Heart ❤
Mar 2, 2009
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May 30, 1998 (Age: 26)

Heart ❤

Enjoy every moment with all ya got, Non-Binary, 26


The world ends with you. If you want to enjoy life, expand your world. You gotta push your horizons out as far as they'll go Jul 19, 2018

    1. Rhiscx
      That sucks. Care to talk about it?
    2. Ienzo
      That sounds interesting xD So you sort of make a character and role play as that person in the family? Am I close?
    3. Rhiscx
      Hey there. What's up?
    4. Plums
      Awww ;____;

      Love you too little sister <3

      and i will beat up all the poophead kids
      all of them
    5. Jayn
      I like Vocaloid and Madoka Magica and Mirai Nikki and...the color purple and...um...Yeah. xD I'll get back to you with Fuzzy's.

      And yeah, I like the picture for the sig. o:

      And I like your OC. O: I use photoshop, but I know you can recolor with Gimp.
    6. Saxima
      Ahaha, the rain totally would stop as soon as I read your message. Ah . . . my life.

    7. Saxima
      Ahahah. When I was little, and my grandmother strongly endorsed religion on me, she said that the rain was Jesus' tears and thunder was God bowling in heaven.


      I'm just scared of loud noises, I'm like a freaking dog or sumthin.
    8. Saxima
      Eh, I could be better. It's all rainy and thundery outside.

      i b scerd of thunder yo.
    9. Jayn

      And yeah, that would work. xD Mhm!
    10. Jayn
      Click here for Christmas-y family crap. :')
    11. Jayn
      <3 I'm glad. ;_; :glomp:

      Do you like this picture?
    12. Jayn
      So first, don't run away. You'll regret it. I've run away before and it was awful. >: Just try to tough it out until you're at least through with high school.

      When it comes to the girl at school, just ignore her. I mean. Ignore, ignore. Don't talk to her or anything and try not to let her get to you. She's just one girl out of billions of people in the world, ignoring her isn't going to ruin your life or anything. If she's harassing you then tell the administration. If the principal won't listen, call the district office and alert them that the school you're going to isn't taking action.

      When it comes to the teachers, there will be teachers like that. Teachers who don't give a crap about you. But you have to care enough about yourself not to dwell on it. Hold your head up high and push through. If it's tremendously bad, then tell your grandma and ask if you can be transferred elsewhere. Otherwise, unfortunately, it's something to be dealt with. Just one of those things. You can try talking with the administration, if you want if you feel it's entirely unfair, or talk to the teacher one-on-one. It's their job to listen.

      Yeah, I live with my mom and her boyfriend, grandma and grandpa and sometimes an aunt and her four kids. It is HELLISH. It is awful. They fight and scream and fuss and it's just...terrible. Sooo. It might help to drown them out with music or a TV Show or singing or something. Just remember that their problems aren't yours. They might argue and fuss about whatever, but you don't have to be dragged into that. You're just a kid. Don't let them manipulate you, and stand strong.
    13. Jayn
      Why do you say that? What's wrong? D:

      Also, looking for a picture.
    14. Ienzo
      Lol, xD What is it then? If you had to summerise?
    15. Plums
      Kids at School: Honestly, **** them. :| Do not let them get you down. I hate a lot of the people in my grade because they are nincompoop idiots, but just ignore them. Is there someone your friends with? Do you know someone that likes some of the same things you do? It's what I had done during...hell, even now, and you will find someone you like to be around. And even if it isn't immediate, do things around your community, meet people -- just keep interacting with new people not from your school. They are probably poopheads, so just forget them all.

      Work/Teachers: have you tried telling them how you feel overwhelmed yet? They're job is to both teach you and help you to do better. If you feel like they're pushing you too hard, tell them. There's a high chance they'll ease up on you, but if not, stay after school with them; show them you are dedicated.

      School: I dunno what grade you are in, but if you don't like it there, maybe you could transfer to another school?
    16. Plums

      Are you feeling okay? (hahaha NO PLUMS STOP BEING STUPID b afsvdhasf)

      Though, what happened to make you start crying? D:
    17. Plums
      What happened? D:
    18. Misty
    19. Machazo
      Ah, alright. Just wanted to know.

      I have changed my avatar to Jayn's drawing of myself... like everyone has done. It looks super special awesome.
    20. Machazo
      Ooooh Jesus Christ.

      Wait... was Andrew around when she said that?