I'm thinking of creating a thread in The Spam Zone because I need some help labeling some soundtracks from the Pokémon Anime. However, would it be considered advertising if I linked to YouTube playlists? Thanks in advance.
Ya. I'm filming a short movie for a real Director. I'm in an arts school and everything is taking off I'm so happy :'D xD
Thank you, it has became my thing though. Only when it gets really bad is when I am bothered by it. Luckily that doesn't happen every day.
Could you move this please? http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?119143-Background-issue-on-the-new-skin&goto=newpost I am not bright sometimes, sorry about that.
ya but i had made sure to clear it up with misty, a admini, she said it would be ok, do i have to re-post? (not mad if thats what your wondering)
naa, i dont care about rep! Even though i could rule the world with it besides, more people who read, more a less rep ^_^
ya, that is true, when you read it though, can u post a comment of how you feel about it so it on first page again, i might get minus rep from bronies for posting that fanific ._.
hmm, interesting, good to know a fellow brony/pony, but if you like the show as is, your not gonna like the the fanfic i put in the spam zone, its in my sig, for the link, read it if you like, its a lot of reading though! (its a good fanifc but will change your respect for certain characters)
shidonic - i'm lucky i was pulled out of my school for home school, my school, you had fight clubs in the bathrooms, and when ever i got in trouble for self-defence, i would get suspended but the other kid wouldn't because he had more "false witnesses" D: (Btw, you like Mlp: Fim?)
shidonic - i hate insomnia, i mean i use to look like this [/spoiler] but now i look like this [spoiler][IMG][/spoiler]
don't feel bad, i mean, right now im a flucking vampire, awake by night and asleep by day...insomnia sucks :P
So how was the rest of your birthday? 8D Also, I have rehearsal next week Monday and Tuesday 'til 6 so um I'd advise getting a different ride home those 2 days .___.;