Tifa L.
Jan 12, 2010
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Oct 19, 1993 (Age: 31)

Tifa L.

Merlin's Housekeeper, Female, 31, from Illinois

Happy Valentine's Day guys. Feb 14, 2013

    1. nasirrich
      ~_^ Thanks so much playing it right now.
    2. adamboy7
      and indeed, I am very lovible XD lol No girlfriend yet though. But thats another discussion lol.
    3. adamboy7
      Okay, the alternate demension one came from tow completely different worlds. I got the idea form Stephan Hawking's information Paradox (the very one he disproved. Yes, he disproved his own thery. But never mind that), and X-men. Apearently, alternate demensions go on in every direction into infinity. It never ends. An alternate demension is like, I am you neighbor, and Myu lives here. Or You have a beard, and I dont. It can be any difference. It can be as small of a difference as one proton in an atom of your pinky is slightly to the left. Or it can be somthing huge. Anyways, alternate demensions dont have to make sence at all. Here, what goes up must come down. In another, that might make no sence at all. Since alternate demensions go in in every direction in every posibility, in any combination, anything can happen. And anything WILL happen. However, long story short (I have given it alot of though and bored the hell of my one friend with all my thoughts XD), if anything can happen, and does happen, eventually there will be a pardox. Even if there is a dimension that stops the paradox, ther is going to be one that doesnt obay it. Its like god modding. You can out do the other as many times as you want, but you will still be out done, and you will out do. And not only that, but with every posibility, than why are there no dimensions that affect other dimensions. Why havent alternate us that has visited every other dimension visited us? Or some other version that isnt us. With infinite posibilities, its us, and eveything else posible and imposible. Basicly, alternate dimensions would cause so many paradoxes, we wouldnt be here.
    4. nasirrich
      Yep yeszir that's true too. Its like the chaos my either help create peace, or just make it feel like there's peace all within this chaos.
    5. nasirrich
      Loved the song absolutely amazing. Thank you so very much its a calm tone, and can hear that raw wanting to break at, but its contained by the peaceful tune.
    6. adamboy7
      Well, since I left my old school, it has become EXTREMELY strict. Apearently the state has set some rules in place about PDA, or public displays of affection. If you shake sombodies hand, thats PDA, you get in trouble. You high five sombody, thats PDA. You hug sombody, thats PDA. If you do all three, you get suspended XD And me being me, I figured I would check up on my old school now that I am a freshmin. The moment I steped onto the property. High fives and hugs all around fom all my friends XD So like, half the school.I say half because the other have were at home by the time I swung by XD So just because I did so much as step on the property, half the school was suspended XD Well, nobody really got in trouble, they made an acception for me lol. As for the Demension one, I will have to start on a new post. This text box can only hold so much. So one moment please :D
    7. adamboy7
      The demension one or suspending half my school?
    8. nasirrich
      Ok thanks I'm listining to it right now as we speak. Just looked it up on youtube.
    9. adamboy7
      Good :D Well, good with ne new one, bad with the douch. Again, you know what I mean lol. Since we last spoke, I started working on another vid, I joined weight room, back got messed up (however, I dont think the two are related), and today I suspended about half of my old school just because I steped onto the property XD lol Oh, and the theroy on how alternate demensions cannot and do not exsist lol.
    10. nasirrich
      Lol well glad to know that. So if there's anymore rock songs you think I should check out or just very deep poems like the one you showed me. Please let me know I'd be so stoaked to hear them.
    11. adamboy7
      lol Well, join the club lol. Or I join the club. You get what I mean XD lol. So, anything new happen since we last spoke? :D
    12. nasirrich
      You know have me blasting some of there songs that to that. Thank you very much I like to expand my music listing things to all styles. Not just jazz, or piano recitals, intrumentals, Jpop, JRock, underground Rap, not that much of Hip-Hop the stuff they have now is just terrible. But really thanks a lot just adding to my collection yea ^+^
    13. adamboy7
      Well, to be completely honest, not a clue. The most likely reason I got is I over did it in the weight room. And I know right! I got a feeling I should check my messeges rather than go to bed! Anyways, I dont think weight room did it. To be in this much pain, I know for a fact that I didnt pull anything. I would have felt it the minute I picked up a weight. But anywho, you say too, so may I ask whats got your back? lol
    14. adamboy7
      YES!!! I AM NOT DREAMING!!!!!! lol XD Finally lol. Yea, it seems we both have crappy timing lol And I am alright. Back is messed up, but oh well. Mentally I am chipper as ever lol
    15. nasirrich
      W-Woo... That was something else right there. It really is a very deep poem. And to think if it was longer after she said dream... I think I wouldn' be able to type for the longest time. I'd just be stuck there like... All of what was said is so true.
    16. nasirrich
      Hmmmm... The Dream... I can't say I have actual.
    17. nasirrich
      Yes mam true that ^=^. I mean we have to put in work to make it that much harder to try and put us down.
    18. nasirrich
      Yep yep and that's why if you think about it. Life is unfair because of the people in it. So just enjoy life and live it to the fullest because there's always people out there trying to stop the shine of others. Can't have that so we need to cherish those good times and make more of them for us to cherish.
    19. nasirrich
      Yea wow that's so true. People say don't strees over the little stuff, but when you grow up. The little stuff can either screw you in the long run, or actual be nothing.
    20. nasirrich
      Oh no please it fine really its alright. I completly understand that people are becoming a lot more busy right now, it sucks, but hey what can you do?
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  • About

    Oct 19, 1993 (Age: 31)
    I'm not particularly new to Kh-vids, but I have been absent for quite a long while. It's nice to be back, and I hope I meet those on here that I haven't had the pleasure to discover yet. :) I'm pretty friendly so talk all you want to, and I'll do my best to get back to everyone quickly.
    <3 Tifa L. <3


    I would swallow my pride, I would choke on the rinds,
    but the lack thereof would leave me empty inside.
    Swallow my doubt,turn it inside out,find nothing but faith in nothing.
    Want to put my tender heart in a blender, watch it spin 'round to a beautiful oblivion.