Soras heartless
Last Activity:
Jan 9, 2014
Mar 31, 2007
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8:24 PM
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December 29
Manga Artist

Soras heartless

Moogle Assistant, from Earth

Soras heartless was last seen:
Jan 9, 2014
    1. NightofNights
      Alice:*snorts and catches the ball* I don't need your Power. I can do fine with out em. *tosses it back up to you*
    2. NightofNights
      Alice: You think it's f**king easy having my powers always drained but that- *points to Amy* THING! Our powers are different then yours Sh. All three of us have to share. when one's strong the rest are weak get it?
    3. NightofNights
      Alice: Gah! *holds onto the tree tighter and keeping her feet away from you* It was a figure of speech dumb@$$!
      *laughs my butt off*
      Chess:*laughing along with me*
    4. NightofNights
      Awe. ruin our fun Sensui.
      Amy: How am I sapost to know these things! DX
      Alice: Hahaha. Bite me Sh. -_- *glares at you and keeps climbing*
    5. nasirrich
      Ashley-*So happy to hear you say that she hugs you holding you tightly.* Thank... you so much... SH...*She says quietly in your ear.*
    6. nasirrich
      Ashley- Hmmmm...*Looks down* Its ok I understand.
    7. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Yeah, that's usually what I do
    8. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Well...hmmm, I don't really have anything on my mind, just wishing that NoN or Nas were on
    9. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Well, after that I don't really know what to say...
    10. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Hey there SH, how's life treating you?
    11. nasirrich
      Ashley-*Turns away and looks up.* I know I will find her killer that's why I entred this. And to find someone very close to me. I don't care for the wish to be honest. So if we do manage to win it like I said before I'll give it to Kim. I know I didn't say this, but in return I need your to help me find somebody.
    12. NightofNights
      Sweet. That could be useful in the future.
      Amy:*jumps* N-NoN?? *turns around*
      Alice: Hi NoN. I Sh. *is up in the same tree Chess is in trying to get him.*
    13. NightofNights
      *nods my agreement* sounds like they're trying to kill each other.

      Chess: -_- I declare your room my new litter box.
      Amy: Awe. but that's so mean Chess!
      Chess: well the world ain't full of sunshine and crapping out rainbows.
      Amy:*glares at Chess* We know.
    14. NightofNights
      It'd be worth a try.

      Chess:*leaps onto another branch*
      Alice:*was on the branch and falls off again* F******CK!
      Chess: Are you trying to kill me!?!?!?!
    15. NightofNights
      That's true. because a weapon like that would be used alot. by one person most likely and would have to go through many though battles.

      Amy:*shakes her head* I caught her off guard. Chess knows I'm here so I can't scare him out.
      Alice: Darn it! *gets up and starts climbing the tree*
    16. NightofNights
      Wow. now that sounds like a nice weapon. It'd be interesting to wartch it work.

      Amy: ALICE! *yells as loud as she can*
      Alice: huh? *looks over at Amy and falls out of the tree* Ouch.
    17. NightofNights
      It could work. A weapon that's able to access you if you ever came in contact with any sort of fire. No matter where you would be the attack would hit you if on the blade was your image.

      Amy: Yes. let's go^^ *darts to where Alice and Chess are*

      Alice: Come on Chess it's just a few bows and hair spray! *trying to reach Chess but is to heavy to go any farther on the branch she's on*
      Chess: *at the edge of a branch* Just a FEW! you had a flippin large chest full of the stuff!!
    18. NightofNights
      Hm. that's true.

      Amy: Which two? NoN and Sh or Alice and Chess?
    19. NightofNights
      I'd say. a mirror that tells you the past. would be better if you could see farther into the past. but when it shows what we are currently doing is a nice touch.

      Amy:Hm. that's true.
    20. nasirrich
      Ashley- The death of my mother. I love the snow don't get me wrong its just...
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  • About

    December 29
    Manga Artist
    I am poetic nonsense. The invisible like that nobody can ever find. I am the one that's can be the ghost in the room. My ideals do not match the ones my family has. I choose to be free spirited. Live to the extent that I have laid down myself. I hate when people try to guide me to their ideal. I will argue. Note that past is in the past. And the future still can be changed.

    times to think alone, and learning to use the Seikūken


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