The Sanctuary

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Doukuro, Sep 16, 2008.

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  1. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    My last rp that I will be creating on this site for a while expect for all rps that are in my 'Return of Kira' seirs unless I get bored enough but that won't happen any time soon cuz I'll refuse to post any

    Many years into the furture, the worlds are in choas. The War between many different kinds of aliens raged on for many years as innocents died daily.
    The main reason WHY the war started is unknown to everyone expect those who fight and those who comand the fighting ones.
    There is an ultimate power somewhere hidden in the
    universe and almost everyone wants it.
    But only a few actually have an idea where the exactly loation of it might be.
    A Sanctuary was formed on one of the few remaining planets that was still in one piece.
    A barrier was created around the planet thanks to all of the different species' tech.
    In the Sanctuary peace is the highest propity and if anyone tries to destory that peace they could go to jail, get the death pently, or worse, they could get kcked out of the Sanctuary and into the war zone, which is everywhere and anywhere.
    Due to the strict rules rebels and free birds are bond to cause trouble.
    And people soon forget there is a war going on outside of their protictive barrier. And it's very diffcult to get in the Sanctuary seeing how anyone could be an enemy.

    (This starts a year after the Sanctuary was made.)


    (You should know them by now but they change every now and then and I think it's best to put them down to prevent choas.)

    *No god-molding (Naturally) It pisses me off and I've had enough of it. So as soon as I say you're out, byebye. I will be strict on this rule most of the time unless I can't be bother with it :sweatdrop:

    *Cuss all you want but censor on some of the more 'graphic' (you call it) words. Damn, piss, crap, doesn't bother me. I say them a lot actually...

    *I really don't give a damn on the romance as long as people skip the more... detailed parts. Please! This IS a PG-13 rated site after all...

    *This is in the furture so there is major tech on most planets (some planets can still be old fashined if you wish) but there can't be a super hacker thing... People would also update their firewalls you know... But if your person knows what they are doing then go ahead but it will be impossible to hack something in seconds unless it's a simple computer. There will also be a lot of different alien types so be creative there. (I try to be but when I'm making my people today don't expect much :sweatdrop:)

    Worlds -

    (Feel free to make up your own)

    The Sanctuary
    A very high tech and one of the few, maybe the only, planet where species mix. Although it is high tech it is still new so there is not many buildings, but there is no disverity and people can live in expensive looking house even if they are poor. Seeing how it is new the city is still on only one side while the other side still is being inveagted and such. Picture it as an old looking city like in a desert, baazars and such. (If you ever played Final Fantasy 12 that'll help) But instead of being surrounded by desert on all side there's a mix. A massive desert to one side and a mountain with forests to the other. (The city was built within the forest which the more natural people hate.)

    And of course there will be many different militaries but I can't think of a good way to describe them at the moment... I'll edit this when I can.

    Sign in form-

    Feel free to remove everything in ()'s

    Weapons- (opintional)
    Abilities- (Non magical ones. Like their specilites or what they can do thanks to what species they are. Like if they are some kind of lizard man then they'll have the abilities of a lizard and stuff)
    Powers- (This is the magical kind xD Only some species have them)
    Home Planet- (opintional)
    Current Location-
    Anything else-


    Name- Lynn
    Age- 17
    Gender- Female
    Species- 'Angel'. They got their name because humans saw them back before science really was devloped and thought that they were the biblical angels. But instead they're far from it. The early angels were actually evil beings, most like vampires but feeding off of souls instead. But then a law was made that they could only feed off of dead people and some of them became 'good'. They got in their own little war which resulted in neither side winning gso they went their sperate ways.
    Personality- Hyper activge but shy of new people
    Abilities- Her species are able to grow wings at will and fly through space without the need of air. Also they do not need to eat or drink as long as they had eaten a soul recently. A soul can last them for a month or more, depending on how strong it was. If they don't eat any souls (their kind of vegrtain) they eat and drink a LOT. Always are hungry and thristy.
    Powers- The wings, sucking souls out of people, crossing between the living and dead relams, and bending light and shadows to an exent. Her OWN powers that are not common in her species is that she can bend in with the envirment, in other words turn invisable.
    Home Planet- Was born in space.
    Current Location- The Sanctuary
    History- Her mother was trying to get to safety while flying through space. When then she was about to have Lynn so she had to stop but there was no near by planets. Thankfully a junk ship was near by who stopped to help. Lynn was born at the cost of her mother's life. The people who were on the ship picked up junk from war zones after fighting to sell to help pay off debts and they raised her. She saw many aliens and such and one boy who was on there was special but she can't remember much about him due to an accident cuased when they went into a metor belt. The ship was destoired and she has no idea if any of the others made it out of there alive or not. To this point she still knows nothing about her kind expect for the rumors she heard in her travels.
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Anything else- She got into The Sanctuary six months after it was created. And no one knows what her wings look like at this point with the expectation of a few.
    Username- Random Angel

    Name- Ty
    Age- 16
    Gender- Male
    Species- Angel (just like Lynn)
    Personality- Very childish
    Weapons- Doesn't use any
    Abilities- His species are able to grow wings at will and fly through space without the need of air. Also they do not need to eat or drink as long as they had eaten a soul recently. A soul can last them for a month or more, depending on how strong it was. If they don't eat any souls (their kind of vegrtain) they eat and drink a LOT. Always are hungry and thristy.
    Powers- The wings, sucking souls out of people, crossing between the living and dead relams, and bending light and shadows to an exent.
    Home Planet- His birthplace is unknown at the moment
    Current Location- In space on his ship
    History- He is my character that has a lot of unknown facts about him but everything will be explained in due time. All is known about him now is that his family name has power over his species so he can get away with bossing almost anyone around. He's on the comand ship in a fleet that is looking for the ulitame power. The fleet contains many ships, all power, some large and some small. He doesn't want to be there but his father told him to so that he can get a taste of the front lines but he couldn't care less for any kind of power. He only like fun things.
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Anything else- Is high ranked thanks to his family name
    Username- Random Angel

    Name- Norah
    Age- 16
    Gender- Female
    Species- Shapeshifter. Takes the form of a dog (German Shepperd).
    Personality- Kind to people she trusts, but does not often trust people easily.
    Weapons- Dagger
    Abilities- Has a long jumping range, and is good at hand-to-hand combat.
    Powers- Heals quickly, and can sometimes heal others, but she is still trying to master that ability.
    Home Planet- unknown
    Current Location- The Sanctuary
    History- Her parents were sent to fight in The War, and had to leave Norah when she was very young. close friends of theirs had promised to take care of her. They thought of her as their own daughter. But soon The War had taken over their own planet, and were forced to find The Sanctuary. She is not even sure of this story, as she was still only about 2 years old.
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Anything else-
    Username- Vertigo Haven

  2. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    Username- Vertigo Haven
    Name- Norah
    Age- 16
    Gender- Female
    Species- Shapeshifter. Takes the form of a dog (German Shepperd).
    Personality- Kind to people she trusts, but does not often trust people easily.
    Weapons- Dagger
    Abilities- Has a long jumping range, and is good at hand-to-hand combat.
    Powers- Heals quickly, and can sometimes heal others, but she is still trying to master that ability.
    Home Planet- unknown
    Current Location- The Sanctuary
    History- Her parents were sent to fight in The War, and had to leave Norah when she was very young. close friends of theirs had promised to take care of her. They thought of her as their own daughter. But soon The War had taken over their own planet, and were forced to find The Sanctuary. She is not even sure of this story, as she was still only about 2 years old.
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Anything else-
  3. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc you are added
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