The Mystic Project

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by TwilightBlader, Feb 14, 2009.

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  1. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Mystic report 1
    Today the government has taken me down to this secret facility I have never heard about. They took me to a bunch of jail cells and of course there were people in these jail cells but the thing that surprised me was when they told me that these people are not just normal people but beings with magical powers. They told me about these people called mystics that have unique powers like shooting fire and things like that and that the government has been kidnapping these people and keeping them here. At first I was confused at the reason they would show me something like this but I was given my answer when they told me that I was one of the greatest scientists they had and that with my brains I could see what causes these people to have these powers. Interested in this task I was given I accepted and started to work and so this is the first part of my new mystic report and the being of the Mystic Project

    Mystic Report 2
    I haven't made a lot of progress this past year. From the time I wrote the first mystic report I have been experimenting on these mystic beings but alas I could not find the answer to how these beings have these powers but I have an idea I want to try out. I want to try and transplant the abilities of a Mystic and give them to a regular human. When I asked the government about this idea and the fact that I will need human samples and to my delight they agreed.

    Mystic Report 3
    I would have never guessed that the government would have used civilians for this experiment. Most of them were against the experiments but I never really cared about this because it meant that I have samples to work with

    Mystic Report 4
    My project is a huge success. I have been able to transplant the abilities to humans and I'm so happy right now. The only draw back is the fact that the mystics that have gotten their powers drained are dead but as we proceed we shall find away to solve this after all whats the big deal if a few lives are lost. I have kept these successful subjects in their own cell. These cells are strong enough to keep them there as long as I want

    Mystic Report 5
    The government has asked me to give some of their top soldiers some magical powers. I decided to accept this and did as I was told. The government has sure gotten corrupted but I don't care after all I am excited to begin the new experiment. In this experiment I shall take these 3 Mystic children and infuse them with abilities of other Mystics

    Mystic Report 6
    UTTER FAILURE the experiment was a a total waste of time. All the children do is just sit there in a coma. Maybe hope isn't lost maybe if I keep an eye out on them they will show something great

    Mystic Report 7
    The power that was show just now was incredible. It is hard to believe that I was responsible for this being One of the Mystics that were infused with the abilities of other mystics has escaped. He not only blew open his cell door but destroyed a lot of the solider that had the abilities and then escaped. Thank goodness that none of my other samples escaped I guess I shall keep an eye on the other two

    Mystic Report 8
    There is really nothing to report except that the other 2 sample are not in a coma anymore. One of them just sits there in a corner showing no emotions at all and the other one also sits in a corner but laughs all the time. Other then that this has become boring. I wish something interesting happens

    We begin 10 years since the beginning of the project and the only escape that was successful was the one in spoken of in mystic report 7 but at the beginning of the RP the people that are held in the cells shall be released. Also I have dibs on all 3 of the mystics infused with mystic powers

    No godmodding
    Keep it PG 13
    No killing other peoples characters without their permission
    Max 5 characters
    I will add more if I have to
    If you have questions don't hesitate to ask

    Types of characters you can be

    Human: just normal humans unaware of what happened

    Mystic: You can be a Mystic that was captured or one that wasn't caught yet but if you are a mystic you cannot say you have already been set free

    Mystic Solider: High ranking solider that have been infused with the powers of the mystic that are loyal to the government. They have a lot of freedom

    Mystic Humans: Innocent civilians that were taken in and infused with the powers of the mystics and kept locked in cells

    Character sheet
    Type of character:
    Powers (for those who have mystic powers):

    My characters will be created soon
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