Last Activity:
Sep 17, 2024
Jan 15, 2007
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Nov 8, 1991 (Age: 33)
Ellensburg, WA
Shift Manager


Chaser, Male, 33, from Ellensburg, WA


"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer Feb 4, 2023

Amaury was last seen:
Sep 17, 2024
    1. Llave

      So how have you been?

      Also, I noticed that KH-MF server is out...
    2. Llave
      creative new username.
    3. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Ewww why you change ur name?
    4. Misty
      Done. o:
    5. Iskandar
      really? Oh come on, you shouldn't have to retry at all. Maybe against Xigbar, if that. I got lucky the last time and managed to beat him before he even went into beserk mode
    6. Stardust
      Haha, indeed.
    7. Stardust
      Wait wat
      On MSN you mean? Yeah, when I'm not around I set myself to busy instead of logging off so people can still leave me messages if they need to. People can leave them when I'm offline too, but MSN is kind of unpredictable and they don't always get through that way. Unfortunately my new computer cuts off my internet connection when it goes to sleep, so I automatically log off and on sometimes.

      & yep, when we receive apps we all talk them over for approval.
    8. Korra
      Thanks, just finished watching the series, haha.
    9. Misty
    10. Iskandar
      yeah well, you were bound to have that with what you have on at the moment. I mean, he even gives me an annoying time. So I don't doubt you had a hard time. I am telling you, equipt some of those abilities I told you about. They are life savers.
    11. Iskandar
      Here's Port Royal
      Ok, here's something I noticed before you even went into the fight without full HP. No matter what fight, you always want full HP when going into a boss fight, because you have no idea what might happen.

      Barbosa Fight - You seemed to do pretty well in this fight, but I'm owrried that you missed times for reaction commands. Remember, every time you have a chance for a reaction command, always take it. They can really make a differece between winning and losing. Other than that, you seemed to do fairly well. You should only have to use a limit once a boss though, because there are only so many that do a ton of damage. Even trinity limit has its limits (pun not intended). Since there isn't another fight like Barbosa, you can't really retry, but make sure you're more careful next time. Especially since you're in the later half of the game.
    12. Iskandar
      I noticed a few disturbing things about your Pete fight. You kind of missed a lot of oppertunites, and you can't really do that later on in the game. If you just keep charging in and try to attack when it's not possible, you're literally just doing more harm than good.
      Pete Fight 2nd - This fight has a lot of oppertunities for you to use. But first and foremost, make sure you don't always stay in front of an enemy like you were. You were getting hit so much when you could not have taken any damage. And also, his fight is one that you really just want to keep attacking Pete. You'll have other fights that you don't want to worry about anything else but fighting the boss. Otherwise, you'll take unneccisary damage. And what potions are you using at this point? It's around the point that you should be using Hi-Potions. I also noticed that you kept attacking Pete when he even said to get away. it takes about 30 seconds or so for most enemies to use their moves, so if you noticed that you weren't doing anything when he was starting a move, you shouldn't keep trying. When an enemy is about to attack you, don't try to attack him, let him finish his attack, or find a blind spot and hit him. What realy makes me wonder if why you didn't use the reaction command on the last part of the fight. That reaction command can really take a lot of damage. Even more damage than what you're taking with your combos. And using magic on bosses isn't the greatest idea, since you can use that MP for other stuff. You're better off just attacking normally and maybe using a spell to finish it off.
    13. Iskandar
      well, I suppose. But I'm seeing that you're hardly taking any damage, so either your level was too low at that point, or you just needed more combos equiped. I'm not kidding when I say you can't get through the game that well with only using the normal combos you have. You need to equip stuff to make your combos stronger
    14. Iskandar
      Cerberus Battle - This is one of those battles that Aerial Recovery could really have helped, since using it you can go straight back and attack. And also, you should get into the habit of lockign on to your opponents, since you have an easier time attack them. And while fighting, you should get into the pattern of their attacks. And I noticed that you're also guarding a lot. You don't always need to guard. There are some attacks that you don't need to even guard against, like those fireballs. You might also want to get into the habit of jumping to dodge attacks. And also, you might want to equip that dodge slash.

      Demyx - I noticed in this battle you tried to destroy the clones by using normal attacks, but you can get through it much faster if you just attack a clone, and then you the reaction command, which works much better, and faster than attacking normally.

      Hydra Battle - This battle is one of those that can really get you into using your Aerial attacks. And having only 3 of them here is not really the greatest of help. And you should really learn to dodge attacks that you can jump over, since for the tail you can jump in and dodge it. And if you have High Jump at this point, you should equip it, since there are battles that having only a normal jump will make it harder to get to your opponent. But you should really get more combos equiped, since having only your normal attacks will not help in the long run. And the later part of this fight is really where you want to try and get into the habit of staying locked on, since you can really lose track of where you are. And you also missed a chance for a reaction command, and having those in a fight can help you out. They're not really something to just throw away. And using Reaction commands can also stop any attack going on.
    15. Llave
      Name looks good in brink pink xD

      Al righty, well faster internet is up for debate, however I am using the wonderful wifi of my dear local library for today hahaa!
    16. Iskandar
      ah, I see. Yeah, next time you start over it helps when you get 1200 munny. I didn't either the first time, and it kept me from getting abilities I needed. Trust me when I say you want those +2 AP points. It's well worth the poster duty
    17. Iskandar
      .......and your AP is at 19.......Want me to come to your house for when you need help? I've had over 22 AP when I got to lv19, which is scary. Did you get the +2 AP during the Roxas story? Getting 1200 Munny?
    18. Iskandar
      but I'm not kidding, put those Aerial Abilities on. It can put you ahead in the game. Not too mention, one you get in about 2 combos or so, you can get in the full amount, meaning about up to 1 1/2 bars of damage, if not more
    19. Iskandar
      ok, then take off Auto Limit. Like I said, and I'm not kidding, you are so better off using the normal way. Because you can miss so many oppertunities with Auto Limit on
    20. Iskandar
      ok, ok ok ok ok. Well, umm, hmm. Just looking at this, I can see you're going to have a little bit of trouble later on. What is your level? Because having 19 AP after Pride Lands is not a good sign. What you want to do, no matter what, is always give your AP ups, Def Ups, and everything else to Sora. Never worry about your other characters. You don't get a game over if they go out. They come back. You get a game over if you lose Sora. So you want to do everything you can to work with Sora, then give the leftovers to Donald and Goofy. Now I really hope you've been using the moogle shops, because they are a gift in this game.
      And with your abilities, I see a lot that aren't on than can lead to a different of winning and losing. Actually, just seeing what you have on, I think Demyx is going to give you some trouble. So what you want is is to get rid of Explosion. No matter what, you really don't want that on, trust me. The very first time I played this game, it almost got me beat. So the abilities you want are:
      Upper Slash(when possible. If you get something that's more important, take it off and equip again when you can)
      Slide Dash
      Aerial Sweep
      Aerial Spiral
      Aerial Finish (this move has saved me so many times. You really do want to equip all those aerial moves.)
      High Jump
      Aerial Recovery
      Combo Boost
      Reaction Boost
      Leaf Bracer
      Magic Lock-On
      Item Boost
      Once More (how the heck do you have that already? Well, you do want that on. If you don't have enough, take off reaction boost.)

      And I might need some list of Armor, because Champion Belt is really bad at the point you're in. I mean, there are so many other good things. And why don't you have Accessories on? You should have had at least Skill Ring on, if you haven't had anything better.

      With Donald, take off the Fantasia and Auto Limit. Like I said, those can really mess you up. If you're going to do a limit, do it the old fashioned way. Because you just need to push the down button and X to do it. Donald and Goofy are side characters, you don't need to worry too much about them. Think of them as the support. If they go out, big deal, they'll come back. And for Goofy, take off Teamwork and Auto Limit. He's usually the one healing you, since he has the most item slots, so put on Once More, Second Chance, or Hyper Healing.
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  • About

    Nov 8, 1991 (Age: 33)
    Ellensburg, WA
    Shift Manager


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