Last Activity:
Dec 5, 2013
Dec 20, 2009
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1:55 AM
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Dec 10, 1996 (Age: 28)
In the always forgotten dream
Your worst nightmare~


Merlin's Housekeeper, Female, 28, from In the always forgotten dream

I wish I may, I wish I might. Have the wish I don't wish tonight. Jul 24, 2013

NightofNights was last seen:
Dec 5, 2013
    1. Technic☆Kitty
      Oh, wat kind of homework (yes, that's the question I ask from your previous statement lol)
    2. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charon- Settle down Maleah, she's just messing with your head
    3. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charon- Ah, so thats it, I see now, I always knew there was something off about auntie Ka
    4. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charon- And I thought you hated mind readers
    5. Technic☆Kitty
      So have you gotten to watch anymore good animes?
    6. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charon- Yeah, I know...
      Synn- How do you know Charon?
      Angelus- Hello, my power, it passed on, remember Synn
    7. Technic☆Kitty
      randomness is best, random FTW ^_^ :roar:
    8. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charon- How is that old fox these days, I hope the paperwork isn't too much for him
    9. Technic☆Kitty
      Cool ^_^ I read manga sometimes . . . I might start reading again, thanks ^_^
    10. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      I think it's because he concealed himself, but he didn't have much power to begin with
    11. Technic☆Kitty
      It's cool, i'm busy as well. What kind of comics?
    12. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Yeah...we even saw a dragon from the past that NoN killed
      Charon- What, he was in the same part of hell as you two?
    13. Technic☆Kitty
      Cool ^_^ I was just looking at some pics
    14. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      You two have done well
      Charon- Thank you CR, so, what was it like to kill eachother, what happened after that?
    15. nasirrich
      *All are back in the dorm rooom laid out everywhere.*

      Me- Come on this is why I hate coming here. I just gotta buy and order a few things.*Speeding on the straights looking for somewhere to park.*

      Rosey- Show off -,-*Following behind the smoke its leaving behind.*

      Kim-*Is long gone and keeps killing it on the straight.*
    16. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charon- Well...I know deep down that dragons have a natural drive to battle, but through the years that impulse has been repressed
      Angelus- have such insight at your age
    17. Technic☆Kitty
      Heh heh, yea :sweatdrop: I would've been on sooner but I had to type up a report, it better get me an A -_- I fixed every mistake my teacher marked so ya
    18. Soras heartless
      Soras heartless
      *I slip and fall back. The fire goes out.*
      *I make another flame.*

      Sensui: well first we need these things.
      *hands Amy a list.*
    19. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charon- So you two were the ones that they experimented on?
    20. Soras heartless
      Soras heartless
      Sure, but it will have to be black fire.
      *I make a small black flame an it illuminates four feet infront of us.*

      Sensui: maybe some chicken stir fry.
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  • About

    Dec 10, 1996 (Age: 28)
    In the always forgotten dream
    Your worst nightmare~
    I'm that feeling you have when someone's watching you yet when you turn around, and no one's there.
    Though really I'm just a girl who's trying to make it out in this world. My first Kingdom Hearts game was "KH:358/2 days" for the DS and I fell in love with Roxas~ <3
    The only other game that I've played was "KH: Recoded", and have yet to finish it. The last Nobody is soooo hard to beat D: I swear to god it's roxas!! (haven't seen or read anything about Recoded and dont plan to ruin it for myself)|
    But I am planning on getting a PlayStation so that I'm able to play the other games. :)

    Things I like? Music, friends, RPGing and walking in the rain at night.^^ I love walking through the forests around my home town and just having a warm cup of coffee :) I love coffee <3


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    -Thanks to the amazing Nights for the Amazing signature! <3