Last Activity:
Jun 28, 2018
Apr 19, 2011
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May 23, 1994 (Age: 30)
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Hollow Bastion Committee, Female, 30, from Atlanta

Sup Feb 21, 2017

Droid was last seen:
Jun 28, 2018
    1. Rhiscx
      hm? Oh.....right the RP. Yea, I'm sure Brook will come up wont something.

      Yeah? My emotions tend to get in my way a lot of times......
    2. Rhiscx

      So I've seen. You sure have a lively lot with you.
    3. Rhiscx
      *Kaiba grabs the metal pole* "Come at me, bro.

      Yea.....I think it died, it was probably for the best. I can't think of anything to say to that last remark..........
    4. Rhiscx
      "No no Pumba. It's you got put your past behind ya. Sit down before you hurt yourself."

      Forte, that was his name. Very deep into my childhood. A place I choose not to venture.
    5. Rhiscx
      Tch! These accursed memories.......

      Two characters come to my mind.......I'm thinking of the the large Organ/harpsichord form the Beauty and the Beast Christmas......idk am I close?
    6. Rhiscx
      Your hair long again. Boy I say boy you gotta work that up-due! Own that mane!

      Never watched that before. We just start, I already loose, go figure. I think sounds familiar. Yeah, the game is still expensive as heck, unless you e-bay it I guess.
    7. Rhiscx
      lavender......*looks around room* Not close at all. But I like the new hair cut you got. The hat a Jamaican Man! Got it from a friend for graduation.

      Dat quote......it must be........"Jack Skellington!" from the Nightmare Before Christmas. Actually I usually play KHIIFM in Christmas town about this time to fit the mood. I love the new outfit for Sora, and sound score they gave the place.
    8. Rhiscx
      I AM WEARING A HAT. /howdidyouknowthat?

      I'm sorry. I've been busy lately, and haven't gotten a chance.
    9. Rhiscx
      Oh.......totally went over my head. Now I feel dumb.

      Dat hat. Yea, he's pretty chill in a living-dead kind of way.
    10. Rhiscx
      Ah, yes. If it weren't for the darn seashells........

      Cool. But I thought Barbosa betrayed Jack. Why would you want him?
    11. Rhiscx
      What are you talking about? I'm super jealous!

      Saw your demands. Can I be Will Turner?
    12. Rhiscx
      My Furer! The enemy team wishes to know if there are demands for our victory.

      What is your response?

      Hail Kaiba!
    13. Rhiscx
      My Furer! The enemy team wishes to know if there are demands for our victory.

      What is your response?

      Hail Kaiba!
    14. Rhiscx
      Not much a "party guy". I think Loxare is still playing though......

      Commercials.......am I right?
    15. Rhiscx
      Probably nothing. Ok.......did we win......?

      Dr. Pepper......I have a bunch at my place to. Let'sdrinkup let'sdrinkup let'sdrinkup
    16. Rhiscx
      Hey, that's my b-day. What a coincidence. I noticed. I'll help.....but what exactly should I do? Thank you for that. You sure you no want cake?
    17. Rhiscx
      Back! What did I miss? The final was cake. Mmmmmm........cake.
    18. Rhiscx
      Best wishes to you. And yes he would be proud. Him, and every other card playing character.

      (Yes, it is rather interesting. A wondering swordsman/Armor pilot and a talking lion. There is just something magical about it.)

      Well, I need to get ready for my final. I should be gone for an hour or so. And who knows, maybe I'll have time for a card game tonight.
    19. Rhiscx
      Sounds like quite a hand you've been dealt. Lol. "clever ditz" oxymora's are the best. Well good luck to you. If you fight for that hand, I'm sure you'll get the cards you need.

      (btw was this no suppose to amuse you? :( )
    20. Rhiscx
      Cool....and hot......and not too good with the sick part. But that sounds nice. So, how are you two doing if I may ask?