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April 2
Home Page:
Trolling Shizu-chan
That one ******bag who loves the huamn race.


Kingdom Keeper, from Trolling Shizu-chan

Zeonark was last seen:
Dec 26, 2011
    1. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I've lost a few games due to drawing Super Poly with an empty hand. >.>
      It's quite rare indeed. It only happens like 1% of the time.

      Oh Yes, I forgot to mention I like to keep Necroshade because he's rarely dead in my hand. And he's quite helpful to me whenever I can't fuse Bladedge or Neos from my hand. I feel like I should put him back in there somewhere and maybe take out 1 Super Polymerization for a Future Fusion or something. It's still useful even if it doesn't summon the monster you selected. Because it still helps set up for Miracle Fusion Plays.

      I've lost a few games due to drawing Super Poly with an empty hand. >.>
      Yeah me too. Super Polymerization is still kind of a situational card even though it's powerful. And that's probably the reason why it hasn't gotten hit. It still requires some strategy to play and you have to have a monster on the field you don't mind losing and something in your hand that's okay to discard. But it would be very rare, Almost impossible for something like Pot of Greed or Monster Reborn to not benefit you. That's why they're both hit.
    2. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I've very rarely ever drawn 3 Super Polymerizations in one hand. Sometimes though Super Polymerization is dead in my hand. I sometimes draw it when I have no other cards in my hand or on my field. Needless to say this really infuriates me...
    3. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I've also had times when I did well with both cards at 3. But they can also both be a nuisance at 3 as well because of how they can clog up your hand and take too much out of it. Problem with that though is that I might not draw Miracle Fusion.

      And yeah I agree with you on those things.

      I still remember the time when I was about to lose a Duel but then I stole Brionac with Super Polymerization to make Absolute Zero and turned the whole duel around. XD
    4. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I apologize if I'm frustrating you with all these questions. I don't mean any of this in rude ways.

      But what if I can't OTK and am stuck with 3 Polymerizations in my hand? Or what if the monsters I summon with Polymerization get eaten by Bottomless Trap Holes? What then? Polymerization takes too many cards out of the hand. Thus making it hard to recover from hard hits. If the monster(s) you summoned just get destroyed by Dark Hole or whatever then it's a waste. And I might not draw one of those cards on my next turn. And in the meantime I won't be able to survive the onslaught of things like Brionac, BLS, and other strong monsters. This still happens to me sometimes even though I only run 2...

      I guess maybe I just have bad luck...That's what I've always thought...This is why I prefer to Duel in The Arena so I can just pick what I draw...
    5. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I'd like to continue this conversation through VM.

      Paradox Fusion isn't as good as Solemns/Bottomless. It's a waste of space.
      I see. I kinda figured that.

      The first time you use Poly should be most likely for a Hero that'll survive until you can continue building up advantage. Like Nova, Ab0, or Shining. Having an extra King gives you another Fusion Sub and a Ab0 Target.
      Plus, if you play like I did last format with Heroes... as long as you're spamming you don't even need to worry about advantage unless you're calling another Hero.
      But what if my opponent just kills the Hero I summoned with a Smashing Ground or Dark Hole etc instead of by battle and then summons a monster? What then? The Shining's effect only works if you have 2 removed from play Heroes. And Polymerization's not helpful against that. That card can deplete your hand very fast as I said. All it takes is 2 of them to do that. And when that happens chances of recovery are pretty slim. All you can basically do is pray that you don't draw a card that's useless to you next turn...

      Were you playing at an official tournament where you did this? In today's game you're not gonna have time to stall with 3 Polymerizations in your hand...If you try that your opponent's monsters will eat you alive before you can do anything...

      Polymerization is too impractical and situational at 3. You have to actually have something in your hand or on your field that you wanna use as Fusion Material first. And what if I Draw a starting hand with 3 Polymerizations and 3 King of The Swamps? What then? Hell there have even been times when Super Polymerization was dead in my hand...Running generic cards like Polymerization can often cause me to be hand and fieldless if my opponent should just kill the monster(s) with a card effect. Even Super Polymerization isn't helpful to me at a time like that. Cause I might not last long enough to draw the extra cards I need to use it considering it would be the only card in my hand and I was fieldless.

      Nova Master is great. It's just his attribute I don't like. Only thing he really counters is BRD or Flamvells.
      But Heroes still did need a Fire Fusion.

      BLS, Inzector, Chaos Dragons, etc... not really my thing.
      I heard this format is gonna be BLS or lose. Chaos is definitely tier 1 this format.

      Yeah I know it's never gonna happen. I'm just saying it needs to.
    6. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hey man, I was wondering if you could help me with my Deck.

      I don't know if I should be posting here or not though. I don't want anybody seeing it since it's my actual real life Deck.
    7. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Please don't run away again like that man...I really like talking to you...The Arena isn't the same without you...=(
    8. Kites
      well as long as you're okay! i've been alright, college classes making me tired lately but otherwise i've been doing the same old same old. i was wondering when i'd finally get to talk to you again if ever.
    9. Kites
      hi how are you omg i've missed you!!!! lol dude it's been forever. what have you been up to?
    10. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Jack Atlas huh? Good choice.
    11. Kites
      ...................hi ;_;

      (it's me kites)
    12. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Can I interest you in another Yugioh Forum besides Bastion's? But I can only give you the link if you promise to not tell anyone. And I'll need you to pick which character you wanna be. Yusei, Yuma and Primo are already taken sadly. So you'll have to pick someone other than them.
    13. What?
      That is very good to hear, sir.
      Indeed, forever shall I stay as the interrogative.

      As you can see, our forum has changed quite a bit. We even hold a new owner and the like.
    14. What?
      I am happy you have returned good sir. How are you?
    15. Amaury
      Why not? :)
    16. StardustXtreme
      Well, You set the terms and go first sicne It'll be until it will be likely 6pm my time before I can post a response.
    17. Amaury

      I am Amaury, and it's nice to meet you!
    18. StardustXtreme
      You should duel me and find out.
    19. Amaury
      A person!!
    20. Amaury
      You! Me! Friends! Now!
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    That one ******bag who loves the huamn race.
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