Feb 12, 2011
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The Café Musain


Twilight Town Denizen, from The Café Musain

One of the strange things about living in the world is that it is only now and then one is quite sure one is going to live forever and ever. Nov 20, 2014

    1. Malice
      Unless you just deleted your posts, I believe that somehow through the magic of glitches, I accidentally deleted yours. If I did, then sorry bout that govness. Was hoping to rep for the amusement, but this forum dares threat blasphamy toward me if it was indeed my doing |:

      If it was your doing though, then I can see that there are higher forces at work in such case.

      Regardless, I made sure to post with quotes of em anyways.

      None the less, nice ta meetcha ^_^
    2. Saxima
      Liliiiiiiiiiiiii, unbore me. ;~;
    3. Saxima
      Man . . . I'm alright now. >: Nothing's wrong. ;~; Hiding things . . . I couldn't tell you that here, well kept secrets. Can't have everyone thinking there are things wrong with me, now can we?
    4. Saxima
      Hai c:

      And apparently this message is too short. D<
    5. Saxima
      Yeah, he was telling me that he was editing it or something. I saw the posts, they're ridiculously long. tl;dr, no thanks.

      MSN is preferable, but either way, it's up to you. At least you won't bore me. He thought something was wrong with me because of the words I had set in my MSN status, which were just a few thoughts I had. /sigh
    6. Saxima
      God, I wish you would have seen it sooner too, I was dying over here. D<

      File a complaint, we shall. He does nothing but worry when nothing is wrong. DD<
    7. Saxima
      I'm so bored . . . you there, short one, entertain me.
    8. Makaze
      Fine by me...
    9. Makaze
      I am not minding, you told me not to. Should I start minding?

      I was intentionally sexual. Don't worry about intentions, but thanks for asking me...
    10. Makaze
      Not minding...
    11. Makaze
      I like going slow too. You enjoy it more that way, stronger climaxes.
    12. Guardian Soul
      Guardian Soul
      My apologies. I was just fooling around as usual. I'll make sure to keep it in mind next time. I wouldn't want to cause any trouble. And yes I have both of their MSNs. Why do you ask?
    13. Guardian Soul
      Guardian Soul
      So there is a love triangle. Thank you for the confirmation. I don't believe it is public but people should be able to put 2 and 2 together and figure it out eventually >>.
    14. Kayate
      Only thirteen eh?
      You're quite mature for your age from what I've seen. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing in your case.
      I'm still younger than you by like three months
    15. Plums
      y u no on msn

      Your mother commands you to log on to MSN, boy.
    16. Saxima
      Lili, I need to talk to you. Are you alive right now?
    17. C
      Hey there, I just wanted to let you know that you should head over to the Postbox! There's a surprise for you there.
    18. Saxima
      Looks like you've reached your inbox quota there honey, might wanna clean that out.
    19. Plums
      Don't remind me. ;_;

      Pretty sure more people will now due to the Madoka theme I am currently using.
    20. Plums
      You are whatever I call you.
      You are a boy.
      And that's really all there is to say on the matter.
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