Sep 30, 2007
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why orange Feb 13, 2017

    1. Yozora
      I was wondering if you had ever been to Voxi....

      Alright, Im not suspicious of you anymore...for now. But that "ι ѕєєυ. ♥ ."

    2. Rhiscx
      Oh, I didn't even think of that. Well I don't know how much you need but....

      I'm 6'3"
      I have dark brown hair,
      Blue eyes, and wear glasses.
      Oh, and I do love to wear hats. Even wearing one as I type. I have a huge top hat, a Jamaican hat, and an old top hat.

      Anything else you need, or is that enough?
    3. Rhiscx
      Hey there. Umm......Heart sent me, but I was wondering, I really liked those pics you did of everyone. Do you think you could do one of me as well?
    4. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Yes today I did

      How wa syour day <3
    5. Yozora
      Why did you doodle me the way you did?

      TELL ME.
    6. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      Aw... I don't want to put you guys through the trouble to get me something or... something like that. D: You guys already did so much for me so far.
    7. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      It's Kay I figuared everything out cuz I'm Epic and I even added new brushes! I feel so smart xD

      Right now I'm getting ready for school lol
    8. Spaze
      Lol, I would love it! :'D You never told me what's inside~

      I think I still have your address and stuff in my computer. Which...isn't weird at all. XD And I'm giving you Henry! o:
    9. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Hey sissy ;3 Whatcha up too?
    10. Spaze
      Oh, I totally forgot! o:

      Remember when you said I would get my Christmas gift during the summer earlier? XD Since you couldn't reach the post office?

      Also, I still have a picture of Mizure I drew for you. Since you asked in like...'09.
    11. MadDoctorMaddie
      Writing them right now ;D
    12. Bushy
      I'll have to do those tomorrow after uni. I've got to have an early night tonight. I'll get them done though. For sure.
    13. Ego Imperium
      Ego Imperium
      Should we judge this round based on pair performances, or stay focused on the individuals?
    14. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      How do u make a sig without it having a transparent backroud though..

      And Ill recolor it ^^ Thanks sissy Ily and Fuzzy too :D
    15. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Sissy I need ur and fuzzy's top five or so fav fandom... and go!
    16. Xephos
      Awww. You're too sweet. ;w; *hugs* I just want to talk to you.

      Btw, SeeU avatar is cute. :3
    17. Terra254
    18. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
    19. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Name: Krista Glenn
      Gender: Female- Gundalian
      Age: 15 (GI) 16 (MS)
      Attribute: Aquos
      Bakugan: Altair
      Hair: Blond with Red tips
      Power: She can change her basic appearance (Eyes, Hair Color, Hair Length)
      Crush: Ren Krawler
      Best Friends: Mason Brown and Sid Arcale
      Family: Jesse Glenn (Older Brother)
      Parents (Deceased)
      History: Krista was born on Gundalia with lived with her parents and her older brother, Jesse. Their parents gave them their Bakugan when they were young, Aquos Altair and Ventus Plitheon, respectfully. After their parents died Kris and Jesse came into service for Emperor Barodius. Jesse became the Ventus Brawler and Krista became an extra brawler for the ‘Minor’ Twelve Orders, during which, Krista became close with Mason and Sid.
      She makes her first appearance at the end of the 2nd season with Ren. When first meeting the Brawlers and until she goes back to Gundalia her basic appearance is different than her true basic appearance. She has dark brown hair with blue tips and brown eyes instead of blond hair with red tips and violet eyes so that the Brawlers would not suspect Jesse of being her brother. When the Brawlers find out that Ren and Krista were lying to them they also find out that Jesse is Kris’ brother as she quickly changes out of her fake basic appearance and into her real one- revealing how she hated having to hide that Jesse was her brother. Kris is saddened when Ren tells her that Sid was ‘dead’. She does not blame him saying “He wouldn’t blame you. He wasn’t that kind of person,” She is later devastated when Jesse is ‘killed’ by Kazarina. She almost gives up until Ren snaps her out of it, promising to always be by her side. She is saddened when Mason and Nurzak are sent into another dimension. She is not with Ren when Sid dies, but is very upset when Ren tells him but is relieved to know that Jesse and the others are not dead. She and Altair deflect with Ren and Linehalt and is delighted when Mason joins the Castle Knights. Kris, Ren, Mason, Fabia and Nurzak spilt up to find Jesse, Lena, and Zenet, but Fabia and Nurzak go on their own. When they arrive at Kazarina’s lab and do not find their friends Kris is very worried. She later fights Jesse with Ren after he is under Kazarina’s control. When Kazarina is killed, Jesse, Zenet, and Lena are freed; Kris hugs her brother and gives him back his book. Jesse, Lena, and Zenet join the Castle Knights until Barodius is defeated by Dan. Kris, Ren and co then goes back to Gundalia.
      In the fourth season, Krista makes her first appearance in a photo with Mason, Jesse, and their Bakugan as they fight against the Chaos Bakugan. She then appears with Ren as they look up at the moon.

      Do u know of anything good to recolor with?
    20. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤

      The picture is epic. I might just try to recolor it to add red tip lol. Oh and do u wanna see the OC sheet for her?