Sep 25, 2006
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10:30 PM
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Cisgender Female
human with feelings


gimme kiss, Cisgender Female, from alderaan


i want you here as naked as a christmas tree left up until the second week of february Nov 1, 2015

    1. Amaury
      I keep forgetting to inform you of this, but it seems that guests can view the current activity of a user.
      I've tested this by viewing my profile from another browser as a guest.

      For example, if some guest were looking at my profile right now, they would see Current Activity: Posting Visitor Message [time], whereas if a guest were looking at my profile on my other forums, they would just see Last Activity: Today [time].
    2. Amaury
      Either way, feel better. :3
    3. Amaury
      Aw, that sucks. =/

      Does it just feel like a typical cold?
    4. Amaury
      Pretty good.
      How about you? :3
    5. Amaury
      Hi, there! :3
    6. AMRES
      Hey Misty =)
    7. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
    8. Amaury
      You can lock this old thread. :)
    9. Amaury
      Hi, there.
    10. Llave
      I shalt not lie, I do like shojo to an extent. I like how the story isn't cutting up the bad guy and more of the way people react towards one another. I guess that's why I want to make a well rounded manga or two (or more), that way everyone enjoys it. I am a sucker for simplistic romance in novels, tv, movies, games (KH- SoraxKairi lolwut :lolface: ). Brings about more appeal in the story, and helps you connect to characters better I suppose.

      Awesome, fanbase already! xD
    11. Llave
      Multiple mangas actually. I do hope to get into the mainstream Shonen manga, but for now I am just working up to that.

      Majority of them are Shonen, but I feel that there should be a good balance of romance, action, psychological reaction of characters; as well as the audience, and visual appeal. So I suppose there's a lot more to coming up with a manga then just a character, his "superpower" and the bad guy. I'd really like to make stuff people really enjoy, and I hope I can get to that in each aspect I described above.
    12. Amaury
      Holy crap! 5,555 posts!
    13. Amaury
      Yup, it's the default, and it's 7 hours ahead of me, I believe.
      For example, if it's 10:35 AM or PM here, it's 5:35 AM or PM for a guest or new user.

      I'm now curious as to how forums choose their time zones.
      I always thought it had to do with location.

      For example, SEGA Headquarters is in San Francisco, which has Pacific time (my time), so their default time zone for guests and new users is Pacific, and I'm not sure about FF Shrine's location, but I do know that their default is an hour ahead of me.

      Anyway, just an idea.
    14. Llave
      My apologies, I do hope you can get it going again. I'm not much of a "Photoshoper", but I could lend a hand if you so desire. But yeah, I've just been working on some work for work, and rebooting my manga ideas and sketches as a whole.
    15. Amaury
      I just had an idea, Misty

      Tie lives in Canada, which has Eastern time, and since most of the users here have Eastern time, including yourself, why not make the default time zone GMT -4 (DST) / -5 (no DST)? Currently, it's just GMT.

      Not only that, but it would match the owner's time zone. :3
    16. Llave
      Thank ye much, 'tis a lot better. (Now I don't have to add an hour mentally to everything xD)

      Like I said, finally back home. Nice to see friends and family again. Other than that, just work and possible freelancing, but all's well.

      I am quite curious as to if you have made anything else artistically, I would love to see something.
    17. Amaury
      Thank you.
    18. Amaury
      Hey, Misty.

      I misunderstood the article, which resulted in me titling this thread wrong.
      Could you rename it to Attempted Security Breach on Sony?
    19. Llave
      Hey Misty, i do have a question regarding the GMT of the site, I moved back to the Tristate area so it's an hour ahead here, but the site displays everything an hour behind still like when I was in the middle of the US. Is there a way to revert it to our GMT?

      Oh and how are you? We haven't had a delightful conversation in quite sometime.
    20. Amaury
      Question asked.
      Maybe you can help. :)
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  • About

    Cisgender Female
    human with feelings
    She / Her
    i definitely want to be a rapper, but i'm just a northern girl from where nothing really happens


    sharing this image of my all time favorite feminist icon!!!! lightning died for our sins and i hope with bated breath for her embrace <3


    i laugh along but inside i know it's true
    being in love is totally punk rock
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