Last Activity:
Feb 25, 2014
Mar 14, 2007
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7:26 AM
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Awarded Pins 2

May 29


Keelah se'lai!, Male, from Rannoch

Clawtooth was last seen:
Feb 25, 2014
    1. ShibuyaGato
      Damn... I can't get into skype now. Well, i'll try to be on soon, okay?
    2. ShibuyaGato
      P removes inactive members monthly, and my mom isn't exactly loving my desire to waste time here during the school year.
      she lets me on for AN HOUR a night during summer... AN HOUR!
    3. ShibuyaGato
      Hey Clawtooth.

      Can you give me the password to the voxli channel?
      I might not be able to get on mic, but it's just fun reminiscing all those good ol' sneaky summer days~ X3
    4. Cookiie
      Ahaa . That's only because I've been watching anime for as long as I can remember !
    5. Cookiie
      HELLLOOOOO . (: . I see your a fan of Steins;Gate ;)
    6. Ienzo
      le gasp! What are you wanting to study?
    7. Ienzo
      Sorry, I was just curious xD I am absolutely dying to go to Edinburgh university in 2 years time and I was hoping that it would be close enough to stalk you xD jk
    8. Ienzo
      Oh wow, and you did this for Charity? (Obviously xD) well I tip my hat to you, I have never been that great at thinking up ways of raising money but a non-school uniform day where everyone brings in a pound is a great idea ^^

      Also, what part of Scotland do you live in?
    9. Makaze
      I find it annoying when I am laughing at a thought I had, and someone approaches me and tries to make me feel bad about it. Making us both think negatively is not a very kind thing to do. I see what you mean about not fighting back, but they do not need to fight back; they are dead. It was not so much a mockery as his expense as an irony that was being observed.

      It does not do you well to get angry when the person who died might not have either. Specifically in a case like this, the living got offended because they projected it onto themselves when they were not involved in the joke. It is one thing if someone misrepresents someone else or dances on their grave... But that joke would have been funny regardless of whether he was dead or not. Luxord got angry because he internalized the fact that Steve did die and that that he shared the hardship with Steve. The joke itself was not mocking of the fact that he died but that he did not support flash. The timing was bad, but the joke was not offensive in any way. It is funny because it is true. I would be offended if someone defamed my name or accused me falsely after I died, but not if they found my found my death funny. Life is absurd and I could find my death ironic quite easily. I do not worry when the truth about my way of living is left in peace.
    10. Ienzo
      Ahh yes ^^ I remember doing a Fondue fountain thing for charity a few years back- it was very popular xD But how long did that take you?
    11. Ienzo
      Holy crap, how did you do that?

      I'm great, I haven't had much homework given to me this week so I'm chilling at the moment. Although, I am very stressed about getting into university next year and getting the grades I need.
    12. Makaze
      "The word moral is a grey area. It's against my own personal morals, and i'm sure Luxord's as well to disrespect the dead, especially such an innovative and creative person as Steve was ... now kindly get off of that high horse."

      But I like my high horse...

      As I am reading it: if you do not like something, it is immoral to you. It is hard to disrespect someone when they are dead. You say disrespecting, and I ask why they deserved respect in the first place. Everyone dies. Death is not a concept that I need to take seriously. It is worse to mock the living, for they can feel it. If I extend this, mocking something that you find important is immoral. Too wide a spectrum for me, I am afraid, as no two people have the same preferences.
    13. Ienzo
      It's DESTINY! You must be made of Chlorine ^^ How are you m'dear?
    14. Ienzo
      Clawtooth my dear, I want you to know that every chemistry lesson that I have I think of you- when we discuss the element Chlorine you come to mind. Let me explain my nerdiness >:3

      Chlorine= Cl which is like Clawtooth and it's atomic number is 35 (of it's main isotope) which is just like Clawtooth35, so my question is... did you base your name off of Chlorine? D:
    15. Llave
      Indeed good sir, indeed it must.
    16. C
      Hey there, I just wanted to let you know that you should head over to the Postbox! There's a surprise for you there.
    17. Llave
      Hey Claw, I don't think we've ever really talked outside of voxli D:
    18. Firekeyblade
    19. Firekeyblade
      Does your sig say "trusting in justice"?
    20. Sanya
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  • About

    May 29
    I don't really know what to say, so just enjoy the ride. DO not extrapolate extraneous detail from that statement.

    Gaming, Reading, Writing, Music-ing.


    Yahoo! Messenger:


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