Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
Jun 24, 2007
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July 7
Home Page:
The Plains

Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta

The Demon Slayer, Male, from The Plains


Everything feels fake... Jun 14, 2018

    1. StardustXtreme
      In other Forum?
    2. midnight-star
      hi Jaden thanks glad to be a part of it
      I use almost anything fairies, fables, zombies, some of my brothers decks
      my favorite would probably be dragons or Genix
    3. Iskandar
      well, since I can't fully tell you about my deck, what do you at least think I should replace my second nuzzler with? I managed to switch thing around so I put in Double Summon(I just think it could help. If it doesn't then I'll find something else), Heavy Storm, a second MST, and keep Call of the Haunted. What traps do you think would be really good to put in? Maybe you could just give me a list? Nothing like threatening roar, since I already have that
    4. Accalia
      o.e jayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
    5. Accalia
      any suggestions for tuner then?
    6. Iskandar
      well, I put it in, but now that I think about it, I might just put it in the Side Deck, just in case.
    7. Accalia
      I added bri synchron any suggestions for it?
    8. Accalia
      okay. :) .....
    9. Iskandar
      Rainbow Dark Dragon? you serious? I mean, I've got enough dark monsters, but the problem is that I only have 12 different kinds, out of 21 monsters, out of....I'm just going to stop there. I mean, I could seriously calculate the probability of getting enough monsters. Sure there's synchros, but I still need the dragon. I'm sorry for going against everything you say, but I'm just trying to get myself to believe how it helps. I always try to think of actual duels so I can see how well it works, and I don't doubt you, but it's just hard for me. I'm sorry, you're trying to help me and I go and do this.
      So basically what you're saying is use rainbow Dark dragon( I can replace a Dark Eruption for that), and what do you think I should replace one of the Nuzzler's for? And do you really think I should keep Ebon Arrow? I mean, its eff is great, but the only monster it seems to actually help with is Blackwing Armed Dragon, because of its eff when attacking a def monster
    10. Iskandar
      you know, do you think I should take out one of my 3 Dark Eruptions? I have 3 because it was in the default deck(and it also helps getting Gale the Whirlwind back and others) but i wonder if I really need 3 of them....and now that I think about it, do I really need 2 Malevolent Nuzzler's? I mean, I did that because I figured I would need something to keep my monsters stronger, but it almost seems like I could take one out to replace with something else
    11. Accalia


      Dark Magician x2
      Dark Magician Girl x2
      Skilled Dark Magician
      Apprentice Magican x2
      Breaker the magical warrior x3
      Defender the magical knight x3


      Summoner's Art x2
      Mystic Box
      Monster Reborn
      Dark Magic Curtain
      Axe of Despair x2
      Wonder Wand x3


      Mirror Force
      Magic Cylinder
      Gaga Shield x3
      Waboku x2


      Utopia x2
      Black Rose Dragon
      Stardust Dragon
      Number 17 x2
      Daigusto Phoenix x3
      Gachi Gachi Gantetsu x2
      Shineelf x3
    12. Iskandar
      Ok, so I was just looking, and I've got 14 Spells, 21 Traps, and 25 monsters. I was thinking about Dust Tornado, Metalmorph, and Ebon Arrow. Do you think I should take those out?
      And I actually did think of Dark Armed Dragon, but I don't think I'd be able to get it out in time. I mean, you need to have exactly 3 dark monsters, and because of my deck I get more than 3 dark monsters in the grave too quickly.
      And yeah, I meant to say Pot of Duality.
      But what about Double Summon? I know I'm going on about this, but it just seems like I should have a card that can let me get one more monster out there in a turn. it just seems like it could help me out. And I try to have enough traps to make sure that I can at least try to survive to get another monster, which is why I have 20 of them(I just replace Dust Tornado with MST), but shouldn't I try to keep around that?

      I think I tried to put too much in at once
    13. Iskandar
      I know you're trying to help, it's just that I can't put in cards that don't fit my style. It may sound like an excuse, but I really can't use those cards with the way that I duel.
    14. Iskandar
      eh, I've never really thought of putting allure of darkness in that deck. I mean, you get to draw more, but since I need all the monsters possible to synchro, I don't think I should lose even one. And I'm not sure where to put Pot of Averice.
      you think maybe I should replace Dust Tornado for Double Summon? Although, I really don't want to lose anymore traps....what if I took out Scapegoat? Although I could use that in a pinch. Man, I keep trying to make this work with this year's stuff but it's not easy
    15. Iskandar
      yeah, I started using Megamorph in Sacred Cards and I usually add it now and then just because I have that urge. But I use Reverse of Arcadia, so I'm behind a year, so I just adjusted to what the new rules were. But really I've thought of putting in Double Summon, keep Call of the Haunted, and I put in heavy storm. If I already have Call of the haunted...maybe take out Megamorph, put in one of the others...but what do I take out for the last one?
      ....You're not going to use this info against me if we duel again are you? I'm sorry, I shouldn't say that, it's just that if someone knew my entire deck, or most of it, I'd be scared since they would know what to look for
    16. Iskandar
      well, then what should I do? I mean, if both Heavy Storm and Call of the Haunted are good, what should I take out, Megamorph?
      Truthfully, I only put that in because it sometimes keeps me out of a pinch long enough to get a good card, but I'm starting to wonder....and what about double summon? That could really help. Man, if only I could have exactly the deck I have in my game
    17. Iskandar
      Hey, for my blackwing deck, I took out Skill Successor, but what should I replace it with? I put in Call of the Haunted, but I'm not too sure about that either. I put Double Summon and heavy Storm in my Side deck just in case I feel like switching, but what do you think?
    18. Accalia
    19. Accalia
      Hey Jay, how ya doin'?
    20. Iskandar
      hmm, that kinda sucks. Yeah, today isn't really my greatest day either. My knee cap is killing me for some reason, and if I bend it even a little, it hurts like crap, and I think I might have had 1 too many chocolates, since my stomach wasn't exactly feeling the greatest earlier.
      Let me guess though, feeling stressed from the duel arena?
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    July 7
    Home Page:
    The Plains
    My personality? Well I am quite eccentric...I like to think of myself as reserved but openminded...And I'm definitely a very generous and honest person. But I'm not exactly what you call a social butterfly. If I have not messaged you it's because I'm just sort of the type who doesn't message someone unless they message me first. I guess you could say I'm just sort of what you call a "recluse". But that doesn't mean that I'm not willing to talk to you. If you ever wanna talk just message me anytime. :)

    Also I am a very low functioning Aspie. I have SEVERE Asperger's Syndrome. And because of that I may not understand sarcasm or figures of speech. I also show many symptoms of ADD, ADHD, OCD and Bipolar Disorder.

    Some people think that I have a bad temper but I just get really irritated when people get stubborn with me when I know that they're wrong. I have VERY low tolerance for stubborn/hardheaded people, stupidity and closedmindedness... (- _ -; But if you don't judge me then I won't judge you. I'll be nice to you as long as you're nice to me.

    Aside from that I'm pretty much just a laid back guy who enjoys gaming, movies, anime, RPing and cartoons.


    I need to update my sig.