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Jun 28, 2018
Apr 19, 2011
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May 23, 1994 (Age: 30)
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Hollow Bastion Committee, Female, 30, from Atlanta

Sup Feb 21, 2017

Droid was last seen:
Jun 28, 2018
    1. Zeonark
      MAYBE I AM
      a hitlerstache is still a stache, making it incredibly manly.

      Writing a report must be very exciting.
      And by that I mean the RPs must be keeping you more entertained.
      Also, the mustache was a ruse. I have you ice cream. |<

      btw, in our duel, you wouldn't mind if I slipped an anime card in there, would you? lol
    2. Zeonark

      Pretty swell bro.
      Sawp wiff u?
    3. Rhiscx
      Well, I know my other character Lawrence is there, but I don't I can join her battle can I?

      Ha ha ha!!! Good old Riza........Can't remember why I stopped watching FMA? I think it was that I just had no time.
    4. Rhiscx
      I have no doubts you will make me keel over laughing by the end of this.....

      Yea, that makes sense. But what about Heart? If she loses here, she'll have to sit out and have no one to duel....That will suck for sure.

      Oh, saw your description of Roy's entrance, that would happen when he became furer. Min-skitrts in........*Roy gets warped away*
    5. Rhiscx
      Yo Droid, I do have a question, and I'm asking here so I don't waste space in the arena:

      I know we shouldn't like cheat death if we lose, but I have 2 decks made for Van for his sword fighting and a Machine deck if I end up using him with Dann. So, how does that work?
    6. Rhiscx
      Been there. I leave for 1 hour, and I lost like 15 pages. Thank god I'm only using 2 characters right now.

      Yeah, I'm signing off soon as well. Please tell me you'll use the "min-skirt" quote sometime as him.......
    7. Rhiscx
      Roy Mustang.....Nice touch. This should be interesting....
    8. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Got another card for you that I think you'll like:

      You can use this with both Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Legal Obelisk! =D
    9. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      That's okay man. Just wondering.
    10. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
    11. ShibuyaGato

      My parent wanted me stuck in ALL the hardest classes~
    12. ShibuyaGato
      I'm in all honors classes and an AP course.

      Imagine all THOSE derps~
    13. ShibuyaGato
      Yep. Especially when you get one nearly every week... as a sophomore~

      Well derp.
    14. ShibuyaGato
      lol yeah.

      I have those nights. Not now though, doing yet another english project~
    15. ShibuyaGato
      A bit random, yes, but it makes sense after you made the connection.

      I always associate Skillet with the band now.
    16. Daxa~

      [STRIKE]Tim Curry <3[/STRIKE]
      Guess who actually managed to reply to that last PM.
      Yesh I am rather bored,so I thought I would say a quick hello.
    17. Rhiscx
      I admit, I think it could have gotten a second season, but oh well.

      Oh, there will be times to laugh. When you meet the 5 amigos, you'll get a light kick out of them.
    18. Rhiscx
      Oh yea, It's go tit's light moments. There's even some fan-service on ep.17 (26 total)

      Yea, if you enjoyed watching those, I could see you liken this one.

      The bolded word is a typo. But it some how still makes sense.
    19. Rhiscx
      Yes. That's the first thing that comes to my mind to. Hmm......I better keep my guard up then.

      Gun X Sword? Well.....It's an action of course.....kinda of hard to describe more than that. I mean, I think it has a well made story, good character design, well made animations. I recommend it to ya'. You ask anything about that show, I'll be able to answer it for you.
    20. Rhiscx
      Eh, about the same. I'm about to duel Omega. Got any words of advise for me?