Charonus Rex
Last Activity:
Feb 1, 2025
Dec 17, 2008
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6:18 PM
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Dec 5, 1982 (Age: 42)
Deep inside an active volcano
A dragon god

Charonus Rex

Merlin's Housekeeper, 42, from Deep inside an active volcano

Charonus Rex was last seen:
Feb 1, 2025
    1. nasirrich
      Past Windy- So you too have a need for speed huh?*Smiles at you and keeps going getting close to the turn where she gets to the student entrance and keeps going doing 347kph.* YEA!!!!*Her police scanner is going out of control since they were told about a reckless speeding driver.* Eh oh well where almost there anyways. I love to speed from the parking lot to the deli.* Slowing down since she's getting closer to the staff parking lot, and has her hand on the E-Brake.*
    2. nasirrich
      Past Windy- Think we'll make it?*Sly grin on her face and you can hear the power in her engine and why its not a stock car just cause it looks like that on the outside. Hits 6th gear and is doing about 318kph flying down things are looking blurry now. The light is turning yellow. Then she does NOS.* Hey hang on alright.*The NOS revs her engine even more and she gets pushed back to her seat a bit and she's doing 338kph now.* WOOO YEA!!!!!*Flys right past that light and the cars and is roaring down the road.*
    3. nasirrich
      Past Windy- Oh boy....*Slowly pulls off and goes to the staff parking lot.* Well I just have to let you in on somethings. We don't tolerate any fighting that causes more problems for students well beings. We get into a street fight and we find out about it because they tie you back to this school you will be kicked out in an instant. You also can't use your powers near the humans while still in school. Even if you have a free period you have to stay in uniform when going out. Unless you have special permission. We try to keep our students gift a secret because knowing how humans re-act to everything that they don't understand. We can't have that ok. So I would teleport to where you have to go. Or fly there, but since you caught me as I was walking out from the deli I didn't want to cause any attention to us.*Speeding a bit more now in 3rd gear and gets near a straight.* I love this watch this.*Smiles and kicks it a nickle hitting 4th gear going to 5th doing about 278kph getting very lose to the light and in 3secs will turn yellow.*
    4. nasirrich
      Past Windy- ^ ^ Oh yea that's right ummm I have to park my car here take this.*Gives you a pass that allows you everywhere so if you get stopped they know Windy gave it to you. She then runs to her car...*

      *Has her right side door open since its a right wheel drive car and the steering wheel is on the right side.* Hey get in you can keep the pass too. Your gonna need it if you want to even enter. You never even filled out anything so that pass is kind of like an VIP Pass. They wouldn't even let you with me even if I said your with me. You have no papers so I'll fill out your work, but you have to come with me ok.
    5. nasirrich
      Past Windy-*Laughs a bit.* Your too much Tatsu. But if you really want to enroll you'll have to take some tests, about you physically, your aura abilities, intellect, and a few other things, but follow me. I'm actual heading over there myself. Your lucky because students are coming to join academy right now taking the test. And I hear that there are four gifted students going there right now. They passed the other test and now are taking the test that deals with their aura abilities.
    6. Technic☆Kitty
      Yep, although I like christmas time more ^_^ so nostalgic.
    7. nasirrich
      Past Windy- Huh*Sees you* Errrr ummm ok? That's a bit weird to say to someone you don't know don't you think? But ummm yes but I'm a Vice Principal at an academy why is it you ask stranger?
    8. nasirrich
      Kim- W-What the hell is going on here?*Trembling a lot now looking at the ground confused and so many tears are falling down to the ground.*
    9. nasirrich
      Kim*Can not believe what just happened.* O-Oh my god what's going on here? This can not be happening. N-No please not now this can't be happening.
      Windy-*Laughing after hearing Kim and turns around.* Hey Kim shut it!!!!*Teleports to her and slaps her very hard.* ITS ALL HAPPENING YOUR NOT AS INNOCENT AS YOU PUT OUT THERE!!! HAHAHAHAHA You must out of your damn mine. I think I lost it. And now I see this is all your fault, CR's fault, and Kohaku's fault ^.^*Does a wind pulse hitting her to the wall and she vanishes.*
      Rosey-*Does an aura whip and is gone.*

      Lyanne- Ashley... Why....
      Ashley- O-Onee-san...
    10. NightofNights
      Maleah: Thanks Charon for the confindince boost^^ *got one move right but still trying to get the rest*
    11. Technic☆Kitty
      I like your new avy CR ^_^ it's cool.
    12. NightofNights
      Maleah:*tries to do some of the movies but can't but keeps trying till she can*
    13. nasirrich
      Windy- Tch it seems like you are I mean look at your aura. You still don't get it do you? Tch oh well, but alright I understand.*Bows to her and Bella and walks away. Then when she leaves she seees Kim and starts to laugh as she keeps walking away.*
      Rosey- Tch well later then.*Bows to them both and walks out. Once she sees Kim she feels like slapping her so she does very hard.* Well Kim now this is on you. The ball is on your court better find a way to explain. Stupid girl you shold have just stayed with us. Now look this is your fault.*Laughing at her and walk the opposite way Rosey is.*
      Kim-*Accepts what Rosey did to her and trying to do more than just cry but can't.*

      Bella- I'm very sorry all.*Bows to Bahamut and teleports away.*
      Lyanne- I need you all to get out please. J-Just go...
      Ashley- Onee-san I...*Keeps holding onto her.*
      Lyanne- Ashley no please*Crying so much right now, but doesn't face anyone.*
      Ashley- No onee-san I'm staying here alright.
      Lyanne- Mother hates... us.... Me... so much now... Please just go!!!
    14. NightofNights
      Maleah: *nods* I'm ready.
    15. nasirrich
      Rosey- Madame Bahamut no disrespect, but you don't know Kim that well either. I'm not sure what your getting at. I see everything right now, and from before, you must be getting confused with me holding back all of this.
      Lyanne- Rosey... What's happened to you?
      Ashley- You there?
      Rosey- Trust me this isn't Tiamat, so don't make that excuse. Ever since Tiamat did this to me I feel that now you should know more about Kim. So YOU really need to pump your brakes right now.
      Bella- Misguided child letting your anger blind and lead you.*Heals Kim, Windy,and CR back to 100%*
      Kim-*Slowly starts to wake up and heard everything that was going on.*
      Windy-*Gets up quick walking over to Rosey and smiles at her.* Rosey that was well put, but...*Slaps her across the face.* ENOUGH of this already.
      Rosey-*Can't believe Windy of all people did that.* You... You... You feel the same way so why act like you don't HUH WHY ACT THIS WAY!?!?!
      Windy- I may detest CR, but leave him just cause of Kim. Bahamut honestly you too. Trying to defend CR tell me what was the very first thing she said once she left the palace huh? Can you tell me that? You act like you know Kim. To be honest none of you do. The only people here that do are me, Ashley, and Rosey. Oh wait Ashley never told you huh? She went to this Demon academy trying to find Lyanne, but met Kim, and Eve so they became really close.
      Ashley- Windy why!?!
      Windy- Sorry doll they had to know. No more secrets now. Oh yea for your information Kohaku the only reason why Kim is with CR is because of Nas. I mean after she forgot everything and everyone Nas found her again. And so did no so how was it that they were able to become so close. What you think your grandson did it? Really Nas has everything to do with those getting together. I might not have been there, the Wind never lies. Ashley also ran into Kim when she went to do that Tournament with SH to gain her memories back the first time right? Ashley almost killed her so Rosey helped her out acting like they never knew one another. And it gets even better Rosey was the nurse at the same academy that Nas, NoN, Kim, and Ashley went to. Eve was a teacher there, Kyu too was a teacher there, and I was the Vice Principal. I must have forgot what Marcus did because that's after the time everyone lost their memories. The last battle was with Lyanne in it. Ashley never found out. So Lyanne like to keep secrets huh? Why didn't you tell her you were there? You didn't even ease up on the poor girl how could you?
      Lyanne- Windy that's enough!!!
      Windy- No hey Bahamut ever once think why Rosey hated CR so much. Well when Rosey went all crazy and started to destroy the palace its because CR took her away from us. I gave her the idea to do it, but acted like i never knew. I also took part n the death rates as well. You want to know something else too? Kohaku training became so repetitive that Rosey and I surpassed him. Kim acted like she didn't. Wow full of secrets and you still want to defend him.
      Ashley- L-Lyanne why... how could you?
      Lyanne- I-I'm sorry, but you too why?
      Ashley- I didn't want anyone to know that I was looking for you, so I kept it to myself. It was me, Sally, Kim, and Lisa the 4 strongest there. Then it was 3 since she went to go help Nas, and NoN. I was also looking for something that could tell me about Azazel.
      Lyanne- I went to the tournament to gain the pendant to bring mom, back. But SH and Kim won it because they had you. I would have gotten it easy, but I didn't think SH would actual beat you. I figured you would have put him in the same condition you put Kim in. Then... That all changed once you were fighting with him.
      Ashley- And Rosey actual worked this little restaurant there. She helped me get better.
      Rosey- What happened Kohaku did you know any of that? Why wouldn't Kim tell CR all about who she met? Ashley told her to keep them meeting a secret.
      Bella- Girls what has happened to you all? I... I'm not sure what to think I would have never thought... But Windy and Rosey what's gotten into you two? You do understand that now I don't trust anyone in here, but Bahamut. Its not cause of what you told me, its just that everyone in here is keeping secrets.
      Rosey- Well I hope CR heard all of that because he now knows a bit more about Kim punk ass.
      Kim-*Didn't want to hear anymore so she walked out.*
      Windy- Awww poor Kim and now we see how CR has been tainting her. Wow CR you ****** bag I hope you die by my hands, or Rosey's. Your still a little boy in a man's world.
    16. nasirrich
      Bella-*Is now inside your body and charging up so your body can't take it breaking all your aura channels and takes back the power stopping the attack and illusion.*
      Kim-*Is left on the ground smoking.*
      Windy-* Slams on the ground and smoking as well.*
      Bella- Rosey that will be enough out of you.

      Rosey- What a girl can't have her fun? Wait hold on a sec. Kohaku SHUT UP!!!! YOU WERE DOING NOTHING THE WHOLE TIME WE FOUGHT YOUR MOTHER!!!! ONLY ME LYANNE, AND ASHLEY WERE TAKING ALL THE HITS AND THINKING OF WAYS TO GET TO HER!!!!!!!! YOU IDIOT you stayed in the background showing up here and there you coward. Don't talk to me like this is your palace. You want something to say to me then say it I'm sick and tired of you right now please go on do me the pleasure of coming back at you telling you how I really feel.
      Lyanne- Rosey you really need to calm down.
      Ashley- Hey Rosey what's got into you?
      Rosey- Please forgive me Madame Bahamut, Mistress Bella, Lyanne, and Ashley, but its CR and Kohaku that have really been pissing me off lately. CR always using that Tiamat excuse just to get stronger, what are you trying to prove? Huh CR.... Oh wait I'm sorry until he gets up let's talk to Kohaku. You want to defend him. I mean you trained him right? So why is he like this. Always has to use an excuse just to become stronger. Acting that he was truly effected by Tiamat. Yea ok its had to do with his family, but was he there to experience it? Huh please tell me that Kohaku. Was that stupid boy able to really understand what it means to lose someone. That ******* took Kim away from me. Not only me, but Windy, Nas, NoN, hell even from herself. You your the one who trained him. You punk you did nothing but raised an ignorant fool. You think he knows Kim? You think he knows how evil Tiamat is? Ask Lyanne, and Ashley sensei. Hell even have him ask you. But I can't believe none of you see it. He's been making an ass out of everyone. Trying to do it all on his own yea he's big and bad now. The hero ever think to wonder if CR really met Kim like we did. No matter fact even knew her would he still love her? Do you know Kim would drop any of her dates she got just to take care of NoN and Nas? Huh Kohaku please tell me that? Did you know that she wouldn't even look twice at his ass if Nas, and NoN were as close as they were before. She wouldn't let anyone near them that she felt would taint them. Or expose them to something that will change them for the worse of thing. And look at us because of that guy right there laid out on the ground were fighting. All because of what I said about him really? If he would say things about me I bet no one would stop him. Maybe say well you have a point, but still... No see your all missing the big picture here. I came here to help Kim get her memories back and for her to stay pure, but now this happened. I always hated him since Kim met him. I knew it would be a bad thing so I kept my mouth shut. Now I want you all to see I hate CR with everything I am. I'll fight by his side, and never betray him, but this... No I can't allow him to live for this. I won't kill him, because of Kim, but one day when he messes up hurting Kim. He will die I will make sure he will hurt and die the way he's been making all those that really know Kim have been feeling.
    17. nasirrich
      Rosey- Oh wow it must have slipped ^^"

      Bella-*Calms down a lot more and blasts off to you first. Kicks you making you hit Kim. Teleports to where you both are then roundhouse kicks you both to Windy. Teleports to Windy and does a Spark Trap encasing all in a spark volt orb. She charges up and it begins to run throughout your bodies.* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Kim-*Feeling the effects and is being zapped and since she already is so strong her aura starts to shut off and begins getting cut up all over. And can't move at all.*
      Windy-*Is begin zapped as well and her aura shuts off as well. And her cuts become deep wounds as Kim as well.*
      Bella-*The more she charge sup and the stronger she gets. The worse the pain becomes and the effects comes to be.* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*Her aura then blazes out of her and the forces is starting to make the training room crack and rubble starts to fall.* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Lyanne- No this is not good.*Is being pushed back from Bella charging up and tries to keep her balance.*
      Ashley- W-Woo hang on maybe she should clam down now I think they get it.
      Rosey- Man CR's in there too XD!!!

      Kim-*Screaming in so much pain and needs to get out.*
      Windy-*Screaming in so much pain wanting it to stop.*
      Bella- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*Then goes in this form...*


      Lyanne-*Starts to charge up just to keep her balance.* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*Adds a protective field to those not fighting.*
      Ashley-*Charges up as well to help out making the field stronger.* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Rosey-*Is dying on the inside because of what's happening to you and helps out by charging up adding a healing band around the field.* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    18. nasirrich
      Ashley-*Shaking her head.*
      Both Ashley and Lyanne- Just like mother would always say.
      Rosey- Well that sucks CR's usually the one to come through, but looks like he can't huh?

      Bella-*Does the TTC on you and her last hit she Final Kicks you then hold you like she's sitting down making you hit the ground hard head first.*

      Rosey- A hard head makes a soft butt ^,^

      Kim-*Slammed in a wall and is stuck there.*
      Windy- N-Not good...
      Bella-*Breaks the illusion watching them all gasps for air.*
      Kim-*Holding her neck trying to snap out of it and once she does gets on the floor spitting out so much blood.*
      Windy-*Throws up so much blood its not even funny and slams down on the ground hard.*

      Lyanne- Why is she saying all of this stuff to CR?*Thinking to herself.*
      Ashley- Is Rosey alright?
    19. nasirrich
      Kim- What she was just right there...
      Bella-*All the attacks you were all doing hit you back ten fold.*
      Kim-*Gets hit all the time and is sent flying.*
      Windy-*Can't dodge because she didn't see it coming at all slams on the ceiling and bounces off.*
      Bella-* Teleports to her doing a soccer move the bicycle kick making her bounce off another wall. Teleports to her again going right through her.*
      Windy-*Shoots out a stream of blood after that and goes flying to the ground hard.*

      Lyanne- The Magic Mirror I can't believe I didn't see that one coming.
      Ashley- I never saw her focus it on one side though why would she do that?
      Rosey- WHAT!?!?!
      Lyanne- Ashley we know our mother is a left even though she's dexterous. She must have made her right side just as strong and left her left side open knowing she would easily block and deflect anything from that side. So if she used that Magic Mirror on her right side just in case she slips up she can catch herself. Since she actual was blocking all the attacks. Its seems like she was just standing there, only dodging Windy's but she would do the opposite of their own attacks like a shadow, but once that shadow hits a mirror its does the same exact thing.
      Ashley- Oh I see that's why she was able to find a way to hit me even while I'd do a doge attack.
      Lyanne- Hey Bahamut do you remember how you were able to actual hit Ashley?
      Ashley- Lyanne what are you getting at?
      Lyanne- Think about it Bahamut must have only heard about you not being to be hit. So if mom saw how Bahamut did it she would take that and use it for a different reason.
      Ashley- Wow so Bahamut how were you able to find a way to hit me. Only my mom figured out a way how.

      Bella- Vortex Rage...*Teleports and does a combo on Kim. The vortex send her up and Bella attack her again. Kind alike the TTC, but as Kim is sent flying she goes up or down depending on where Bella teleports the vortex would send her in the direction where Bella could do the most damage for the teleportation direction And the other difference is that she teleports 8 times instead of 4. She teleports to Kim and attacks her. The vortex send her up, or down, and she teleports again to attack her in that direction. Even if its to the side Kim would be sent flying downward diagonally, upward horizontally.*
      Kim- She... How did she even do that?
    20. NightofNights
      Maleah: Alright. *tries again and gets it*
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  • About

    Dec 5, 1982 (Age: 42)
    Deep inside an active volcano
    A dragon god
    A fiery hot charizard with an Axel mentality.



    "I am the Charizard King, and I will also be Your ferryman to the Underworld"​
    Dark Side of the Moon 40th​
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