You can still contact my old e-mail but I may use it as an account that collects the spam that keeps being sent to me. I recomend you use my new one.
I just try :P ....I just got it. I gotta find out some FF stuff. I guess it can be based on FF a bit more and KH T&S more on KH.
*smiles* thanks julia.. okay ill talk to ya tommorrow i ve got to go bye and take care of yourself *smiles again*
Sure <3 I like this RP even though it's a Convo XD Besides I need to get up and make the next chapter XD
Me: Well he is fat. I'm surpised he isn't pregnant. Tifa: They don't have it planned out. They just want him dead and to not be molested. Me: I knew it. Roxas: STFU. He is gonna die, Got it? Xion: Roxas? Axel: LETZ OWN THIS OLD FO'! Repliku: I almost pity the fo. Larxene: Someone is about to get owned. Lexaeus: OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWN! *9999999999 = Power Scale* Roxas: HOLY Xion: SH*T Axel: ON A F*CKING SANWICH! Terra: O__________________________O Me: .....Sis? o.o