Admittedly, this was my thought as well. Still, he has a stetson again. WHY IS THE STETSON GAG MORE FREQUENT THAN THE FEZ????
And so are fezzes. If the bowtie has gotten all the love since The Eleventh Hour and the stetson has been in three episodes (first and last two of series six), how is the fez just abandoned?
Yes, but there needs to be another fez gag in an actual episode. If the stetson outdoes it, I think I'll rage.
The Doctor: "Hello ladies, look at your doctor. Now back to me. Now back to him. NOW back to me. Sadly, he isn't a Time Lord, but if he had his own Tardis he could pretend that his me. Look down, back up. Where are you? You're on a saloon in the Old West. What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, its my sonic screwdriver that I will use to save the day. Anything's possible when you doctor is a time Lord and not a Medical Professional. I'm on a horse."
Hello Time Lords. Look at your regenerations. Now back to mine. Back to yours. Now back to mine. Sadly your regenerations aren't my regenerations. But if they stopped using ladies scented bodywash and switch to Old Spice, they could smell like they're mine. Look down. Back up. Where are you? You're at the end of the universe with the Time Lord your regenerations could smell like. What's in your hand? Back at me. I have it. It's a Sonic Screwdriver with those glowing lights you love. Look again; the Screwdriver is now Huon energy. Anything is possible when your regenerations smell like the Master and not a medical student. I'm in your TARDIS. Shit.