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The Café Musain


Twilight Town Denizen, from The Café Musain

One of the strange things about living in the world is that it is only now and then one is quite sure one is going to live forever and ever. Nov 20, 2014

    1. Plums
      You will do as I say, young man.

      This is a matriarchy.
      You are on the receiving end of my commands.
      You will fulfill them to a T.
    2. Plums
      What have I told you about psychoanalyzing the other children?

      That's it. No supper for you tonight.
    3. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      Maybe it could be seen as such, but no, I don't think so. Manipulation is directly affecting another into a particular action or thought. I guess do to an extent I attempt to manipulate someone into taking the action of thinking, but not directly implanting ideas. I wish them to simply question things, not to follow a particular path.
    4. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      It's been a long time since someone pointed out the weaknesses in my views. It is refreshing.

      As you may also have read from conversations with Makaze, I have several trains of thoughts and ideas, nothing I have is set in stone, I believe in working for your future, not fate or destiny. Basically, whatever I say is one thought of many on the subject, I wlso do what I do for fun, I enjoy it, I also like to test the extent of what I can do with wordsz does any of this make me a bad person? I never hurt anyone, not intentionally, and I plan to keep it that way.

      I may have similar views as him, seeing as we both lean to the ideals of anarchists, maybe we have other things we agree on. But the comparison of us is up to an outsider, like you, who can see us separately and judge us.

      I'm not sure what you are asking of me. Could you be more direct with it?
    5. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      Patience is a virtue, as they say. Time and growth can mean the world of difference in people, if you don't put enough time or commitment into a relationship, it wont grow, it will either be stagnant or wilt. You will change for the better after some time. We all do.

      No, it is a character name Dr Styles from the game Gray Matter. He was a reputable neurobiologist before a colisiion with another car that left him badly scared and killed his wife in the flames, where he then turned into a recluse. I like how his love and commitment to his wife reflects everything he does, even if it is slightly twisted wityh trying to talk to her ghost, but he aches to be with her again. He is an endearing and flawed character.

      I think you're a bit more ballsy online, and not socially awkward. You seem to have elements to control a conversation and affec other people, something I doubt a socially awkaward person could do. So no it doesn't show through. I myself wouldn't talk like this in reall life, i'd be much more saual, but in my mind I read out these words before I type them, and it satisfies me to hear such extraordinary words such as verbose and philistine. These words I would never think of using in normal conversation, but here, on the internet, they flow out of me. So yes the internet is a medium for communication but it is not the only form or the truest of them.

      I don't thinki it to be noble, I just think it's something that we should all try, to give out our care support of each other. I've found it to do wonders for me when the kindness of others has helped me through difficult times and made me enjoy life more. I hope to give thta feeling to many more people, but only such a thing can occur if someone is willing to give the first push of progress. I don't think myself noble, that is for others to decide to label as.

      But please, continue when you can. I enjoy this verbal sparing match that we have going.
    6. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      Dr. Doctor. I didn't think much about it at all when I picked it. Wanted the name to match the new pic, not make me seem trustworthy. Does that pic scream safety and reassurance to you? I get creepy Phantom of the Opera feeling.

      I've gotten over the point in my mind of having irrational beliefs about myself being greater then humanity. Now I simply use the technique to discern the intelligent and observant from the dumb and dull-witted. I like to know people who are smarter then the average bear. But it's not like it matters too much to me, the Internet can lie like people can, and I'll never really be able to tell much about a person purely by their Internet personification. Do not worry I am of no harm or threat to anyone on here,

      And no, I don't really and truly care who is stupid or smart in my life. I have friends from both sides of life. I fool and question others for them to question themselves and their faith and abilities. Questions make us smarter and wiser, and I wish others to try and achieve more from life.

      I will not let my guard down. Not on purpose anyway. You, mouse, too easily burrow into people's lives with your constant questions and the need for answers. You do not need to know so much in such a small amount of time. To truly know someone you must see them grow, everything else is a pretext of possibilities. So if you want to form a relationship you're gonna have to invest some time and effort with me, otherwise you'll get little from me.

      Don't take it too personally. I have nothing against you, indeed I enjoy your company, it is unique. I just rather you try a bit more then directly confronting me and demanding me to let my guard down. It wouldn't likely work on others and it hasn't worked on me for once. If you care enough to find out about me then you'll be more patient.

      And what do I get from the conversations? I've already said, I like to have fun just talking with different people, and riling up some feathers. Words are how I enjoy life.

      PS. I found your comment funny. I enjoy using 'aggressive' comedy, it's very imposing and confrontational.

      I use aggressive comedy as it were.
    7. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      I get to choose my animal persona? Why you are too kind. Never been called a raccoon before. I'll take it, Mouse.
      It is not that I stalk you that I call you a mouse, it is because that is the form you show yourself to me as. Or maybe it was a random guess, a game of chance in the name I'd call you. I told you before, I'm too lazy to stalk others, it would require effort which I can not conjour up.

      You can call me arrogant, because I am. I know of few things, truly it is all a massive piece of guess work. Most of the time I'm wrong, other times I am right. But I like to think I try to improve my perspective and knowledge over time.
      And to be truthful, I am trustworthy but I don't think you need me for my trustworthiness, you have others for that I'm sure. You may not even need me at all, but you take time to talk to me so I suppose I am of some use to you. Amusement, perhaps?

      Do I overestimate myself? I may seem verbose in how I type, but I think I just like messing with people, to be loud and imposing means people think I am arrogant, because those that speak know little, and those that don't speak know more. That isn't the quote but it suffices for the situation. I try to speak much in order to fool others so they believe I act in one certain way. Instead I am Legion, for we are many.

      Ah, so many quotes...
    8. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      Alrighty then.

      The difference between human faults and just plain stupidity.

      If you don't care for that, then we'll go with anarchism.
    9. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      Nothing in particular, really.

      Let's start with economics.
    10. Te Deum
      Te Deum

      I guess I have no choice.

    11. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      You are hidden because you make yourself small. You squeak-squeak looking for cheese when you feel like it, information, questions when it suits you.
      I'm no cat, I couldn't stalk you little Mouse.

      Do not take it to heart. But when you start asking me questions obviously after reading what I've written, well I think I'm entitled to a bit of fun.
    12. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      Hello Mouse, nice to see you too...

      I have only heard of it. The concept has been parodied a few times before in some tv shows so I figured out their connection was the Ripliad.

      Hope to hear you squeak again soon, my little Mouse.
    13. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      Lecture better than Makaze?


      I think NOT!
    14. Keyslinger
      Nah, It's fine. I don't mind.

    15. Keyslinger
      Hey Laria. Forgot 'bout me?

      Anyway, in case you cared, I'm gonna be a bass player to a band of youngins like maself soon. Mike's putting me in with a band.. :D after only two guitar lessons. Mike's my teacher.

    16. Plums
      Yep. Currently trying to request college apps from college sites as we speak.
    17. Plums
      I am meh. Starting school tomorrow morning. Not looking too forward to the last!first day of high school.
    18. Plums
      How are you my FRAND?
    19. Plums

      Do not see you much. :/
      Hope you are doing well.
    20. Tootsie
      haha thanks! but sadly I didn't make it :c
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