Last Activity:
Jun 14, 2013
Mar 24, 2007
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January 27
i liek 2 sell mah virginity @ dah bunnah ranch



JellyBeing was last seen:
Jun 14, 2013
    1. kitty_mckechnie
      No poop on me face! D:
    2. Fork
      Like I would ever forget you.
      Are you back? :'D
    3. Plums
      who's this chick???

    4. Rhiscx
      Oh I don't post my problems. I just try to help others who posted.

      Well thank you. Living with my mother, two sisters, and a brother, seen so much heart ache, family issues, and all that jazz, I simply give my best advise I can give that person.
    5. Noroz
      By living approx 4,000 miles from home.

      As we say in Norway; God natt (for good night) or, Ha det (Bye)
    6. Rhiscx
      Probably. I didn't do very much when I first joined.

      Even today I have no home here. I'm just a freelancer, posting wherever I deem I can or fits my mood. Though I have spent some time in the Duel Arena and in the Help with Life section, But I wouldn't call that my territory.

      Ha ha ha! The context of the word "normal" doesn't even really exist. Not with me anyway.
    7. Noroz
      Pleasure to meet you as well. I must add my positive sides as soon as possible, simply to keep you spellbound for as long as I can. Thus I inform you that I am Norwegian, a rare trait here at KHV. And as Urbandictionary is a reliable source of information, my name there is defined as;
      A petter is a wonderful, nice, hot, sexy, extremely talented person. Everybody loves a petter, whatever he does.
      from rumors it's said a petter always got a huge penis.
    8. Rhiscx
      Yep. So I know exactly how that feels.

      And yes I did, and yes I have, but I don't think I've ever spoken with you before. Trust me, I wouldn't have forget having a conversation with someone outside the box as yourself. And I do mean that in a good way. As everyone has probably reassured you, "Normal is overrated."
    9. Noroz
      I get that a lot! And as the song goes, you had me at your introductory post.
      I go by Petter or Noroz. And no, Petter is not a nickname, it's my actual name. It's like Peter, only better.
    10. Rhiscx
      LOl. I think a lot of us (myself included) have been there. But now on break I have more time to post here and do other stuff.
    11. Noroz
      Not really. I have a tendency to unintentionally swoon. Why were I cursed with my musical talent and charming smile?!
    12. Rhiscx
      Oh no it's not a problem. I didn't think that all. People coming and going......I'm used to it by now. So perhaps we can get to know each other before your boredom sends you off again.

      So, what have you been up to since you left?
    13. Noroz
      So I can expect you to join me back home, then? What time works for you?
    14. Misty
      I know. :'c My mom usually isn't so bad, though, haha. Definitely not bad at all, compared to others.

      I am, haha. Cupcakes only sometimes. <3
    15. Noroz
      Ah, nothing like some whiskey on the rocks while relaxing, watching some satirical shows, would you not agree?
    16. Misty
      Honestly I probably could get away with it but I would rather not pull another "UH SHE FOUND ME ON LASTFM BECAUSE WE HAVE SIMILAR MUSIC TASTES AND SHE ADDED ME AND I FELT BAD SAYING NO I'M REMOVING HER TONIGHT please don't take away my computer" haha

      Life is okay, being a senior blows but luckily sometimes there are cupcakes. How about yoouuuu?
    17. Noroz
    18. Misty
      I unfortunately I cannot accept your request, probably like... a year ago I added Angie, and my mom found her, and was all "how do you know people from ohio"
      So I've been wary of adding online friends since then. :'c

      hey c:
    19. Rhiscx
      You made a good point. Call it "Natural Reflex/instinct"

      But of course as a Premium I'm sure you know the rules.

      Bordem can be quite the killer, and it spreads rather quickly here.

      btw, hey there.
    20. Noroz
      I fail to see the awkwardness with licking jam off bodies... I mean, I prefer melted chocolate or whipped cream, but jam should work just fine.
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  • About

    January 27
    i liek 2 sell mah virginity @ dah bunnah ranch
    I wear my sunglasses at night.


    You're never fully dressed without a smile.
