will accept anything right now... I was under sleep-deprivation." ~Ienzo
    "Yeah! Get muscly man legs" - Ienzo



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      Cat~ & Ienzo are the Best Bromance of 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 (2nd)|2017
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