Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Kannira the wolf, Aug 14, 2009.
I love your avatar.
Aw thanks :3 It's from livejournal which is a savior for icons. xD
Can I wear the froggy helmet? :3
Only if you let me pet your wolf. :>
Ok then :> It's a deal.
TO:Kites Ilu bye.
And all this time Kannira was a fox in disguise.
****, I've been discovered!
my fox wins.
ilu 2. bye. :3 Your avatar blinks therefore it wins. Tod is such a cutie. xD
I loved foxes before they became cool.
I haz a pet fox.
Stuffed animal? ::L: <- the ****** face as you call it.
Nah its a little woodlen fox who always trots over to my house.
You win D: