Ventus PSP Aqua
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Jan 7, 2022
Jun 29, 2010
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February 6
Home Page:
βεtwεεn ◊ȴight & Dαrƙness♦
Defending kingdoms from Risen

Ventus PSP Aqua

Gummi Ship Junkie, Female, from βεtwεεn ◊ȴight & Dαrƙness♦

Somewhere Only We Know~ Oct 8, 2013

Ventus PSP Aqua was last seen:
Jan 7, 2022
    1. Beucefilous
      lol yup. and you would be like the most badass girl ever.
    2. Beucefilous
      XD you know it
    3. Beucefilous
      lol my first words to anyone who tried to mess with me would be "biznatch i'm a demigod"
    4. Beucefilous
      lol he'd be like "pfft i can do that too *turns into it* *lightning face beam*"
    5. Beucefilous
      .....Abe? lol
    6. Beucefilous
      i would be scared shitless if someone turned into that thing lol
    7. Beucefilous
      lol yes it is.
      Creepy right?[/SPOILER]
    8. Beucefilous
      yep. shoots lightning fro its face and everything dies lol
    9. Beucefilous
      The shrykull kills everything on the screen
    10. Beucefilous
      lol yeah. but anyway thats a good game
    11. Beucefilous
      it's from wiki
    12. mis_notalent
    13. Beucefilous

      Abe's Oddysee includes only four named characters, though there are many anonymous slaves and guards. The protagonist of the game is Abe, a Mudokon slave worker born into captivity and ignorant of his people's rich history and culture. Abe is often described as a "klutz" for his clumsy and simple nature. He is also different from the rest of the Mudokons, being the only one to have his lips sewn shut. Reportedly, because of his constant crying in his childhood, they sew his mouth shut to keep him quiet. It didn't do any good though.[18] Mid-point through his adventure, Abe is joined by the Elum, a stubborn, yet loyal mule creature. "Elum" is the English word "Mule" spelled backwards; and the creature is described as one in the enclosed instruction book. It is unclear whether "Elum" is the name of the species, or merely of the individual. Abe and Elum were originally envisioned as beginning Abe's Oddysee together, living off the land and being thrust into an industrialized factory slave environment. The developers came to the conclusion that the story was stronger should Abe come from a factory existence and later reveal one of self-sustenance, and as such the concept was changed.[19] A guiding leader figure enters the story in Big Face, the pre-eminent Shaman of the Mudokon people, who wears a large wooden mask, crafted by native Mudokons, from which his name is derived.[20] Big Face is a character whose spiritual power and knowledge remains a mystery; he saves Abe from death and sets him on a quest to rescue his brothers and face the trials of the Monsaic Lines,[21] before acting in a more traditional leader's role to the eventual dozens of freed slaves.

      The primary antagonist of the game is Molluck the Glukkon, the ruthless chief executive officer of the meat-packing factory titled RuptureFarms. Reportedly attractive by Glukkon standards, and having terrible cigar breath, Molluck is obsessed with success, doing anything within his power and cunning to achieve ever more wealth.[5] Despite this, Molluck's business empire is failing due to decline of the wildlife whose meat he sells. Desperate to revive his trade, Molluck decides to use his Mudokon slave population in his food products to offset the declining profits.[22]


      Abe's Oddysee begins with the titular protagonist as a prisoner in RuptureFarms, from which point he narrates his story. He and many other Mudokons have been slaves all their life to Molluck the Glukkon, who owns RuptureFarms, which is known as the biggest meat-processing plant on Oddworld.[23] Abe is a contented floor-waxer First Class and currently Employee of the Year.[5]
      Molluck the Glukkon observing his plummeting profits.

      RuptureFarms is undergoing difficulties: the ingredients of their three major products: Scrab Cakes, Paramite Pies, and Meech Munchies, are quickly running out, with the Meeches already extinct.[24] While working late one night, Abe chances upon the Board Room, where the various Glukkons are discussing their dilemma. After reviewing the situation, Molluck announces his plan to use the Mudokon slaves as new meat products called "Mudokon Pops!", frightening Abe into a resolution of escaping from the factory.[22]

      Abe proceeds to elude the authorities and escape from RuptureFarms; immediately out, Abe sees a large moon in the sky, with its face in the shape of a Mudokon handprint, signifying the Mudokons as the "chosen people".[25][26] Abe suddenly falls down a cliff, smashing his head; as he lies on the ground, BigFace appears before him in a vision.[27]

      BigFace sends Abe towards his quest: to rescue his enslaved brethren and "restore the lost land". He cannot accomplish this feat without first completing the spiritual trials of the Monsaic Lines and Mudokon temples. Abe journeys into the Monsaic Lines, from where he travels to the forests of Paramonia and the deserts of Scrabania. In each land, Abe completes the tests of the respective temple; after each one, BigFace gives Abe hand scars, one representing the Paramites and one representing the Scrabs.[28]

      Once Abe has both scars, he can become the Shrykull, an all-powerful demigod creature.[5] The Shrykull stands outside life as a dualistic god, of creation and destruction, and of fear and love.[29] With this divine power, Abe returns to RuptureFarms, rescues his Mudokon brethren and comes close to shutting it down entirely.

      Abe is surprised, captured, and bound so he cannot chant to invoke the Shrykull. It is at this point that he first appears in captivity at the start of the game.[30] As Molluck enters the prison cell and prepares to drop Abe into a meat grinder, BigFace holds a meeting with freed Mudokons at the Monsaic Sanctum.
    14. Beucefilous
      Uh well... i'll just copy ad paste the wikipedia entry
    15. Terra254
    16. Beucefilous
      Me either but i know that one.
    17. mis_notalent
      lol this is a funny/ kool mv
    18. Beucefilous
      PlayStation one
    19. Beucefilous
      it's an old game.
    20. Terra254
      Buster asked how it was so I just said "Sex?It was great~"
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