What if......

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Patsy Stone, Sep 13, 2007.

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  1. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    ........someone could prove beyond any doubt that God didn't exist? Would you want to listen? Would anyone listen for that matter? Would you rather live on thinking God existed and happy, but wrong/ignorant, or know the truth?

    Also, if you were the person who could prove this would you tell anyone? Would you be willing to shatter the lives of billions across the world just to get a truth out?

    Sorry if this isn't 'Debate Corner' material, please move it/PM a mod if it isn't ^^
  2. .Kairi. Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Too close to the guidos
    if someone proved god didnt exist then it wouldve wasted all those sundays spent at church xD i dont know if i would listen or not.
    well, imo people who didnt believe in god in the first place would be saying 'i told you he didnt exist' to the believers. it would contradict anything the priest or bible has told us, and then what would happen to religion?
    i would rather know the truth than be ignorant.
    if it meant shattering the lives of people, i wouldnt tell anyone the truth.
  3. Hakurei Reimu Take my hand. And then I'll fly with you right up

    Apr 19, 2007
    If that was really true, then I wouldn't believe it anymore. But I won't believe it until some1 does something full-scale like show a picture of heaven or something like that. Either way, it's hard for me not to believe even if some1 did prove it.
  4. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥

    If someone told me that "God" doesn't exist, I wouldn't be surprised at all. I don't believe in God anyway. =\

    It would take someone with A LOT of brains and time to figure out if there is such a thing. Unfortunatly, the chances of someone finding out such a thing is slim-da-nil.
  5. Angel Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 26, 2006
    Having sexytimez with my boyfriend at our house
    I would listen to what they would have to say about it. I don't really follow any religion nor do I really believe that the things other people believe in aren't real. There's a possiblity that someone might be right, it's just a matter of whether one is willing to believe or not.
  6. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Well, of course I'd listen. It's pretty much already true, in fact. For the most part. At least the Jesus thing, I believe. I'm not sure of God though, there's no real way to identify if he's fake or not.

    However if someone could do it, I'd listen and spread the word. But without force, of course. Or maybe with force? Because it's the truth? I dunno.

    If I knew it was real and had the ability to tell others, I wouldn't announce it like today's school lunch or anything, but rather tell people about it, post about it on the internet, etc...
  7. Angel Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 26, 2006
    Having sexytimez with my boyfriend at our house
    he's trying to sound like he's not a gossiper XD
  8. Repliku Chaser

    Well, this is an interesting question. Though I think you can prove or disprove the existence to an extent of actual 'living' people, whether they are now around or not, such as Jesus or Mohammad etc, it is much more difficult to say with evidence that there is absolutely no guiding force or mover out there. I think you can come closer to showing that 'God' as mortals have viewed it is true or not, but to absolutely declare with validity that there is no entity at all seems rather improbable since it is a metaphorical ideal. I do not not believe in God the way the being is portrayed by the monotheistic beliefs, nor would I call it 'God' except in reference to those books and the culture. That deity to me has a name, whether it exists or not. People cannot really prove or deny the existence of such supernatural things except as opinions.

    If someone could walk up to me and say with certainty and evidence there was no such thing, I would first investigate it myself before believing it, but I just cannot see that it is possible to confirm or deny that there is nothing out there beyond our comprehension, such as this. I also cannot confirm or deny there is no Odin, or Zeus, or Diana, or nature spirits and youkai.
  9. Nailpolish <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 14, 2007
    where the hell do you think?
    I wouldn't believe it if they said God did not exist.

    If the proved it, i still wouldn't believe it. No point of making a controversal move like that.
  10. Angel Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 26, 2006
    Having sexytimez with my boyfriend at our house
    so you refuse to believe even if they proved it?

    You refuse to listen when they point out the truth?

    Just to listen? To hear what they have to say?
  11. RoxasNoxas Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 31, 2007
    Southern California
    Amazing post.
    I agree with you.
    If someone had undeniable proof then I would do a lot of research. If what they said sounded 99% plausible, then I would throw away my faith. (I don't call Christianity a religion. It's a relationship with God.)
  12. Zandyne King's Apprentice

    May 8, 2007
    Where the sun is hella bright.
    Well this is both an intriguing yet...hm, rather blunt 'debate'. On one hand if the truth was to be undeniably discovered it only has worth to those who are able to cope with or even comprehend the gravity of it.

    "Pearls before swine" I might say, but the truth is priceless in this matter, I would gladly put out the truth as a world of truth is, in my opinion much better then a 'blissful' world of lies (I use this term lightly given that even with any 'God' being with us, the world is still very far from perfect.)

    Now how people would take this truth is completely within their freedom as human beings. They may try to disprove it, they may believe it, they may even turn a blind eye to it.....but that is what makes us humans so "special" isn't it?

    S/N: Yes if I even retrieved proof confirming or denying the existence of some higher being, I would share the truth.... a confirmation of God would be a sincere message...most likely some sort of humble apology to all of the "anti-God" sentiments I had expressed.... But a confirmation of the LACK of God would lend to a still cordial acknowledgement saying that it is true we did not come from something of a divine design, but still we have come so far, why not propogate it further- sort of tone....

    Ah but this is all just in theory.....

    (Truth be told I would use that theoretical knowledge to give hell to those crazy convertists who would typically scream "YOU'RE GOING TO HELL EVEN THOUGH YOU ARE A REALTIVELY GOOD-MORALED PERSON!!!!"....yeah...:\)
  13. kaseykockroach Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 2, 2007
    The world would be a better place without religion.
    Not a perfect place, but less false promises and crazy claims going on in the world.
    First of all, why would we need proof? How about bringing logic in the situation?
    An invisible man living in the sky who will send you to hell if you disobey him once, but he loves you.
    Do I need to analyze that?
  14. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    I'd definately listen...I dont like over-religeous people who worship ''God'' beyond belief =(
  15. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    i dont think anybody would listen 1/2 the people would be religious and in this day and age the other 1/2 probably already thought that way
  16. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    I'm pretty sure they'd appear just as sane as the person on the opposite end of the scale- someone who claimed they could prove, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that God existed. It's like if Jesus Christ or Buddha showed up at your house, would you really believe them?

    Because deep down we're so unsure of such a thing, and most people either go with extreme irrational faith or extreme empiricism and lack of faith without stopping to look from the other's perspective it only seems right that he would be thought of as a crack pot.
  17. xeno Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 26, 2008
    I would want to know the truth, because 1.I have had enough lies in my life.
    2. Ignorance is bliss and while bliss is being happy and all that, the feeling of bliss can distract you from what needs to be done.
    (you watch TV in bliss of everything else, but you dont realize what needs to be done because of the bliss given by whatever is on the TV)
    And 3. I just plain dont like religion....
  18. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    ummm, this seems rather pointless, if God , didnt exist , then , the world would plunge into chaos


    1.people would lose faith, and cause revolts all over the world
    2.the world would attack the church ,and the church would fight back
    3.some people would strart hurting religious people .
    4.people would fall into sin.(if there isnt any God, then im not doing anything wrong)
    so i can, be adulterous, liar, offensive ,hater, evil, and not go to hell.

    and you know, the laws of the world would still be in place , but without sin, who would follow then, considering all the chaos and destruction there woud be ?
  19. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    actually alot of ppl lost faith when the first rocket to space was launched, they saw that God wasn't up there and that is why there has been a HUGE increase in crime after that, they saw that there was no reason NOT to sin. that's what a teacher told me anyways. but i've told someone: would you believe in a giant alien that's controlling everyone just becuz you can't prove it doesn't exist? and that gets ppl pissed so i usually dont' say that unless someone is trying to force their beliefs on me.
  20. Repliku Chaser

    #4 ...Really, why do religious people believe in this nonsense?

    You really believe people cannot be -good- and have compassion, benevolence and comprehension of life without having some deity to believe in? That people cannot be decent without some book telling them what to do? Seriously, are people this shallow to think that without religion, human beings have NOTHING to keep them working, loving and capable of being in stable social groups? We ARE more than this! The book is a 'guide'. The deity shows a path. If those two aren't there, it doesn't mean that the paths aren't there. I find the actual 10 Commandments to be more disturbing and outdated than how humanity is today and yet people want these old fashioned notions in schools and outside courts. Really, other than some stupid war which is partially spurred by religion, most people seem to want peace regardless of if they are religious or not.

    We are not horrible creatures that cannot guide ourselves. There are some bad apples but seriously, for all the condemning people do of humanity, there are also very good people out there and not all are religious, despite what religious leaders try to spread. Our parents teach us morals as we grow whether they are Christian or not. We all learn it is painful to hurt others and we should not do it because we would be hurt ourselves from the same event. Just because some people might be sort of psychopathic doesn't mean all of us would revert to that without Christianity...and sad to say, enough psychopaths and serial killers have really -believed- in Christianity and it has led them to their downfall.

    The only thing that makes humans good is the desire to be good. It isn't a book or a God. It's the person him/herself. I really don't see why people can't accept this and be more responsible for their actions instead of choosing to say if religion were gone there'd be no decent people. With all the incidences of abuse by religious organizations and individuals of religion...I truly can't see how it would be that people would grow worse. Also, if there was no God, there would be no 'Sin' because a sin is an act against God. How about instead we have 'wrong doings' that hurt other people or nature or whatever...like we already do in life? If people were so afraid of 'sins' then no one would be committing heinous acts in the first place. Considering most people who go to jail were raised Christian, this should tell you something. Also, isn't it now popular to say that Jesus will forgive just about any sin so long as you say when you die you believe in him and you'll go to Heaven? Christian groups already took your story of 'sins' away from you. People already commit sins on a daily basis and know they have nothing to worry about.

    Just because the Bible says people can kill in the name of God and it's not murder does not mean without the religion people will kill just because they can. On the same note, Just because someone gives donations to churches or goes and does time in servitude of God to help others does not mean they are better than someone who genuinely gives money to someone to help them without preaching in their ear or goes to Peace Corps etc and donates their time without shoving a Bible in the person's hand. I think people sometimes have a very confused knowledge of what true benevolence is and without religion, I see it a lot more clearly than I ever did with religion. People can learn and be just fine without all of the fancy 'You are Sinning' crap. Just will people take the time? The morals are within us already. Just 'who' you do the morals for becomes the issue. Do you do the morals for some entity or do you do them for your family, friends, yourself, that new guy on the corner, that girl who fell down, etc. I think doing them for things I can verify are real makes more sense and also doesn't make it seem like I helped that little girl up off the ground because God wanted me to. Instead, I did it because she was hurt and I wanted to. How refreshing.
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