Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
Jun 24, 2007
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July 7
Home Page:
The Plains

Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta

The Demon Slayer, Male, from The Plains


Everything feels fake... Jun 14, 2018

    1. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Hey Jay How are ya?

      Did you see Protecters move in the Duel Area! It was wicked awesome!
    2. StardustXtreme
      Out of honesty, I made that one up as I went along.
    3. Accalia
      Hey Jaden!
      How are you?
    4. StardustXtreme
      -collasped due to sheer awesomeness of the move I made-

      Now that's a even better field than Yusei summoning Jack's, Crow's and his own Dragons to defeat Aporia!
    5. KH2man13
      Oops. Kinda forgot about this. ^^"

      Anyways, I thought you did very well. To be honest, I think you were exaggerating your bad luck a bit. Some of those combos you made seemed like ones you would make in the arena. Especially that Terra Firma/Absolute Zero one.
    6. Itachilives
      so u just want to wait thats fine with me
    7. Itachilives
      hey jaden sorry got myself sick want to do that duel now
    8. rikuxking
      hope it works out and hope you and mandy stay friends at least
    9. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      xD Wikipedia it is!
    10. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      But Jesse wasn't wasn't in the 2nd season....
    11. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Wait then how is Jesse in the 2nd one... I swear I saw him on the box for the 2nd one...
    12. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      Yeah, that's not really a real deck :P

      But if you're feeling confident, you should try playing a tournament.
    13. rikuxking
      lol man you have the worse luck when it comes to girls hopefully it works out fpr you this time and it dosent end up as bad as mandy
    14. Shadow_Rocks
      Nothing much really
      Highschool's been pretty neat
      JROTC. Is killing me though >u<"
      What about you?
    15. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Oh ok xD What is 2 and 3 about xD *clueless again :D*
    16. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      Congrats. Now give me details. What deck did you use, who did you play, what deck did he use, was it a match or just a duel?
    17. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      I'll probably get 2 because of Jesse and I guess 3 or 4 for 5Ds? Which one would be good for first time synchos and does it have Crow in it xD
    18. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Yush I shall- when I beat tag force one XD
    19. KH2man13
      I'll get you my full opinion later. Homework.

      Also, if you see me online, I'm probably just procrastinating.
    20. nasirrich
      Awww thanks so much really thank you.

      And your very welcome your a very close friend I'll do anything to help out.

      And I'm glad to see that your happy that's the Jaden I know and miss ~,^
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  • About

    July 7
    Home Page:
    The Plains
    My personality? Well I am quite eccentric...I like to think of myself as reserved but openminded...And I'm definitely a very generous and honest person. But I'm not exactly what you call a social butterfly. If I have not messaged you it's because I'm just sort of the type who doesn't message someone unless they message me first. I guess you could say I'm just sort of what you call a "recluse". But that doesn't mean that I'm not willing to talk to you. If you ever wanna talk just message me anytime. :)

    Also I am a very low functioning Aspie. I have SEVERE Asperger's Syndrome. And because of that I may not understand sarcasm or figures of speech. I also show many symptoms of ADD, ADHD, OCD and Bipolar Disorder.

    Some people think that I have a bad temper but I just get really irritated when people get stubborn with me when I know that they're wrong. I have VERY low tolerance for stubborn/hardheaded people, stupidity and closedmindedness... (- _ -; But if you don't judge me then I won't judge you. I'll be nice to you as long as you're nice to me.

    Aside from that I'm pretty much just a laid back guy who enjoys gaming, movies, anime, RPing and cartoons.


    I need to update my sig.