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Feb 25, 2013
Jul 13, 2011
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Destiny Islands Resident, from Mastic Beach, NY 11951

Simbarulz88 was last seen:
Feb 25, 2013
    1. NarutoSuperKubii
      Till the battle starts.
    2. NarutoSuperKubii
      Oh then you have to hold it while in the menu
    3. NarutoSuperKubii
      Doesn't matter... I didn't mod all the animations cause the code would be over 90 lines long i only modded the essentials.
    4. The Graceful Assassin
      The Graceful Assassin
    5. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      k man I don't know why the files aren't there no more so I will reupload them when I get around to it and give you the link, I've just been really busy with rl stuff and working on my forum so I haven't gotten around to it.... I'll eventually have the time to do it but for now just try to be patent k man.^ ^
    6. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      hey man sry I haven't given you the link to emuhaste yet but lemme just check to see if it's still in my files on mediafire.^ ^
    7. Gultigargar
      You obviously don't understand how the "Play as Riku"-code works. What you are suggesting doesn't make sense and certainly isn't possible.
    8. Janime6
      I'm not sure, that may or may not be an animod. I don't do many play as codes, much less animods (on KH2).
    9. Janime6
      Dynamic Memory Allocation.

      It means that the codes will work in one room/battle/etc. Such as....let's see, here's an example:

      You make a code to play as Sephiroth at the 1000 Heartless battle. Well that involves animation modding (which is DMA) and a lot more DMA stuff.

      If you try to use the code ANYWHERE else it won't work or the game will freeze. Get it?
    10. Gultigargar
      Top line is the joker command. The 4 below are for the animation mod (though I've discovered that animation mods can be reduced to just 2 lines, so the code is a bit out of date).
    11. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Yes, it worked perfectly fine.
    12. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      k well I don't have emuhaste on this pc I'll have to go on my other pc inorder to give it to you.:/
    13. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      I tested on normal KH2, yes. I have both.
    14. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      The odd thing is that for me it works just fine...
    15. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      The full party code should work. I've never experienced it not working. I'm sorry, but I can't really help you then.
    16. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Try this one:

      E007FDFF 0035B55C
      4032F064 00130001
      03020100 00000000
      2033E830 00000204
      2033E834 00000200
      11CFA3FC 0000028A
      11CFA3FE 00000061
      11CFA400 0000029C

      Just hold R2 while walking into the Audience Chamber from the Hall of the Cornerstone
    17. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Huh? That isn't the UCM codes? Where did you get those? You're using NTSC, right?

      If that's the case then use these instead:

      Character Slot 1 (Sora)
      11CFA3FC 0000????

      Character Slot 2 (Donald)
      11CFA3FE 0000????

      Character Slot 3 (Goofy)
      11CFA400 0000????
    18. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Do you play with PS2 or emulator? And also which codes do you use jokers on?
    19. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      Hey man unfortunately scar has no heartsblock and this is common with some codes meaning some character dont have a heartblock, like scar all he has is a model and moveset no animation pointer no ucm pointer nothing that would make a heartblock so if you want to play as scar then use the emulator and emuhaste programs I gave you thus you can look up tutorials on youtube to find out how to setup emuhaste with pcsx2 so yeah thats the only way you'll be able to play as him since he has no hearblock.:/
    20. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      well inorder for me to make him playable on the ps2 I would need to find his heartblock which is where scars animations and effects pointers are but the ucm I have and used only took me to his model and mset but let me have another crack at it and I'll see if I can find his heartblock.:/
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    I'm a fun, caring and helpful guy who would always be there for the ones I care about.

    Watching my fave tv shows and movies, playing video games, basketball & chilling with my friends.