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Dec 5, 2013
Dec 20, 2009
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Dec 10, 1996 (Age: 28)
In the always forgotten dream
Your worst nightmare~


Merlin's Housekeeper, Female, 28, from In the always forgotten dream

I wish I may, I wish I might. Have the wish I don't wish tonight. Jul 24, 2013

NightofNights was last seen:
Dec 5, 2013
    1. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Tatsu- I'm sorry everyone...I didn't know
      Angelus- It's alright, now you do, and I hope things will get better because of it
      Haku- Nothing to worry about sweetie, Angelus took care of it, you and Charon go back upstairs alright
    2. nasirrich
      Kim-*Is flying and already in 7th gear. Flys past me, and Lucas doing as so we see her do it then lose sight of her.*

      Me- DAMN!!!! WHO THE HELL WAS THAT!?! Oh and you lied to me you remember what you told me when we first me after waking up. I should shoot you, but since you are helping me I'll see what happens just turn to the right side of the highway and speed there. Where not going to catch whoever that was or NoN there's an exit we can take to get back to the school. And also you need to pull over so I can drive again. After you lying to me I don't know anymore man. But I see you really like my sister that's why when you pull over and I drive I'ma take you to this perfect spot.

      Rosey-*She's is way ahead of everyone and still has the jet on her until she turns back to the right side of the highway and is in her 8th going to 9th gear. Once she shifts to her 9th she kills its down that straight, and the jet is running low on fuel, but it gets hit by all my bullets. 6 hit the pilot right in his head and 7 hit where the exhaust is at. Blowing it up to pieces.* Wow I lucked out, but still who cares almost home ^^ ^^!!! I now have to get rid of this car and drive my other one awww man I love this car. Oh wells it can't be helped at all.

      Kim-*The NOS pushes the car to its 9th.* Wow this car is so fast this person put the time and money in this car. I really am sorry for stealing this, but I need to help NoN.*Flying down the road dodging car and bullets and goes back on the right side of the highway just killing it down the road. Weaving through traffic and jetting it when the clear straights come.*

      (Yea, just when you really need to sleep you can't that's the downer to it all really.)
    3. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charon- *follows Maleah*

      Tatsu- I can't get rid of's the only lead I have on our parents killer
      Angelus- *takes the vial from him and tosses it into a portal* Trust me brother, you don't want to mess with that dragon...
      Tatsu- But sis...
    4. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charon- *got caught off guard by a bad feeling* I think we should postpone our game...something just came up...

      Haku- Downstairs...ANGELUS!!! *he rushes out of the room and down the stairs*

      Angelus- Brother, get rid of that, I'm getting a bad vibe from it!
    5. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charon- *goes all out on Maleah*

      Angelus- Don't worry now Tatsu, it's alright, you've come to learn that not all demons are evil
      Tatsu- I still wish I could get revenge on the ones that killed our parents though...
      Angelus- foster family wasn't the best in the world...
      Tatsu- Thinking about it though...they may have been demons...but there was a draconic aura around them, I managed to get a sample of the aura *he shows Angelus a little vial with some black aura in it*

      Haku- *senses Tiamat* Ka...don't be alarmed, but I feel Tiamat's presence in the house...
    6. nasirrich
      Kim-*Really pushing it is now in 6th going to 7th. Gaining on you fast can see you full bike and your body. So she shifts up again hitting her 8th and final gear.* I've never done that before, but I need to catch up to her.*Keeps going dodging the gunshots and the EMP Claws.*

      Me- Ok man I got you*I look at all the wreck and dead bodies.* Yea we can't get caught.*I point and just shoot straight to get the jet chasing the Audi R8. Adding my aura to it I then fire hoping for the best since I put all but one bullet in that.* Now time to kill you ^ ^.*I point and aim the gun at Lucas and can't wait to blow his brains out. As I'm getting ready to pull the trigger I see we pass Kim and I spin the trigger on my finger turn around and shoot the last chopper pilot in the face by making the bullet teleport to him and make the whole chopper explode.* YEA BOY THAT'S HOW WE GET IT DONE!!!!

      Kim- Who's that? NO they will not hurt NoN!!!*Tries to keep going, but she didn't see the claw got her car and is very quickly losing speed. And the chopper is coming down to her car. So she does a flip onto the roof waiting for the right time and sees this pedestrian car...*

      Wow this must be a wealthy place ^ ^ I hope they can forgive me for this. She jumps as the chopper makes it way to the car and once she gets to the car kicks the driver out into the grass and drives down and cuts in front of many cars and does a U-Turn in the grass to the right lane spinning out a bit spinning and turning the wheel going from gear to gear. Once she gets the car straighten out she's gone trying to make up for the lost space.* This is a real nice car, and look they even have NOS in here ^,^ I lucked out ^=^*Shifting to her 5th gear already.* Wow its really fast too I love it.

      (You too wow that sucks I got insomnia last year... no 09 because of much I'd be on here. YESSS THANKS KH-V I love it ^,^ I actual want you to know that if you do have it say goodbye to a good nights sleep. The up side is that when you got projects due you won't be too tired to do them. No actual its really bad I hate it. Like I can be up to 3am wake up by 330 AM and be fine to start my day. Like its gotten that bad. But if you maybe getting it how is your sleeping patterns. That's OD stalker status I like when you sleep can you sleep or are you up for hours and still not feel tired then fall to sleep at the wrong time? I'm supposed to be PM-ing you this idea I had wow hang on.)
    7. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charon- Now that thats taken care of, prepare to lose Maleah
      Announcer- Round 1 FIGHT!

      Angelus- You must of had a reason to detest demons to tell me?
      Tatsu- Thats were too young to know...our parents, they were killed by demons...disguised as dragons
    8. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charon- Then prove it, and no sneaking kisses this time *he has Kung Lao chosen*

      Tatsu- So, it is possible, thats good
      Angelus- What, you thought they were incompatible?
      Tatsu- Partially that, and partially because I detested demons...but I don't anymore
    9. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charon- As if Maleah, this time I'll get you *he runs upstairs*

      Tatsu- A half demon fox, half that Haku and Ka's child?
      Angelus- Yes, she is
    10. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Angelus- Yeah...I'd rather not talk about it till you two are older
    11. nasirrich
      Kim-*Passes by all the cars and can see you.* NON!!!!*Looks at the Wrecked Zonda, ME 412 and the Aprilia Factory.* Wow those are very nice cars who was she racing?*Goes around the roadblocks and is trailing on you.*

      Me-*I shoot some cops in the head behind me making them crash causing a huge explosion behind us. Then start to shoot in front of me getting the cops getting out to see the cars and bike for the drivers right in the face.* Damn 4 shots lefts. Good thing I only took head shots.*I can see Kim's car, but barley and aim up for the chopper pilot in the fist one. I add my aura to the bullet before I fire. And once I do the bullet blasts off to that chopper and once it kill the pilot it bounces all around killing everyone making it fall down to where we are.*

      Kim- W-What!?!*Slams on the brakes hard and pulls up her E-Brake lever up turning the steering wheel to the left. The car spins out to the right and part of the blade goes through her window cutting Kim on the side of chest a lot even through she ducked getting around the chopper slamming down near her car.* Y-Yea I did it...*Then her eyes widen as she realizes that she got hit.* N-No...*Keeps speeding off in 1 gear now shifting to 3rd and keeps going.*

      Me- DAMN I LOVE ME WOO!!!!*I have no clue as to what happened to Kim, and I shot the 2 cars and bike.* COME ON PLEASE MAKE IT THROUGH THE EXPLOSIONS!!!!*I stand up doing all of that and I beam the empty gun to the 3rd chopper getting it stuck in blade making it stop and come down.* GO GO GO!!!!!*I almost slip off because of the speed the cars going and the fact I threw a gun and scared that I'll either die from the cars, and bike, or the chopper coming down to us.* DAMN O_O

      (All nighters or too much of that good stuff? You know candy soda the works man. Its alright that day was dead myself that's why it took me so long to reply to one person. And ok I'll do that.)
    12. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Angelus- He's my brother that used to have certain ideals that didn't go well with our family

      (I'm gonna head off to bed now, ttyl)
    13. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Haku- Yeah, I guess so

      Charon- Hey, what's going on here, who is this mom?
      Angelus- Oh...he's your uncle Tatsu
    14. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Haku- Yeah, just like NoN

      Charon- Yeah, sure

      Tatsu- *cries into Angelus' shoulder* I just don't know if I can ever fully redeem myself...all those demons I killed, and those dragons...
      Angelus- Don't worry about it brother, you have redeemed yourself, you have come around to understand that anything is possible between dragons and demons
    15. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Haku- I hope you're right Ka

      Angelus- So, how did you get out of that?
      Tatsu- I had to do something I thought I would never do in my life...I killed them with my bare claws, telling them I was doing this for a better future, for you as well sis, knowing if I went through with the plan...they may of killed you and your husband as well
      Angelus- *hugs Tatsu* Thank you bro, I'm happy for what you did
    16. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charon- Yeah, you're welcome Maleah

      Haku- If it could turn someone like Tatsu, the rest should be easy

      Tatsu- I even went so far as to want to crash the wedding, but I got to thinking, maybe it wouldn't be so bad
      Angelus- I'm glad you didn't, that is where Ka said you would kill Haku
      Tatsu- So, her dream told her everything
      Angelus- That it did, so what did the others of your group think?
      Tatsu- After my change of heart...they tried to kill me, they said after they were through with me, they would go for the wedding and kill Haku and Ka themselves
      Angelus- Thats horrible...
    17. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charon- Yeah, well, thanks Maleah

      Haku- *follows Ka*

      Angelus- So, whats new Tatsu?
      Tatsu- probably already know, but after I found out who Ka really was, I got really angry, I really wanted to get rid of her, and worse, I wanted Haku gone as well
      Angelus- Yeah, I knew that, thanks to one of Ka's dreams she told us about
    18. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charon- Y-you got me...I am one good teacher

      Tatsu- *gets surprised by getting pulled inside and falls down*
      Angelus- *goes over and helps Tatsu up* Be more careful Mister Clumsy, now come over here and sit down, tell me what you have been up to since I last saw you
      Tatsu- Oh...alright *he joins Angelus on the couch*

      Haku- I think we should give them their space, come Ka, lets go to our room
      Synn- Yeah, I have some things to take care of in my room *he heads upstairs*
    19. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charon- *pushes Maleah close to losing*

      Tatsu- For you to forgive me...thank you Ka *he tears up*
      Angelus- Ka, let him in, seeing my brother like this makes me want to catch up, find out what has happened to him
    20. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charon- I bring your A game Maleah, this is the end
      Announcer- Round 3, FIGHT!

      Tatsu- won't kill me, are you sparing my life?
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  • About

    Dec 10, 1996 (Age: 28)
    In the always forgotten dream
    Your worst nightmare~
    I'm that feeling you have when someone's watching you yet when you turn around, and no one's there.
    Though really I'm just a girl who's trying to make it out in this world. My first Kingdom Hearts game was "KH:358/2 days" for the DS and I fell in love with Roxas~ <3
    The only other game that I've played was "KH: Recoded", and have yet to finish it. The last Nobody is soooo hard to beat D: I swear to god it's roxas!! (haven't seen or read anything about Recoded and dont plan to ruin it for myself)|
    But I am planning on getting a PlayStation so that I'm able to play the other games. :)

    Things I like? Music, friends, RPGing and walking in the rain at night.^^ I love walking through the forests around my home town and just having a warm cup of coffee :) I love coffee <3


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    -Thanks to the amazing Nights for the Amazing signature! <3